
Project Management: Review of Nominated Projects for BGC Construction Organization


Added on  2023-06-11

32 Pages12325 Words350 Views
Project management
Project Management: Review of Nominated Projects for BGC Construction Organization_1

Table of Contents
Question 1 (a).............................................................................................................................1
1. The nominated projects..........................................................................................................1
2. Features of the selected projects............................................................................................2
3. Review of projects..................................................................................................................5
4. Development plan for projects............................................................................................10
QUESTION 1(B) REPORT FOR THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS.......................................14
QUESTION2: ESSAY.............................................................................................................18
Impact of changes in engineering project implementation and delivery process................21
Knowledge and skills needed for engineering project manager for active development and
management of the project in the future..............................................................................23
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Question 1 (a)
1. The nominated projects
According to given scenario, the organization is operating business in engineering
sector and offering the services related to construction and asset management. The board of
members of organization has offered the three different projects to increase the performance
and operational efficiency to meet the objectives of clients more customized manner. There
are total five projects in the program and two out of the five well towards satisfactory results
and remaining three are requiring attention. Following are the remaining projects that going
to be completed by project management organization:
Project A:
Project A is a small but complex project as it involves the sub-systems to develop the
asset management information system for organization. The BGC construction organization
is looking to handover the project to the specialized organization in project management that
has good knowledge about the IT-related project development as well information technology
for staff. The aim of project team would be a successful delivery of project by considering all
requirements of a client organization (Fuller and et al., 2017. Para 2). As per the given
scenario, the small project does not have well-defined directions and senior management is
looking for changes in the scope of managing the internal process of BGC construction
organization. In the project, numerous change control procedure are poor that need to be
fixed by the project manager to resolve the issues of the client organization.
Project B:
The second project is related to the development of facility in a remote area for the
BGC construction organization. The project is based on Earned value analysis and it shows
that the project is not achieving its planned cost and targets. For managing the project
operations and development of the facility, the organization has arranged specialized major
components from international suppliers. The issue that are affecting this project progress is
the delay in supply of components which may not be manufactured and transported by sea
according to a schedule of the project. However, the organization has ordered the components
several months ago but the delay in supply influencing the cost and time of completing the
Project Management: Review of Nominated Projects for BGC Construction Organization_3

project. The project manager will look to identify the gaps and purpose of the project to
manage the risk and meet the defined outcome (Harrison and Lock, 2017, Para. 6). The
frequent changes in financial outcome and lack of skilled labour are one of the major
problems for the organization to meet the objectives of engineering discipline.
Project C:
This project is a planning, design and implementation of infrastructure for the BGC
construction organization. The residents of areas are concerned with the impact of the project
for a slow-growing orchid that has potential medicinal value. The residents are more concern
about the implementation of rules and regulations for protecting environment and
management of waste control for the project. The development of property and destruction of
bush land will change the fabric of the region and create the threat to society (Gollenia, 2016,
Para 7). The organization is taking consult from Citizen Action Committee which determines
to prevent the project from succeeding that is also well funded and ready for any court battle.
These kinds of threats are affecting the progress of the project to meet the satisfactory
outcome. According to given scenario, the major areas of lacking for this particular project
are sustainability, stakeholder management and development of infrastructure in the
environmentally sensitive area. The alternative of this project is also controversial and the
delay in the project will cause additional $3 million.
The board of director of the BGC construction organization has changed and the new
directors are concern about development and achievement of strategic direction by focusing
on business cases and well-defined project charters. The aim of the board to minimize risks in
the project as well manages the project according to engineering discipline of the
organization. The stakeholder management practices of the organization are also poor and
influencing the business objectives of the organization to commit the sustainable project
management practices.
2. Features of the selected projects
Project A:
The current project of developing an asset management information system for the
BGC construction organization is going to help in the achievement of the strategic direction
Project Management: Review of Nominated Projects for BGC Construction Organization_4

of the organization for increasing the planning, collection, analysis and sharing of the data
internally. The objective of developing and implementing this technical system is to improve
the communication among staff and encourage the capacity of the organization to make
optimum utilization of resources at the workplace (Heagney, 2016, Para 10). According to
given scenario, the cost of project A is $3 million and estimated time of completing all tasks
is one year. The work of the project is already started and current expenditure is 35%. The
quality standards that considered for developing asset management information system are
ISO 9001 that involve design, components, development and implementation of the whole
system. The project team and board of directors are concern about quality in information
technology system. The key stakeholders of this project are a project manager, team
members, and staff of the organization, supplier as well, owner (Freeman and et al., 2017, pp.
The project manager will try to engage all stakeholders in managing tasks more
customized manner and achievement of objectives by anticipating their interest and capacity.
Additionally, the risk in the project is related to scheduling of tasks, engagement of
stakeholders as poor coordination with them is affecting quality and progress of the system.
The project of developing asset management system will not affect the surrounding and
social environment. The project is large and involves various subsystems that need to be
integrated with the main server for managing the flow of information and collection of data.
The involvement of numerous phases in project and subsystem is increasing the level of
complexity and creating a threat for project management team to achieve the objectives
(Kaiser and et al., 2015, pp. 126-139). In spite of that, factors like changes in scope lack of
change control request and lack of communication in sharing of information affect the
progress. To overcome these issues, coordination and planning is essential for the project
Project B:
The development of facility in the remote area is coherence with the strategic
direction of the BGC construction organization that includes the improvement in engineering
functions and encourages the planning and execution of the plan. The estimated cost and time
of project B is $8 million and 2 years. The project team will look forward to completing the
project within given time and cost that will help to increase their brand value and meet the
satisfaction level of the client organization. The organization has made ordered for
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components that used for developing facility in the remote area of the organization as per the
required quality that include the various software and hardware (Joslin and Müller, 2016, pp
364-388). According to given case, the project of developing facility in the remote area is 25
% completed. The major issues that identified in the project are lack of monitoring and
control over functions that affect the cost of the project. For the project, key stakeholders are
employees of the organization, investors, project manager and supplier from overseas
locations. As per the Earned Value analysis, the development of facility in the remote area is
having risks of changes in exchange rate, lacking in scheduling, planning of cost and unstable
financial conditions (Kelly and Chisholm, 2017, pp, 126-139).
The project manager is also aware of these issues and looking to develop the strategy
that supports to manage the issues for successful completion of the project. The development
of facility in the remote area will not affect the environmental and social condition. The
management of information through the remote area will increase the effectiveness of
organization and support to meet the business objectives. This project does not involve
various stages and subsystem for developing the facility in a remote area that lower the level
of complexity and maintain a fixing process. However, the lacking in scheduling and
planning of the activities of the project as well delay in the supply of components from
overseas locations in influencing standards and cost of the project (Kerzner, 2017, Para. 8). In
addition to this, issues of expensive labor and development of advanced technical areas are a
big task for the project team to maintain high quality in operations. The integration of project
changes with the scope and lack of flow in funds for managing tasks. The development of
remote area facility is requiring the use of advanced technology and knowledge to manage
the operations of the organization as per the strategic direction of the BGC construction
organization. The significant factors of the project involve consideration of the negative
impact on staff members and stakeholder to maintain the relationship (Lock, 2017, Para. 14).
Project C:
The key feature of project C which is for planning, design and implementation of
infrastructure include improvement in monitoring and control over organizational activities.
The BGC organization is looking for advanced technical support and improvement in the
planning of business case objectives. The cost of this project is $20 million and completion
time is four years. The project team will follow ISO 9001 standards for managing quality and
meet the satisfaction level of client organization this kind of approach will help to encourage
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the functionality of the project. The completion percentage is not mentioned in the case
scenario but the project is going under the supervision of project team which looking to meet
the strategic direction of client organization as per their engineering discipline (Martin, and
Haggerty, 2017, Para. 11). The key stakeholders of this particular project are the employee of
the organization, project manager, supplier and investors that are taking active participation
in planning and implementation of the project. The risk factors that involve in the project of
development and implementation of infrastructure involve lack of analysis and consideration
of stakeholder needs, negative impact to the environment, high labor rate as well health and
safety of workers at the site (Medina and Medina, 2014, pp. 1459-1470).
Moreover, the governing risk like approval from Citizen Action Committee can also
influence the working discipline of the organization. Apart from that, the impact of this
project on the environment is vital as the use of resources and improper management of waste
material could affect the environmental condition and impact the social living environment
for local people. The level of complexity is high for this project as it involves large numbers
of stakeholders and estimated time is long. The factors that required to be considered for
managing the project successfully are the management of human resources, proper
consideration of needs of stakeholders and citizen committee to improve the sustainability of
the project. If the project team considered these objectives in the proposed manner will help
to increase the effectiveness of the project (Nicholas and Steyn, 2017, Para. 21). In addition
to this, the integration of project involves analysis and change in project scope, planning and
forecasting of cost for upcoming years to meet the quality. The significant factors of the
project design, planning and implementation of infrastructure involve medicinal value,
changes in social fabric and bush land destruction. The use of alternative route will be
controversial and increase the cost up to $3 million which will be not paid by the BGC
construction organization (Sánchez, 2015, pp. 319-330).
3. Review of projects
Project A:
The project is designed and developed for implementing the asset management
information system for the organization that is helpful for managing the engineering
discipline. The main objectives developing this project are to improve the change control
procedure and increase the capabilities of the organization by using the information
Project Management: Review of Nominated Projects for BGC Construction Organization_7

technology. The BGC construction organization is facing the issue in managing the staff. By
developing the asset management information system the project team will help the
organization to improve the monitoring system that will compile with the subsystems of the
organization. The implementation of advanced technology system will help to encourage
sharing of data and collection of an information system for future decision making (Meng,
and Boyd, 2017, pp. 717-728). The board members are focusing on requirements and
improvement in the efficiency of staff members that will help to increase coordination among
staff members. For the development and implementation of the system, the role of
stakeholders is important as they will provide input for integrating the internal subsystems of
the BGC organization.
The risk factors that are having the influence of requirements of development and
implementation of the system include the changes in scope and scheduling of the tasks. The
changes in requirements and scope are affecting the planning of the project as well the time
of delivery of the project. The project manager is not able to develop a plan for managing the
tasks as well allocation of role and responsibilities to team members as changes in scope
influencing the acceptance (Pace, 2017, Para. 32). The lack of communication and
engagement of stakeholder are major issues that might shape the planning of the asset
management information system. For engagement of stakeholder the project manager and
board members will conduct a meeting which will help to analyze their interest and develop
the plan accordingly. This kind of approach will help to increase the success rate of project
and integration of the system. Accordingly to given scenario, the communication level of
staff and senior management is low that affecting initial planning and development of the
The consideration of project management principles for the current project will help
to increase the sustainability and project structure. This task is conduct by project manager as
vision and mission of the BGC organization. The business case of engineering organization
involves improvement in client satisfaction by timely delivery of products and services
(Taylor, 2016, pp. 29). For that purpose, development of information technology system is
essential that increase the efficiency and communication among staff members. In addition to
this quality and standards of the project are considered as the highest priority. The
consideration of vision of organization in development and implementation of the system will
increase the transparency in project planning and structuring of activities. The outcome of
this project is craft improvement in communication and sharing of data with employees. The
Project Management: Review of Nominated Projects for BGC Construction Organization_8

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