
The Purpose of Gaining a Degree: Skills for a Job or Improving Skills and Learning


Added on  2023-04-08

9 Pages2289 Words435 Views
The Purpose of Gaining a Degree: Skills for a Job or Improving Skills and Learning_1

“Some people believe that main purpose of gaining a degree at university is to
gain skills for a job while others believe that it is to improve skills and learn how
to learn”
It is true that some people believe that the main aim of gaining a degree at the university is to
gain skills for the job but on the other hand there are some individuals who also believe that the
degree can improve skill and also boost the learning capacity. It can be said that the degree
offered to individuals assist in maintaining financial security and also prosperous career.
Therefore, in this paper, the discussion will be made on the statement by considering the
arguments of both sides.
In today scenario, there are many Americans who seek the importance of college education and
its main role in offering good job opportunities and a comfortable lifestyle. Approximately, there
are 84% of the Americans who claim that higher education is an essential aspect that should help
to get the life ahead. The people emphasize on gaining the degree so that it could be easy for
them to get a good job. It can be argued that studies done on the university level help to gain the
skills for the job. At the time of pursuing the degree course, the individuals develop a broad
knowledge of the business activities and also gain targeted skills in a particular field (Cohen,
2015). There are many different degree courses which are done by the people in some specific
field such as in the field of communication, IT and Finance. The university study helps graduates
in achieving better jobs. The institutions focus on creating the curriculum, program and tutorial
sessions that help the people to gain skills that are required at the workplace. Besides that, there
are different highly paid jobs that require the candidate to be highly educated or they should have
a university degree. Without a university degree, it would be not possible for the individual to
opt for highly paid jobs. But on the other hand skill is known as the ability that helps to carry the
task with the set outcome and the people learn the skills sets from their universities or from their
parents (Sekaran and Bougie, 2016).
For instance: To be an external auditor in the largest international accounting firms such as Price
Water House Coopers, the candidates should have a certified degree in the field of accounting
and should also achieve public accountant certificate. In the present era, most of the people have
their future goals and aims, for which they work hard. To get an admission in a good college is a
The Purpose of Gaining a Degree: Skills for a Job or Improving Skills and Learning_2

tough job but people work hard as it could help them to get better jobs. It can be observed that
jobs are considered as one of the necessities for the individuals as it assists in maintaining the
living standards in the society. Without jobs, people will not be able to earn their living. Also, it
can be analyzed that there some skills sets that are important for the candidate at the time of
joining the jobs (Vick, Furlong, and Lurie, 2016).
It is analyzed that the competition level among the individuals is tough in the market that
sometimes the individuals who have higher qualification fails to get a good job. So, in this case,
the skills are considered as the essential factor that should be present in the individual so that it
could be easy to compete in the tough competition which exists among the individuals. It is
argued that there are a majority of the people who opt for the degree course so that it could be
easy for them to enter into the large MNC's. Nowadays, the worth of the individual can only be
determined if they have skills. There are different aspects which are evaluated of the individuals
at the time of giving an interview and at that time the recruiters emphasize on the skills
possessed by the individuals. It is also analyzed that after their schooling studies they emphasize
on giving competitions so that they can get top colleges (Boh, De-Haan and Strom, 2016).
Yes, it can be said that degree has an important role to boost the skills of the individuals as there
are many different aspects that are learned when people pursue the degree course. It is important
to have some skills possessed in the individuals as it will positively impact the working pattern
of the people. To be a high school graduate doesn't open the doors to the different opportunities
that exist in society. But the degree courses not only assist in boosting the skills in the specified
field but it helps to train the individuals to think analytically. The analytical mindset is important
for the people to manage the activities at their workplace and analytical skills are one of the
essential skills that can only be learned if the individual pursues the degree course (Premand et
al., 2016).
Furthermore, the university also emphasizes on boosting the graduate's skills that helps to match
with their future job. It can be said that knowledge is accomplished with the set skills that help to
perform better action in the workplace. There are many universities that support their students
with various skills in a different manner. For example: the graph states that nearly half (49%) of
the students believe that the degree itself will help them to get good jobs.
The Purpose of Gaining a Degree: Skills for a Job or Improving Skills and Learning_3

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