
Public Relations and Lobbying Influence


Added on  2020-06-03

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Public Affairs and Lobbyingare tools that ensure the richand powerful always get theirway
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TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................1CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................7REFERENCES................................................................................................................................9
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INTRODUCTIONFor any company which is operating within economy it would be very much necessarythat they are been maintaining their relationship with customers, public and government as well.This public relation would be enable them to manage all their information in respect toindividuals, organisation and with public. Whereas on the other hand lobbying is that activitywhich is taken by organisation or industries so that they could be able to persuade government orhigher authority who is generally in power within country which will be getting them advantageover organisation. The present essay will be based on whether the rich and powerful in societyalways manage to get their way with the help of public affair and lobbying. In all the economiesof the world there are many lobbyists who influence majority of decision making of party in ruleor government.MAIN BODYMeaning of public affairs and lobbying:According to Edwards and Hodges, (2011) it was argued that all the politics and decisionmaking of government will majorly be depending upon framework of that government onlywhich is said to be the classical pluralism theory. But in recent times it was also seen that variousnon governmental bodies are influencing government and its decision making which is generallyfavouring them only. So the main and central question arises that how would be both power andpolitical process is been distributed between these influential parities of society. Althoughmajority of the economies of world is having democracy as there but then also the rich andpowerful people are having persuasion power with them. As it is said by Heath, (2010) that thesepeople of society will be trying to get their interest from the decision making of governmentbodies. There also arise the situation of conflict of interest as there are many people who wouldlike to influence government or person who are in authority. Majorly the party which is in powerwithin country or the elected person is getting the support of these rich people within society sothey in tern give their support to them mainly that with financial aid.In the current time and as per Luoma-Aho, (2009) it is said that word power is beenderived and getting its meaning from various sources which could be defined to as money,prestige in society, authority, skill, knowledge, legitimacy and experience. While public affair isthat act which engage a person or organisation in to building up of relationship with politicians1
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and governmental body. In big and most profitable companies of world there is a special jobprofile or post which is meant by one Public relation only whose work is to maintain and built uprelationship with governmental body, media communication and corporate and socialresponsibility. Yang and Ott, (2016) also included that they are meant to build up strongreputation of organisation in market and media and to find common grounds with allstakeholders.Impact of lobbying and public affairs on decision making:This topic of lobbying within the influence of government bodies are very much heatedand trending one as all the rich and powerful entrepreneur of community are engaged in activityof increasing their relationship with local or central authorities. As Golding, (2018) mentionedthat lobbying is that activity of business which is persuading a legislation and governmentspending plan or project which will in tern be achieving and resulting more favourableobjectives. Form the history of UK lobbying is very formal and playing significant role intodecision making process of government. But at the starting point when this activity came intoexistence it was only a normal member of public advising Member of Parliament and now it isemerging as the activity which is been followed by corporate personality. The most commonused terminology within this framework or the sector are Public relationship (PR), lobbying,public affairs, political consultancy or corporate affairs.Jones, (2015) included that in year 2007 the professional lobbying industry in UK washaving a worth of about £1.9 million and giving employment to about 14000 people. Their workwhich mainly includes approaching MP who are there and then giving them suggestions aboutworking. It is always argued that whether lobbying is good or bad for any economy. In this viewmany of scholars said that lobbying is very good activity which is followed by manyindustrialists and entrepreneur. As Gostin and Wiley, (2016) mentioned that if lobbying is beencarried out in a country then government would be knowing what is the actual problems whichpublic is facing and they would also having relevant data. They said that lobbying is veryimportant activity which will be helping country and government to get in shape and then formdecision which is in favour of public of society.On the other hand Lamer, (2018) said that lobbying is not a good activity which is settingwrong example for future industries which are emerging in economy. They were of the view that2
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