1PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION No Child Left Behind Act 2001 was an Act of the United States Congress to reauthorize the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. The Act expanded the scope of law providing that the states would introduce a system for school-accountability to be applied to the students and public schools of the state (Www2.ed.gov. 2018). The purpose of this study is to evaluate the No Child Left Behind act to apply it effectively so that the schools perform their duties according to the Act. To evaluate the Act, this essay will provide some recommendations to improve the provisions set forth by the Act. The provisions of No Child Left Behind Act was not effective as it failed to achieve the objectives to improve their scores. It could not meet the objectives as the Act mainly concentrated to use accountability pressure that are more punitive than constructive. The No Child Left Behind Act was designed in a way to boost the student achievements and to reduce the gap between the disadvantaged and advantages student subgroups. A set of test was created by the National Assessment of Educational Progress to measure the outcome of the policies provided in the Act (Ahn & Vigdor, 2014). The Act generated some data on the achievements of the students regarding their math and reading scores. The data has helped the policymakers and other educational researchers in their work. Despite of these elements, there were certain flaws in the provisions of this Act. The schools were only required to focus on improving the test scores of the students rather than developing the skills and knowledge of the students as a whole to help them to become a good citizen. ToevaluatetheNoChildLeftBehindAct,thefocuswillbegivenonthe improvement or development of the students as a whole, and not only to improve their grade (Sadovnik et al., 2013). For the purpose of evaluating the Act, the students will be made aware and their inferiority will be addressed. Special strategy will be taken to make the opportunity to transfer available to them. The program under this Act will be well-funded, and the government will take appropriate steps for this purpose. Additionally, the teachers
2PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION will be obliged to focus on the performance of the students on other subject and not only on the math test. The teacher will focus on the other topics rather than the questions to be appeared mainly on the test. A regular scrutiny will be conducted on the teachers to enhance the morality of the teachers to effectively apply this program. Such a policy like NCLB will pay attention to the practice and process for operating within the schools. To improve the student achievements the school design about the curriculum of the student will also be developed. Further, the effectiveness of such Act to improve the math skills will beinitiated at the early age based on the biological evidence that cognitive skills can be more adaptable to students when they are at their early age.
3PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION References: Ahn, T., & Vigdor, J. (2014).The impact of No Child Left Behind's accountability sanctionsonschoolperformance:RegressiondiscontinuityevidencefromNorth Carolina(No. w20511). National Bureau of Economic Research. Sadovnik, A. R., O'Day, J. A., Bohrnstedt, G. W., & Borman, K. M. (2013).No Child Left Behind and the reduction of the achievement gap: Sociological perspectives on federal educational policy. Routledge. Www2.ed.gov.(2018).Retrievedfrom https://www2.ed.gov/nclb/overview/intro/guide/index.html