
Growth And Development In Human Health


Added on  2022-09-18

7 Pages1454 Words16 Views
Protecting the Rights of Human Research Participants
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Growth And Development In Human Health_1

Growth and development in human health and wellbeing solely depends on using human
subjects in research. It is evident that research that has been conducted properly is effective in
verifying complexity of diseases, effectiveness of certain modes of treatment and behavioral
aspects among others (Harriss, MacSween & Atkinson, 2017). However, it is clear that not all
human research studies have been admissible and useful. This is because cruelty can be
perpetrated to the subjects and as a result, the Health Resources and Services Administration and
related organizations formed regulations that protected them (Harriss, MacSween & Atkinson,
2017). For instance, in 1946 the Nazi doctors conducted cruel experiments on human subjects in
the Nuremberg Military Tribunal. In this case, research was conducted on subjects without their
knowledge (Shuster, 2018). As a result, the Nuremberg code in the year 1947 ensured that the
basic principles such as voluntary consent of the subjects, minimization of risks and use of
appropriate methods was implemented. It is also evident that in a study conducted between 1932
and 1972, African American males with syphilis entered a research to analyze the natural cause
of the disease (Shuster, 2018). Although treatment was available, the patients remained untreated
leading to the death of many subjects. As a result, publication of inefficiencies in human research
led to the appointment of a commission to identify the basic principles that governed the
participation of human subjects in studies. Fortunately, in 1953, the National Institute of health
formulated a policy that ensured the safety of human subjects involved in study (Shuster, 2018).
Specific human subjects can be considered as vulnerable groups and as such they need
special conduct in order to ensure their wellbeing. They are
a) Children – Children are people who have not attained the legal age for consent to
treatment or the procedures involved in the research. Generally, any person below the age
of 18 years is considered a child (Sarin, 2019). One of the restrictions involved with this
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population is to consider the potential risks and discomforts that the child is involved in.
The child’s assent is essential in allowing participation in the research. This is determined
by their age and their psychological state (Sarin, 2019). However, parental discretion is
sought before seeking the child’s consent. The requirements are adequate because it is
clear that both the child and the guardian agree to the terms and conditions of the research
and are willing to be participants of the same.
b) Prisoners – they are categorized as a vulnerable population due to their inability to
exercise their own will. Past abuses have resulted to increased protective measures
towards the use of prisoners as human subjects (Gehlert & Mozersky, 2018). Therefore,
research conducted on prisoners must fall under the 4 categories that ensure minimal risk
and discomfort to the subjects. I think that these measures are adequate as they provide
equity and justice to human subjects despite the inability of making their own choices.
c) Cognitively impaired persons – these are people who are considered unfit to make
personal decisions due to mental health challenges such because suffering from traumas
(De Chesnay & Anderson, 2019). The requirements involve proper consent of the person
before involvement in the research. It ensures that minimal risk and discomfort is
provided to such people. These are adequate measures because they ensure minimal risks
to the individual.
According to Belmont the three ethical principles involving human subjects in the order
of importance are
1) Respect for persons
2) Justice.
3) Beneficence
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