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Project Management Fundamentals1


Added on  2022/08/20

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Executive Summary
The main purpose of this report to evaluate the Department of Justice Budgeting process. The
study was supported by analysing the budget summary of FY 2012 and evaluated the current
& future consequences. It has been found that, the agency department submit the budget by
examining with President’s message and then disclose it to the public. Homeland Security is
the important government agencies that contributes to current and future budgets.
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Table of Contents
The Department of Justice Budget Overview........................................................................3
The Department of Justice Budgeting Assessment................................................................7
Analysis of Budgeting Plans and actual Expenditures...........................................................7
Implications of Foreign Policy...............................................................................................8
The Department of Justice Budget Request and Recommendations.....................................8
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The paper will focus on budgeting overview that has been reported by the agency
representatives. The paper will discuss on the estimated and actual budget overview of the
FY 2012. The paper has done analysis on budget plans & its actual expenditures. The last
part has provided recommendations to improve the budgetary report.
The Department of Justice Budget Overview
1. Agency’s Budget
The agency budget of Justice Department is an executive department. This is because,
it works under an executive office of the country’s president. Before, reporting the financial
report to the department of Justice, the agency department convey the financial report to the
President, American public and congress in order to generate a sound financial management
and efficiently use the public funds (McMaster, 2019).
2. Appropriations Subcommittees
Some of the appropriations subcommittees that have the jurisdiction power over each budget
request are or the budget Authority of the federal government:
Commerce, Science and Justice
Energy and Water
Financial Service & General government
Homeland security
Interior & Environment

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Labor, education and HHS
Legislative Branch
Military authority and Veterans affairs
State and Foreign operations
Transportation, Housing & Urban Development
3. Function classification of each agency
Categories Functional category
1. Agriculture Research & services on agriculture
2. Commerce, science and Justice Basic research on general science,
commerce & supporting activities.
3. Defense Defense related activities, military and
defense activities.
4. Energy and water Energy supply, policy and regulation
related to energy conservation.
5. Financial service and General
Legislative functions, central fiscal
operations and record management
6. Homeland security Internal security assistance
7. Interior and environment Conservation & land management,
pollution control and other natural
8. Labour, education and HHS Medicare, research & general education
aids, training and employment
9. Legislative branch Legislative functions and personal
10. Military authority and Veteran Income security, veterans training,
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affairs education, rehabilitation, hospital and
health care benefits.
11. State and foreign operations Conduct of foreign & state affairs
12. Transportation, Housing and Urban
Air, water & other transportation, urban
areas development
4. Proposed outlays for the agency
The budget activities included in the federal government includes the budget authority
and outlays that has been classified as the subfunction of the committee members. The
agency is responsible for the budget activity. Agencies record the outlays according to
administrative control of fund procedures.
Estimated Budget authority and outlays in the FY 2012 (in million dollars)
Departments Budget Authority Outlay
Legislative Branch 4380 5,333
Judicial Branch 7,638 7,567
Agriculture 145,577 144,008
Commerce, Science and
49,446 54,176
Defense 675,733 707466
Energy and water 27,218 41,377
Financial service & general
29,524 31,149
Homeland security 44,315 46,901
Interior and Environment 20,621 23,776
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Labour, education and HHS 1,063,661 1,072,624
Military authority and
Veteran affairs
128,991 124,325
State and foreign operations 59,959 47,573
Transportation, Housing and
Urban development
175,845 139,021
Other independent agencies 15,31,921 1,563,228
Undistributed offsetting
-279838 -279838
Total budget 3,684,991 3,728,686
Source: (
5. Actual Budget Authority and outlays in FY2012
Departments Budget Authority Outlay
Legislative Branch 4,542 4,440
Judicial Branch 7,240 7227
Agriculture 1,51,789 139717
Commerce, Science and
40,109 48,681
Defense 655,397 650,867
Energy and water 22,721 32,484
Homeland security 45,911 47,422
Interior and Environment 22,271 25,687

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Labour, education and HHS 1,037,282 1,009,893
Military authority and
Veteran affairs
124,030 124,124
State and foreign operations 80,958 26,817
Transportation, Housing and
Urban development
110,229 124,749
Other independent agencies 1,458,454 1,515,137
Undistributed offsetting
-230682 -230682
Total budget 3,576,162 3,526,563
Source: (The White House. 2020)
The Department of Justice Budgeting Assessment
Political influences after reviewing the 2012 budgets
1. Political influences were found in the resource allocation areas especially in social
services areas and in certain industries. This was observed due to lack of transparency
and accountability during the budget implementation and affects the planning for
decision-making (
2. Health care Fraud are seen in the health care departments. The budget is trying to
reimburse the amount from health care fraud and focuses on preventing the human
fraud activities in the nation.
Analysis of Budgeting Plans and actual Expenditures
Homeland Security is the government agency, responsible and influence the current &
future budget decisions for the next five years. They are responsible for protecting against
and threats or hazards in the nation. They ensures a safeguard across the border. The budget
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report will allow to meet the future threats and challenges the nation will face. On the basis of
current economy, the nation will preserve the frontline operations to strengthen the nation.
Homeland Security contributed to budget submission by making various strategic goals to
ensure safe, secure & resilient nation (Mogues & Olofinbiyi, 2018).
Implications of Foreign Policy
1. New foreign policy related to carry of visa & password- Budget request of around
$8.2 billion were sanction in the current year due to this policy. This were used to
develop diplomatic programmes to support the day-to-day operations of the overseas
staffs and their departments (Tsygankov, 2019). The budget has also invested in the
human capitals to attract and develop the resources and improve leadership.
2. National Drug control policy- The budget has estimated around $254 million in order
to prescribe online drug trafficking and this policy will also impact the budget in the
future fiscal years.
3. Ban of administration’s restrictionist immigration policies- Ban of this policy will
allow new immigrations. Budgets will be affected for hiring the immigrants for hiring
in various positions. In FY 2019, the total budget for hiring the immigrants were
around $71.1 million.
The Department of Justice Budget Request and Recommendations
1. The agency can contribute to efficient budget by mapping or disclosing the future
impacts on their federal budgets. The agents should prepare the budget in long-term
view by identifying and disclosing the revenue projections for at least five years in the
budgetary report.
2. The agency can prepare the budget by providing a professional information in the
budget. This can be done by doing proper revenue forecast so that it can be easily
understood. They should properly explain about the role of departmental functions in
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generating the revenue. Policies related to each expenditures should be disclosed in
order to make sure that, ethical reporting has been done. The budget report should be
checked in a professional and legislative fiscal office to check on the information
provided in the budget report (Chivvis & Fishman, 2017).
Therefore, it can be concluded that, all the government agencies are responsible to
prepare budgetary report. The agency department submit the budget by examining with
President’s message and then disclose it to the public. It is recommended that, the budget
report should contain a future revenue forecast of atleast five years and the agencies should
focus on preparing the budget in a long-term view. Homeland Security is the important
government agencies that contributes to current and future budgets.

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Tsygankov, A. P. (2019). Russia's foreign policy: change and continuity in national identity.
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