
Project Management Practices


Added on  2022-08-20

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FinanceLeadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentDesign and CreativityData Science and Big DataMaterials Science and Engineering
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Project Management Practices_1

Table of Contents
1. Introduction................................................................................................................3
2. Literature Review......................................................................................................4
2.1 Project Schedule Management..................................................................................4
2.2 Project Quality Management.....................................................................................6
2.3 Project Risk Management..........................................................................................7
3.1 Case Study 1: Lecture Capture Upgrade Project...........................................................8
3.1.1 Introduction:...............................................................................................................8
3.1.2 Problem Description:..................................................................................................9
3.1.3 Research Methodology and Data collection:............................................................10
3.1.4 Analysis:...................................................................................................................12
3.1.5 Findings:...................................................................................................................14
3.1.6 Recommendations:...................................................................................................15
3.1.7 Conclusion:...............................................................................................................16
3.2 Case Study 2 < SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE >............................................................17
3.2.1 Introduction...........................................................................................................17
3.2.2 Problem Description.............................................................................................18
3.2.3 Research Methodology and Data Collection........................................................19
3.2.4 Analysis.................................................................................................................20
3.2.5 Findings................................................................................................................21
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3.2.6 Recommendations.................................................................................................23
3.2.7 Conclusions...........................................................................................................24
3.3 Case Study 3 < Severe Exploitation of Foreign Workers in Australia >.....................25
3.3.1 Introduction...........................................................................................................25
3.3.2 Problem Description.............................................................................................26
3.3.3 Research Methodology and Data Collection........................................................27
3.3.4 Analysis.................................................................................................................28
3.3.5 Findings................................................................................................................30
3.3.6 Recommendations.................................................................................................31
3.3.7 Conclusions...........................................................................................................32
4. Result and Findings:......................................................................................................33
5. Conclusion and Recommendation:................................................................................35
6. References................................................................................................................37
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1. Introduction
Project management consists of processes needed for ensuring that several elements of a
project are coordinated properly. Process of project management could be defined as set of the
interrelated activities and actions which are performed for achieving pre-specified set for
services, results and products. Almost every project use similar set of the processes for
accomplishing successful project management. This involves making the trade-offs between
competing alternatives and objectives in order for meeting or exceeding the expectations and
needs of the stakeholders (Meredith, Mantel Jr & Shafer, 2017). While every process of project
management are integrative in some extent, the processes are also primarily integrative. The
processes of project management include plan development, plan execution and total change
control. The processes make interaction with one another and with processes in other areas of
knowledge also. Every process might involve some effort from the groups or individuals that are
based on requirements of project.
Every process occurs generally at least for one time within each phase of project. Though
these processes could be presented as the discrete elements having interfaces that are well-
defined, they might interact and overlap. For instance, integration management of a project
comes in play when there is need of cost estimation for backup plan or else when the risks
associated with several staffing alternatives should be identified. Though, for completion of
project successfully, the integration must occur also in several other ways also. Work of project
should be integrated to performing organization’s ongoing operations. Scope of project should be
integrated. The deliverables from several functional specialities should be integrated. Team of
project management is responsible to select appropriate processes for complying or meeting with
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the requirements of the project and balance project’s triple constraints: budget, schedule and time
(Kerzner, 2017). Every process and the outputs and the inputs must serve as guide of high level
for team of the project management. Team of project management must tailor every process to
project’s individual needs. Processes of project management deal with initiation, execution,
monitoring, control and closing of project. Every process interact throughout project through
their outputs and inputs. Success of project management depends on managing the interactions
actively for successfully meeting the requirements of the stakeholders.
Aim of this paper is outline the processes of project management knowledge area.
The paper analyses 3 case studies of project management. The case studies would be analysed
and the problem in each case study would be identified. Observation technique would be used as
research methodology for analysing the case studies.
2. Literature Review
2.1 Project Schedule Management
Project management’s scheduling is listing of the deliverables, milestones and activities
in a project. The schedule usually consists of planed starting and finishing date, resources and
duration for every activity. Effective scheduling of project is crucial component for successful
time management. When processes of a project are discussed to build schedule, time
management’s six processes are usually referred such as planning of schedule management,
defining of project activities, sequencing the activities, estimating the activities, estimating
durations and developing schedule of the project (Tommelein & Blampied, 2018). Scheduling of
project could of three major types:
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Summary schedule or Milestone schedule: Such schedule tracks the key deliverables and
major milestones, however not all tasks are required for completing the project.
Master project schedule: Master schedule looks for tasks’ simplified list with project
calendar and timeline.
Detailed schedule of project: It is most thorough schedule of project, as this tracks and
identifies every activity of the project. If there is lengthy, large and complex project, it is
crucial to have detailed schedule of project for helping to keep track of everything
(Sanghera, 2019).
Project schedule’s common form is Gantt chart. Mile schedule as well as detailed schedule of
project could be generated as Gantt chart. While selecting scheduling software, scheduling tools
should be checked which allows in creating same schedule’s different views. If detailed schedule
for milestone is created as Gantt chart, it should be summarized for simpler view which could be
shared easily with the stakeholders or with the team (Ren & Deng, 2016). It gives ability in
presenting different formats of same schedule depending on level of target audience and detail
Scheduling of project helps in assisting with communicating progress, reporting on and
tracking. Scheduling ensures that everybody is on same page with respect to deadlines,
dependencies and tasks. It helps to highlight concerns or issues, like shortage of resources. It
helps in identifying the relationships of tasks (Chan & Genmou, 2017). It could be used for
identifying the issues and monitoring the progress. It includes milestones of project. Milestones
are markers or events which stand as the project’s point.
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2.2 Project Quality Management
Quality management is process by which project’s quality is maintained and
managed throughout the overall project. Quality management is complementary. It emphasizes
satisfaction of customer and belief that project’s quality leads in satisfaction of customer. Quality
management’s major objective is ensuring that projects meets requirements that was created
originally to meet (Pheng, 2018). For ensuring quality, the requirements of stakeholder of the
project must be fulfilled. However, exceeding the requirements of the project is not quality
management’s part. Team of project management as well as project manager have special
responsibility in balancing quality of the project. Such responsibility makes sure that
expectations of quality are fulfilled. It means that this could be possible in having low-grade
quality project. At starting of project, there requirements should be determined with project’s
stakeholders. Such requirements are foundation of work of project. Job of project manager is
ensuring that no extras are included for completing the work.
It encompasses activities and processes which are used for achieving and figuring
out deliverables’ quality of project. Quality is what the stakeholders or customers require from
deliverables of the project. Through keeping definition tied with stakeholder or customer, quality
management could have narrower focus for achieving the goals (Nguyen, et. al., 2018). After
having ideas of different concepts, plan of quality management should be implemented. For
doing so, three steps should be followed: plan quality, quality assurance and quality control.
Plan quality: The requirements should be identified first for deliverables’ quality and
process in which the project would be managed. The plan would consist of the specifics
along with metrics to measure quality while the project is being managed. It should
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consist of quality checklist for collecting and organizing marks required for hitting during
Quality assurance: It is planned as well as systemic activities which is implemented
within quality system as for fulfilling quality requirements of service or product. Quality
assurance should be used for making sure that the processes are working for making sure
that quality requirements are met for the deliverables of the project. This could be
accomplished in two ways such as audit of project and process checklist.
Quality control: It is important to check deliverables’ quality during management process
of a project for adjusting deliverables if required. This could be achieved at project’s end
(Azman, Ramli & Zawawi, 2018).
Managing project quality’s process involves several things like setting targets for quality
which should be met and defining to measure quality targets. Tools of project management could
be helpful.
2.3 Project Risk Management
Risk management of project is process to identify, analyse and respond to risk
which arises over project’s life cycle for helping project for meeting its goal and remain on right
track. Risk management should be planning process’ part for figuring out risk which could
happen within project and process of controlling the risk if occurs. Risk is something which
could impact potentially timeline, budget or performance of the project. Risks are the
potentialities, however they change to realities, then they become issue which should be
addressed (Kliem & Ludin, 2019). Hence, risk management is process to identify, categorise,
prioritize and plan for the risks before becoming issues. It could mean several things over
project’s different types. On projects of large scale, strategies of risk management include
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