
Leading Creative Teams in Projects


Added on  2020-01-07

21 Pages5172 Words392 Views
Project Management
for Business
Leading Creative Teams in Projects_1

Task 1...............................................................................................................................................3
1.1 Project and project management............................................................................................3
1.2 Measuring project's success...................................................................................................4
1.3 Phases and principals of DSDM............................................................................................5
1.4 Pull the plug on project..........................................................................................................8
Task 2...............................................................................................................................................8
2.1 Strengths and weaknesses of different structures..................................................................8
2.2 Difficulty faced by the project manager..............................................................................12
2.3 Qualities of project manager................................................................................................12
2.4 Building an efficient project team.......................................................................................13
Task 3.............................................................................................................................................14
3.1 Contents of a project plan....................................................................................................14
3.2 Calculation of BCWP..........................................................................................................15
3.3 At tributes of auditor for carrying out an impartial audit....................................................16
3.4 Elements of change control system.....................................................................................17
Leading Creative Teams in Projects_2

Project management is the tool of planning and organizing resources of an organization
in an effective manner for moving the tasks to completion. With the help of close monitoring,
managers can wind up the proposal within stipulated time duration successfully (Cameron and
Green, 2015). Present report will discuss seven phases of DSDM along with the nine principles
of dynamic system development methodology (DSDM). Strengths and weaknesses of different
project management structures will be defined in this study. Essential qualities required in an
efficient project manager will be explained in this report as well. Apart from that, calculation of
lower and upper bound for BCWP will be done. Last but not the least; elements of change
control system will be highlighted and a sample change request will be designed in this
1.1 Project and project management
Project can be defined as a set of activities that are required to achieve the objective of
entire proposal. It may take a few days, months or years to get accomplished that completely
depends upon the amount of work involved. Project is the planned set of different tasks which
are interrelated with each other. These are tasks are needed to be executed with in a fixed time
duration and cost. Project can be defined as temporary business activities which has defined
beginning and end. It is differed from routine operations, it is kind of specific operational sets
which are designed to achieve particular objective. It is designed by the manager in such a
manner that probability of failure can get reduced to a great extent (Mills and Gay, 2015).
Characteristics of project are described as below:
A project is a collaborative enterprise that involves research and designing the activities
carefully so that particular aim can be achieved. It can be defined as a repetitive or non-
repetitive functional work for producing the specific project.
It has defined beginning and closing period.
Output of project can be measured by proper monitoring.
Project management is the body of knowledge, skills and tools to the project activities
for meeting the needs of proposals. Project management is the tool that includes initiating,
Leading Creative Teams in Projects_3

planning, controlling, execution and closing of different tasks for achieving specific goal of
business. It can be defined as principals, tools and techniques which are used to complete the
goal within stipulated time period. It falls into five groups, that is, initiative, planning and
execution, monitoring along with controlling and closing. The major focus of project manager in
on time, scope, quality, risk and cost of completing entire project. The three main phases of
project management which are designing, Execution and implementation.
It is a beneficial tool through which entities can analyze the situation and prepare plan in
such a manner that they can get optimistic results at the end of period. Many a times, project gets
canceled before it comes to the final stage. There are many reasons of cancellation such as over
budget, time length, stakeholder’s benefits, etc. It is essential to monitor the activities time to
time for getting estimated results (Mubarak, 2015). Benefits of sound project management are as
follows: Better efficiency in delivered services: Project management supports the project manager
in completing tasks within time period. As it provides road map so, no confusions takes
place in the mid of project.
Increase risk assessment: In this, manager of company lined up the entire activities and
procedures. So, risks can get reduced and manager can start project at the right time.
With the help of this tool, managers can successfully complete the task and gain positive
results in the organization.
1.2 Measuring project's success
Success criteria are such standards through which an organization can judge the project.
There are several factors and on the basis of them, manager can measure its success: Scope: Each project has its own aim, if it is achieved at the end of time duration then it
can be said that project is successful. If the proposal has meet with the objectives then it
can be called as successful otherwise, it would get failed. Schedule: It is another criteria through which success or failure of project can be
measured. It looks upon the factor whether it has completed on time or not.
Leading Creative Teams in Projects_4

Budget: It is the major factor that influences entire proposal. If project has finished within
estimated budget that indicates that it has gained success but if it went over the budget
then it will not be considered as a successful proposal. Team and customers satisfaction: It is another criteria of measuring success. There are
many people who are involved in the project. They put their best efforts to make it
successful. If at the end all team members are satisfied with the performance of the
project then it can be said that it is successful.
Quality: It is essential to look upon the quality factor whether actual project has reached
to quality standards or not. After the completion also, quality plays the major role and if it
is maintained then it can be said that as a successful project.
Winter Hungama project
It is an event which is organized by university in festival season. All students, teachers
and principals participate actively for making it successful. In this, students have designed some
activities for the audience such as debate, games and quiz competition. For the entire project,
they have decided the budget of £1000 in which £200 is for food, £100 for guest’d welcome and
arrangements as well as remaining money is allotted for rest of the activities. Main objective of
organizing this event is to get returns on it approximately 20% of the total investment. Another
aim was to successfully complete the event within specified time duration (Dell, Newton and
Petroff, 2016).
1.3 Phases and principals of DSDM
Dynamic system development method (DSDM) is the tool which focuses on delivering
quick business solutions. It helps to ensure the feasibility of project before it is created. Seven
phases of DSDM are as follows:
Phase Description
Pre- project It is the initial phase which occurs before
project gets officially started. In this stage,
managers take their decision whether to start it
or not.
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Feasibility It is a phase in which team members look upon
the resources and time period so that actual
viability of the proposal can be evaluated.
Research is done quickly so that it would not
consume too much time (Müller and et.al,
Foundation In this phase, managers ensure that project is
being understood effectively by all involved
persons so that authorities can set baseline
related to technology and standard before the
beginning of activities.
Exploration It is a development phase in which team works
to explore the project.
Engineering It is an iterative development stage in which
solutions of each problem are find out by the
Deployment It is the stage in which project is almost
wrapped up.
Post project In this, project has been created and now, it is
maintained by the team members.
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