
Transformational Leadership in Education


Added on  2023-04-21

52 Pages12510 Words183 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentDesign and CreativityData Science and Big DataTeacher DevelopmentPhilosophyStatistics and ProbabilityPsychology
Running head: PROJECT MGMT
Project MGMT
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Author Note
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1:.........................................................................................................................................3
Problem Statement.......................................................................................................................6
Aim and objectives of the study..................................................................................................7
Significance of the Research.......................................................................................................7
Framework of the Research.........................................................................................................8
Chapter 2: Literature review............................................................................................................8
Transformational Leadership.......................................................................................................8
Transformational Leadership in Education.................................................................................9
Education leaders and Transformational Leadership................................................................11
Transformational leadership in the perception of the schools and teacher................................12
Barriers of transformational leadership in educational institutions...........................................14
School leadership in Malaysia...................................................................................................15
Chapter 3: Methodology................................................................................................................18
Research philosophy (Positivism).............................................................................................18
Research design.........................................................................................................................19
Research approach.....................................................................................................................19
Data collection...........................................................................................................................20
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Data Analysis.............................................................................................................................22
Ethical consideration.................................................................................................................23
Chapter 4: Findings........................................................................................................................23
Data Collection:.........................................................................................................................24
Data analysis:.............................................................................................................................24
Thematic Analysis for the responses of interviewees (Principals)............................................38
Chapter 5: Summary, Conclusion and implications......................................................................44
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Topic: Transformational Leadership of headmaster and Professional Learning
Communities in primary school, Manjung District, Perak
Chapter 1:
Transformational leadership is often referred to as the leadership approach which result in
change in the individual and social systems. Transformational leadership creates valuable as well
as positive change among the followers with primary aim of developing followers into leaders.
The mentioned leadership style possesses the capacity to enhance morale, motivation as well as
performance of the follower through a varied group of mechanisms. The mechanisms include
connecting the sense of the followers that inspires them along with challenging the same for
taking greater ownership for their work. According to researchers, leadership skill of an effective
transformational leader must possess the potential to enhance the self-worth of the followers
along with engaging the followers amidst of true commitment as well as involvement towards
the organization. This skill is accomplished by transformational leaders by exploring the four
main behavioral components which are similar to the practices pertaining to the transformational
leadership. The various four components are also known as the four I s of transformational
leadership as well as includes idealized influence, Individual consideration, Inspirational
motivation, Intellectual stimulation.
When it comes to individual consideration, the role of transformational leaders act as a
mentor and pays special attention to each of the needs of his or her follower so that they can
achieve effective growth. Individualized considerations takes place when new opportunities of
learning are created along with supportive environment. Transformational leaders are effective
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listeners as well as observers. In this kind of leadership, both way communications is also
encouraged and interactions with the followers are personalized in order to maintain
confidentiality. An effective transformational leader assigns tasks to the followers as a mean of
developing the skills of the followers. Not only this, the assigned tasks are monitored for
determining if the followers require any additional support for progress. In this leadership style,
monitoring is not performed in order to keep a strict eye on the followers.
The second I, that is intellectual stimulation is referred to the process by which
transformational leaders encourages creativity as well as innovation with the help of questioning
assumptions, reframing the issues along with approaching old situation by applying a new
perspective. Additionally, transformational leaders always try to deal with issues by
implementing new ideas and finding out creative ways to deal with the issues faced by the
followers. One of the major characteristics of this kind of leadership includes the norm of
criticizing the followers separately and confidentially, instead of criticizing them in front of
The aspect of inspirational motivation, points out the demonstration of behavior by the
leaders that inspire the followers. Transformational leaders always inspire their followers by
dealing with tough issues and demonstrating ethical values. This in turn, enhances the team
spirit, optimism and enthusiasm within the followers. In this leadership style, followers are
involved with the help of transparent communication and expectations the leader have from
them. Transformational leaders are found to compose a vision for the future. When it comes to
Idealized influence, transformational leaders are found to show behaviors which enable them to
act as appropriate models for many followers. Along with admiring, trusting as well as
respecting the leader, the followers are found to identify with the leaders and develop a tendency
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to emulate them. Effective rulers as well as leaders who follow transformational leadership style
are often considered to have extraordinary capabilities, determination a well as persistence.
Additionally, leaders who demonstrate idealized influence are often found to be taking risks as
well as maintain consistency. Since they demonstrate higher standards of ethical as well as moral
conduct, they can be expected to follow the correct path.
In today’s world, education is considered to be a business and schools are the social
organizations that are responsible for carrying out the business. The business natures as well as
complexity of the responsibilities and tasks punctuality is more concerned over the educational
leaders or principals. They are taught the ground rules of administration along with practicing
effective relationship skills. In spite of the fact that the instructional leadership model has served
the educational field for the last two decades, the current demand for reforms in the mentioned
field have compelled several school leaders to embrace and put into practice a school model for
transformational leadership.
Transformational leadership is considered to be powerful in political, military as well as
organizational industrial environment. However, evidences from several researches demonstrate
that the mentioned leadership style is highly crucial as well as powerful tool that can help
achieving group goals as well as evoking positive challenges in the educational fields. A good
number approach associated to school leadership has been tried. During the 90s instructional
leadership was considered to be the most effective educational leadership style. Instructional
leadership can be defined as the leadership style with multiple dimensions which incorporates
various practices. In spite of the fact that the instructional leadership model has served the
educational field for the last two decades, the current demand for reforms in the mentioned field
have compelled several school leaders to embrace and put into practice a school model for
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transformational leadership. This model of leadership has been selected by contemporary school
leaders since it aspires to enhance the effort of the members on behalf of the organizations along
with developing more skilled practices. Several evidences has been obtained that the mentioned
leadership style does impose impact on the physiological state of the teachers that includes
teaching efficiency, organizational commitment and job satisfaction. Along with that, a review of
school leadership research have found out that school leaders who demonstrate transformational
leadership possess high level of employees with job satisfaction.
Problem Statement
The success of a nation is highly dependent on the educational environment of a nation.
The role of the teacher is a crucial factor that provides shape to the future of a nation. As the job
scope of an educator enhances and started covering task like teaching, administrative an
educational work, it becomes more or less affected by the emotions of the teacher that includes
pressure, fatigue as well as less attention paid to the students during their class session. Besides,
they have to fulfill rules as well as regulation of scoring of the principals for ensuring the
school's visions as well as missions are met. According to researchers, job satisfaction does
impose a major impact on the teachers. In schools where transformational leadership is practiced
b the school principals, teachers are found to get motivated and change in their attitudes, values
and commitment towards the mission and vision of the schools have been noticed. The practice
inclusive of transformational leadership often is found to be able to move the organizations
closer to their target goals. If this gets combined with job satisfaction of the teachers, it can be
clearly understood that the mentioned leadership style will definitely impose positive impact on
the learning of the students. This study has been conducted to test the relationship between
leadership styles as well satisfaction of the jobs of the principal among the teachers of primary
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schools of Perak. The findings offer a method to further explore the subject of transformational
Aim, objectives of the study
Main aim of the research is investigation of the practice including transformational leadership
along with the relationship with job satisfaction. When it comes to the objectives of the research
they are :
1. Identification of the transformational leadership among the principles of the primary
schools located at Manjung District, Perak according to the perception of the teachers.
2. Identification of the job satisfaction level of the teachers of primary school the Manjung
District, Perak.
3. Identification of whether any relationship related to transformational leadership practices
inclusive of school principals as well as job satisfaction of the primary school teachers
exits or not.
Significance of the Research
The findings of the research are crucial for the following factors:
1. The findings will help in the identification of the leadership style shown by the principal.
2. He findings will help the school to identify the job satisfaction among the teachers
3. The finding will provide assistance to the management of the school to carry out further
leadership activities in order to maintain as well a enhance the job satisfaction of the
teachers in the workplace and thus prevent attrition of the same.
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