
Special Care for Adolescents


Added on  2019-09-16

4 Pages461 Words327 Views
Running head: PSYCHOLOGYPSYCHOLOGY[Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document. Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document.]
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PSYCHOLOGY1ConclusionArthur, a 12 year old is going through adolescence resulting in decline in academic performanceand sleep deprivation for which he needs special care and attention (PDF, 2017). Behaviorproblems are commonly observed during adolescence and parents’ concerns regarding the sameare attracted by school teachers who spend more time with children than parents. The threats andlimitations to the validity and reliability of results include the ways to analyze results, biasness ofthe evaluator, sample size collected. More tests can be conducted to know his interests etc., hisfavorite food etc. proper bedding etc. Child is facing the difficult phase of adolescence and needsspecial care and attention.Recommendations Sufficient information was provided by the client. Child may be taught about the transitionalperiod between childhood and adulthood. He should be engaged in activities with his interest(Ginsburg, et al., 2016). The current research depicts a child suffering from psychological issuesdue to his adolescent age. Listening to his problems, resolving queries and meeting all hisdemands can help him pass this age smoothly and happily. As per test results, recommendationsare evident and result oriented.Reflection I took this project on priority as I have been through this stage in my childhood. I tried to befriendly with the client and made sure he answers my questions without any hesitation or fear.Sleep deprivation is most alarming and needed cure on priority. Sudden lack of interest in studiesis important evidence which needed relief. Information about his friends, movements, foodhabits etc. would benefit more and discussion with his parents/teachers and friends would meet
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