
401013 Promoting Mental Health and Wellbeing Question Answer 2022


Added on  2022-09-18

5 Pages1344 Words18 Views
Promoting Mental Health &
Wellbeing 1
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Question Answers Ensure each answer
contains relevant literature and
relates back to the case study.
1a) Using the same case study you
used in the first part of this
assessment, the Analysis of a Case
Study, identify
an urgent risk area. Ensure your
answer details why you have
identified this risk area including
specific information
about the client and support your
risk assessment with evidence from
the current literature.
The urgent risk area identify is
emergence of suicidal thought in the
patient. It is evident from the case study
that he has become demotivated and
lost interest in living. He is also not
concern for his family wellbeing.
Therefore, he can have thoughts of
suicide and adverse effect the life of the
patient’s family as he is only earning and
care taker for his family. It is seen in the
study of Wakefield and Schmitz (2016)
that people who are reported with signs
of chronic depression and grow sense of
worthlessness and hope with the life,
tends to develop thoughts of suicide.
1b) Identify one nursing / midwifery
intervention you would undertake
directly with your client to address
the risk area noted in question 1a
and include a rationale for the
Ensure the intervention includes
how, who and when you would
actually carry out the intervention.
Your rationale should state why you
would carry out the particular
intervention. Ensure literature is
1a and 1b – 200 words in total
The intervention of cognitive behavioural
therapy will be applied for addressing the
risk of depression in the patient. It is
evident from the study of Dunlop et al.
(2019) that CBT uses the coping
strategies and communication skill to
motivate the person to change their
behaviour and help in eradication of
negative thoughts. It works by identifying
the negative thought of the patients and
encourage them which result in
replacement of those with realistic one.
CBT is the evidence based intervention
which is proved to treat depression and
thoughts of suicide in the patient as it
change the way of thinking and
behaviour of the person (LeBlanc et al.,
401013 Promoting Mental Health and Wellbeing Question Answer 2022_1

2a) Using the same case study you
used in the first part of this
assessment, the Analysis of a Case
Study, identify
a mental health concern and use
current evidence from literature to
support your answer.
The major mental health concern in the
patient is prevalence of chronic
depression. It is seen in the review that
Mr Munny has become less
communicative and is unmindful for his
family’s life when something happened
to him. His behaviour of loneliness, low
interest in daily living and irresponsible
behaviour towards their children are
indicating signs of chronic depression. He
had develop the sense of worthlessness
and hopelessness in his life.
Shaughnessy and Johnson (2019) has
suggested in his study that people with
sign of the depression like mood
fluctuation, restlessness, and feeing of
worthlessness are at the risk of
committing suicide and have the
potential of self-harm. Hence, risk of
development of chronic depression
needs quick consideration.
2b) Identify one nursing / midwifery To address the mental health concern of
401013 Promoting Mental Health and Wellbeing Question Answer 2022_2

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