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Assignment on Psychology | Assessment


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Running head: PSYCHOLOGY
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With the growing predominance of chronic diseases, reducing high prevalence mental
health illness has become a long-standing challenge in the field of psychology. While
counselling and psychotherapies developed for addressing the mental health issues, suicide
and premature morbidity rate are persistently high where Australia is no expectation. One in
five Australian is severely impacted due to mental illness in their lifetime, indicating about
20% of Australian are subjected to mental illness (, 2019).
Various researchers suggested that depression, anxiety, bipolar and PTSD are commonly
occurring mental illnesses that contributed to a high morbidity rate (Crome et al, 2015).
While the majority of Australian does not have adequate access to the health care services,
some of them do not adhere to the treatment regimen even if they have a mental illness which
resulted in worsening mental state (Kiely & Butterworth, 2015). The purpose of this paper is
to focus on a scenario where a 57 years married man, joseph experienced low mood,
substance abuse disorder, and sleeping disturbance. The family system theory has been
chosen for assisting him. Lastly, this paper will provide a rationale for choosing theory,
application of the theory in the case scenario.
Rationale behind incorporation of theory:
The case scenario highlighted that Joseph, a 57 years married man who defines his
dynamics with his spouse as normal. However, they do very little thing as a couple and
recently he is experiencing persistent low mood, sleeping disturbance and consuming alcohol
at night. At this juncture, family system theory is considered as the most suitable theory to
identify couple dynamics, the emotional distance between family members and the
underlying reason behind low mood since theory considers individuals as a part of family and
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family influence behaviour (Priest, 2015). This theory will assist him to change his health
behaviour and improve his wellbeing.
History and evolution of counselling theory:
An American psychiatrist, Murray Bowmen proposed family system theory in the
late 1960s after years of research with the patients of schizophrenia (Palombi,2016). He
developed the theory for identifying specific roles and dynamics of the family unit to assist
counsellor in addressing an inaccurate behavioural pattern of the family members (Kim-
Appel & Appel, 2015). He believed that individuals cannot be understood without
considering the family dynamics as each individual is an inevitable part of a family unit.
Families also develop strength and capabilities for enhancing the development of the
individual (Thompson, Wojciak & Cooley, 2019). He articulated the theory by integrating an
understanding that emotional system works differently within the family, work and society
and it is a driving force for all clinical issues. After numerous research, this theory developed
into eight interconnecting concepts such as “Triangles”, “Differentiation of self”, “Nuclear
family emotional system”, “Family projection process”, “Multigenerational transmission
process”,” Emotional cut-off”, “Sibling position”, and “Societal emotional process”, majority
of these concepts used in therapies (Kim-Appel & Appel, 2015). This theory now becomes
the integrated part of the family assessment tool and various psychotherapies, highlighted that
it is the most suitable theory.
Client and counsellor relationship and element of chosen theory:
The case scenario highlighted that Joseph, 57 years married man who defines his
dynamics with his spouse as normal but do very little thing as a couple and recently he is
experiencing persistent low mood, sleeping disturbance and consuming alcohol at night
(Priest, 2015). In this case, intimate partner conflict and emotional distance might be the
underlying reason behind the poor mental health of joseph. Since Joseph seeks medical
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assistance from a counsellor, the development of the therapeutic relationship between
counsellor and client is the rationale behind incorporating the theory as it will help counsellor
to assist Joseph in identifying his strength and family strength (Kim-Appel & Appel, 2015).
Merritts (2016), suggested that family system theory supports the involvement of family
members for addressing deep-rooted issues individuals within the family. Hence, in this
context, the theory will enable counsellor to involve Joseph and family members in the
therapeutic communication and identify his strength and his wife that will support the faster
The chosen theory has eight interlocking concepts where the concept of the nuclear
family emotional process supported the rationale behind choosing the theory. The nuclear
family emotional process suggested that nuclear families usually have clinical issues in four
areas such as intimate partner conflict, emotional distance, distorted behaviour of spouse and
impaired functionality of children (Kim-Appel & Appel, 2015). In this case scenario, the
emotional detachment between Joseph and partner along with the presence of intimate partner
conflict and distorted behaviour of Joseph such as alcohol consumption, low mood, reduced
appetite might be the reason behind clinical issues that can be resolved by family system
Incorporation of theory in the case scenario:
Ethical consider:
While involving patients in the therapy, it is the legal obligation of counsellors and
psychotherapists to consider all ethics so that patients receive the best possible treatment. As
discussed by Bott, Radke and Kiely (2016), during counselling or psychotherapy, the most
frequently occurred ethical issue is breaching confidentiality as transferring data or sharing
data with other professionals may leak the data. Hence, confidentiality of the patient during
the therapy session is need to maintain.Counsellor must maintain boundaries with joseph and

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his wife as sometimes therapists develop personal relationships with the client while
empathizing with them (McLennan, Ryan & Randall, 2018). Moreover, since sometimes
professionals cannot address concerns of clients and unable to respect cultural differences,
the counsellor must involve joseph in therapy sessions that promote beneficence, non-
maleficence, and respect for the dignity of Joseph (McLennan, Ryan & Randall, 2018).
Application of techniques according to theory:
As discussed above, joseph experienced low mood, decreased appetite, consuming
alcohol at night and exhibited limited involvement in couple activities. Hence, strategic
family system therapy designed by Milton Erikson, Cloe Madanes and Jay Haley would be
incorporated as a therapy technique to assist joseph (La Guardia & Nelson, 2017). Strategic
family therapy assesses the patterns of interactions and conflicts between individuals within
the family and assists family members to be aware of the pattern using a direct approach
(Szapocznik et al., 2016). Taking a deep insight into the situation, strategic family therapy
techniques would be incorporated for redefining the family dynamics of Joseph as the main
strengths of joseph are the initiation taken by Joseph to improve his mental health and
supporting his wife (, 2020). Hence, in the therapy session, Joseph
and his spouse will be involved in effective communication using active listening, making
eye contact, maintain a positive and non-judgemental approach. The problem-solving
patterns, emotional connection between Joseph and his spouse are required to assess for
reframing the issue (, 2020). Moreover, counsellor must encourage
his wife and him to convey their concerns, involve in social and indoor activities together and
recreate the old memories of high school. It will reduce the emotional distance, change the
problematic behaviour of joseph and improve the mental health of the patient. Apart from this
session, a separate personal session would be designed for him to provide him with health
literacy regarding his problematic behaviour of alcohol consumption and impact on his
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family (Saltzman et al., 2018). In the personal session, he can be assisted for developing
resilient skills like mindfulness techniques, self-management and care (Saltzman et al., 2018).
It will empower Joseph to change his unhealthy healthy behaviour and reduce the emotional
distance between Joseph and his wife.
Outcome and additional requirement for improving therapy:
If the therapy goes well, then the possible outcome of the therapy would be the
reduction of possible intimate partner conflict and emotional distance between spouses by
involving in the activities together. Moreover, counselling will improve his relationship with
his wife and his children, reduce distorted sleeping patterns, increase appetite and alter his
habit of drinking at night (Szapocznik et al., 2016). Joseph will have high self-confidence,
improved mood and healthy behavioural patterns such as little or no habit of drinking at
A total of 15 sessions can be designed for joseph where each session has unique
outdoor or indoor activities and each session will be of 1 to 2 hours each week for
approximately 4 months. In 3 to 4 sessions, his children can be involved in the family session
and community members or friends can be involved if required for improvement of the
Thus, it can be said that mental illness impacted more than a million individuals every
year. The paper focused on Joseph, a 57 years old married man with low mood, poor sleep
pattern, and alcohol consumption. Family system theory designed by Murray Bowmen, an
American psychiatrist was chosen for identifying the diverse dynamics of joseph and his
wife. The theory will enable the counsellor to involve his wife in the therapy to reduce
emotional distance and conflict. Hence, strategic family therapy will be recommended for
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Joseph and his partner will be involved in 15 therapy sessions. His children and friends will
be to involve in this case for better outcome. It will improve the behavioural pattern of
joseph, improve his mood and wellbeing.

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Bott, N. T., Radke, A. E., & Kiely, T. (2016). Ethical issues surrounding psychologists’ use
of neuroscience in the promotion and practice of psychotherapy. Professional
Psychology: Research and Practice, 47(5), 321.
Crome, E., Grove, R., Baillie, A. J., Sunderland, M., Teesson, M., & Slade, T. (2015). DSM-
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New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 49(3), 227-235.
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depression and generalized anxiety in a community based sample. Psychiatry
research, 225(3), 291-298.
Kim-Appel, D., & Appel, J. K. (2015). Bowenian family systems theory: Approaches and
applications. Foundations of couples, marriage, and family counseling, 185-213.
La Guardia, A., & Nelson, J. A. (2017). An Adlerian Family Therapist Reflects on Family
Therapy Theories and Mentors. Journal of Family Theory & Review, 9(3), 391-402.
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Porter, M., & Nuntavisit, L. (2016). An evaluation of multisystemic therapy with Australian
families. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy, 37(4), 443-462.
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Priest, J. B. (2015). A Bowen family systems model of generalized anxiety disorder and
romantic relationship distress. Journal of marital and family therapy, 41(3), 340-353.
Saltzman, J. A., Fiese, B. H., Bost, K. K., & McBride, B. A. (2018). Development of appetite
self‐regulation: Integrating perspectives from attachment and family systems
theory. Child Development Perspectives, 12(1), 51-57.
Szapocznik, J., Duff, J. H., Schwartz, S. J., Muir, J. A., & Brown, C. H. (2016). Brief
strategic family therapy treatment for behavior problem youth. Handbook of family
therapy, 286-304.
Thompson, H. M., Wojciak, A. S., & Cooley, M. E. (2019). Family-based approach to the
child welfare system: an integration of Bowen family theory concepts. Journal of
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