
Project Management Plan - Part-B Table of Contents Introduction


Added on  2020-10-22

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FinanceLeadership ManagementProfessional Development
Project Management Plan - Part-B Table of Contents Introduction_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................12. Project Chapter............................................................................................................................22.1 Project background and business need..............................................................................22.2 Project goals/ Objectives.....................................................................................................32.3 Project scope.........................................................................................................................32.4 Significant milestones..........................................................................................................42.5 Project budget......................................................................................................................42.6 key Stakeholders..................................................................................................................43. Project management approach.....................................................................................................53.1 Project management methodology.....................................................................................53.2 Strategy and procedures to achieve project goal and objectives.....................................54. Scope management plan..............................................................................................................64.1. Project scope statement......................................................................................................64.2Work breakdown structure............................................................................................74.3 Scope control plan................................................................................................................85. Requirements management plan..................................................................................................95.1 Requirements management plan........................................................................................95.2 Requirements traceability matrix....................................................................................106. Stakeholder management plan...................................................................................................116.1 Stakeholder analysis..........................................................................................................116.2 Stakeholder management plan.........................................................................................127. Risk management plan...............................................................................................................147.1 Risk register.......................................................................................................................157 Schedule management............................................................................................................159 Ethics management.................................................................................................................1710. Cost Management................................................................................................................1911. Human Resource Management............................................................................................2112. Communication Management..............................................................................................22REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................31
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INTRODUCTIONTrain line is a continuous electric control unit on electric trains of two or more than twomotor driven cars in order to control the motors on those rare cars from the master controller inthe cab of the first seller. In other words, it can be defined as an independent digital trainplatform is called train lines. It enables trains to move by providing a dependable surface fortheir wheels so that they can roll upon. This project management plan is about “The removal ofthe public train line between Warabrook and Maitland, NSW” (Kerzner and Kerzner, 2017). Themain aim of this project management plan is to evaluate different ways to remove the public trainline between Warabrook and Maitland, NSW. This project has been chosen because train linesbetween Warabrook and Maitland, NSW are creating problems as some of the train lines are oldenough due to which their quality is continuously degrading so it has become a compulsion toremove public train line between Warabrook and Maitland so that further creation of problemscan be controlled.2. Project Chapter2.1 Project background and business needAs discussed above maintenance of quality of train lines and their quality is important. Most ofthe train lines between Warabrook and Maitland have degraded their quality and due to whichmany accidents have occurred due to breakdown of train lines. Due to this sometime many trainsget delayed and as a result customermust wait. Maintenance of trains and train lines is importantfor railway signalling system. Irregular railway lines work as a barrier between the two cities andcreate significant problems. So,removal of train line between Warabrook and Maitland, NSW isnecessary as well as important. Another reason for which has become a need of this project isthat the route of train line between Warabrook and Maitland is quite complicated and is in theresidential area where many families resides and it has already been discussed that quality oftrain lines in this area is degrading which is becoming a reason for accidents, train delays andcreation of many other problems. So, this has become a need to remove train line between1
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Warabrook and Maitland. In other words, business need of this project is to remove all thedegraded train lines between Warabrook and Maitland, NSW.In the below picture one of the train line route between Warabrook and Maitland is shown whichshows the complicated path of the train lines in the residential area between Warabrook andMaitland.Figure 1 Train line rout between warabrook and maitland.2.2 Project goals/ ObjectivesGoals or objectives of a project are the statements that provide the overall context of the projectwhich shows that what a project is trying to achieve and what it needs to deliver. Following arethe Project goals or objectives of the topic “The removal of the public train line betweenWarabrook and Maitland, NSW”.2
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To evaluate different methods of removal of public train line between Warabrook andMaitland, NSW.To examine intermediatories in removal of public train lines between Warabrook andMaitland, NSW.To analyse the problems due to which removal of train lines between Warabrook andMaitland, NSW is needed.To recommend strategies that can be used for removal of public train lines betweenWarabrook and Maitland, NSW.2.3 Project scopeProject scope is the documenting a list of specific goals, deliverables, constraints etc. In other words, it can be defined as all the conditions, tasks or required things that are needed incompletion of a project. Project scope includes requirements, deliverables, inclusion, exclusion,constraints etc. Requirements: Requirements for this project are the engineers, labour, rail machinery forremoval of train lines.Deliverables: removal of train lines.Inclusion: All the train lines that create significant problems and are not much necessary will beremoved. All the old train lines whose quality has been degraded will be removed.Exclusion: All the important or necessary train lines which connects the two cities will not beremoved. All the good quality new train lines will also not be removed.3
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Constraints: Main constrains that will work as a barrier in removal of train lines are many. Oneof the main constraints is timely approval from the relevant government bodies for the removalof train lines between Warabrook and Maitland.2.4 Significant milestonesSignificant milestones in a project is a task that shows all the important achievements that areneeded to be considered in the project with the duration in which it will be competed withspecified time period. In other words, it is a sequence of events that is incrementally built-up inthe project. All the tasks are shown in a sequence in which it has to be carried out with definedtime period or duration. 2.5 Project budgetProject budget can be defined as the total expenditure spend on the completion of the project(Larson and Gray, 2017). The overall budget of this project will be around AUD 50,000including all the documentation, removal, permissions etc. Project budget mainly includes all thecosts that are to be considered before the project is completed. This project budget iscontinuously updated within a fixed duration of time in the complete course of the project. 2.6 key StakeholdersStakeholders are all the persons, group, organizations etc. that are involved in a project or whomay be affected by the outcome of the project. The main key stakeholders of this removal oftrain track project are project manager, public, engineers, labours, government body, bothinternal and external customers and all the other members of the project team, technicians,operators, finances, investors and various other members that are included in the project or hassome part in completion of the project.4
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3. Project management approach3.1 Project management methodologyThere are various project management methodologies that can be used in a project for propercompletion of that project. Out of various project management methodologies, the methodologythat will be used in this project is Agile construction methodology. It is basically an agilesoftware development methodology that is applied in construction. This methodology includessequence of steps based on the nature of the project. Agile Construction methodology is done inthree steps. Which are: First is that the project is divided into small and manageable deliverableparts so that all the necessary required things can be recorded, managed and tracked. It focuseson frequent reviews and time management in order to improve the project both technically andfinancially. Lastly if any improvement is required after every review, changes are done (Rivera,2017). In this removal of train line project Agile methodology will fit in a perfect way. Thisproject will also be breakdown into several steps and after completion of every step reviews willbe conducted so that if any change is required it can be handled at initial level only. In this waythe overall budget of the project can be maintained, and the project will be carried out in acorrect path. 3.2 Strategy and procedures to achieve project goal and objectivesThere are various kinds of strategies that can be used to achieve project goals or objectives.These strategies and procedures not only help in achieving the project goals and objective butalso helps in creation of smart objectives and goals i.e. which are specific, measurable, realistic,achievable and timely. Using strategies these goals and objectives should be defined so that theycan be achieved in an accurate manner. In order to achieve project objective and goal is that theobjective of the project should be shared with all the main and important people of the project,so, that they can suggest ways to achieve those objectives. After sharing the project objective,scope and importance of the project should be explained to all the stakeholders so that they can5
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