
Project Management Plan Process PDF


Added on  2020-12-09

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Project Management Plan Process PDF_1

TASK 1EXECUTIVE SUMMARYThis document describes the process of project management plan and its execution. Aproject management plan deals with the proper execution of the desired plan within the settimeline and framework. It focuses on accomplishment of organisational goals by following apre-decided structure of working. A project has various steps for its execution such as initiationof project, planning, execution, monitoring of results and ensuring that the project is successfullyexecuted. Before implementing the project, a budget has to be designed keeping in mind theresources needed for the execution of project management plan. Also, a schedule has to beprepared focussing on the risks involved in the execution of plan. Entity uses Kotter's 8 Stepprocess model to assign the right job to right team member possessing the characteristics toperform the assigned task. Kotter's model also addresses how the changes arising in theorganisation due to the execution of project can be beneficial for the company and helps themanagement in linking the change to the long term objective of the company.
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Table of ContentsTASK 1............................................................................................................................................2EXECUTIVE SUMMARY....................................................................................................2TASK 2............................................................................................................................................1INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................1PROJECT ORGANISATION................................................................................................1SCOPE MANAGEMENT.................................................................................................2COST MANAGEMENT ..................................................................................................4SCHEDULE MANAGEMENT........................................................................................8RISK MANAGEMENT .................................................................................................10COMMUNICATIONS MANAGEMENT .....................................................................13QUALITY MANAGEMENT..........................................................................................15CHANGE MANAGEMENT ..........................................................................................17TASK 3..........................................................................................................................................19CONCLUSION....................................................................................................................19RECOMMENDATION.................................................................................................................20REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................21
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TASK 2INTRODUCTIONProject management plan (PMP) refers to a formal document which is initially approvedthen can be used for managing the whole project execution. In modern world, all the businessman in professional line offer their own guidelines to follow for accomplishment of projects. It isa formal document to execute program (Project management, 2014). Management body providecounsel on the level and type of information. In other words, PMP deals with statement of whenand how a projects can be accomplished by showing and providing summary, strategies andscope to achieve objectives effectively and efficiently. Firm which has been taken under thisreport i.e. Senheng Electric which is one of largest consumer electronic retail store who havedecided to open its physical store in Kuching City, Sarawak, Malaysia in 5 months becausechosen city is having high potential which will help them in improving their own profit margins.PROJECT ORGANISATIONIt has been analysed that every single organisation when comes up with a plan, it consistwith a number of issues and factors that can mainly affect the whole management of a plan.Some of elements which can affect the project are : rivals of company, functions of theorganisation, different departments and other existing currently running projects. Since, SenhengElectric is opening its store in Kuching where organisation may find high competition and bothcultural and structural differences as well. On the other hand, it has also been found that internalfunctions like hiring process of employees, acquisition of finance and more may impact uponwhole project (Managing project, 2016).On the other hand, the project organisational structure of Senheng Electric isProgrammatic based on which it is required for project manager to focus on different aspectssuch as key team members like managers, stakeholders and researchers etc. cost, roles andresponsibilities as well considering the governmental authorities like developed policies and actsso that no offensive legal matter is being faced by Senheng Electric while executing or planningthe whole project (Boud, Cohen and Sampson, 2014). The management of Senheng Electrcneeds to address the customer needs, monitor and manage social media, prepare and formulatemarketing budget and develop plans that foster the opening of store in Kuching.1
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PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLANProject management plan is a formal document that defines the structural framework asto how a project is executed, monitored and controlled.A project management plan coversmanagement areas like scope, cost, schedule, quality, communication, change and risk.SCOPE MANAGEMENTProject scope management is being considered as a process which helps in defining thescope of whole project in an accurate sense (Chou and Yang, 2012). Here, it has been analysedthat there are a number of techniques which helps in enabling the responsibilities of projectmanagers so that allocation of different tasks and duties can get assigned in an effective andefficient manner. This helps the management in addressing areas of concern in a project andidentifying the section of project that should be excluded from its scope. In context of SenhengElectric, it is important for project manager of a specific plan to execute the whole project withinthe pre-decided timeline.Proper planning, controlling and monitoring are some of main factors that may aid firmin reaching much more closer to attain goal of Senheng Electric i.e. to open new store inKuching City. Project Requirement : Reviewing existing stock levels and list of suppliers at Kuching,building relation with them, setting up suppliers and their accounts, creation of merchandising sothat opening of a physical store in Kuching can be done effectively.Scope Statement (SOW) :-PROJECT SCOPE STATEMENTProject Name:Development of brand new store in KuchingPrepared by:Project manager of Senheng ElectricDate:October 15, 2018Version History (insert rows as needed):VersionDateComments1October 16,2018Initial projection and planning to acquire an authentic place 2November 16,2018Revisions on set objectives and continuous monitoring of the plan2
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Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) :- In present context, WBS is being considered as anessential component which will aid in distributing work on the basis of desired timeframe for rightful completion of the project (Gauthier and Ika, 2012). Here, WBS whichhas been developed by project manager for opening/launching the store in Kuching isgiven beneath:(Sources : Project Scheduling, 2018)Work break down dictionary:With the help of above mentioned WBS, it can be said that it is necessary to analyse theenvironment in which Senheng Electric will open its new physical store at Kuching and to planand monitor the activities that will result in successful opening of the new store.Phase 1 : Defining the evaluation of current status of business environment at Kuching.Phase 2 : Planning of implying every single activity on plans structure so that projectexecution can get done in a successful manner (Gemünden, 2015).3Illustration 1: Project Scheduling, 2018
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