
Public Health Ethics


Added on  2022-12-23

13 Pages4466 Words87 Views
Public Health Ethics_1

Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................................................................3
MAIN BODY .................................................................................................................................................3
Critical evaluation....................................................................................................................................3
Levels and principle in public health .......................................................................................................4
Ethical Principle and their application in public health ..........................................................................5
Key concepts in ethics..............................................................................................................................6
REFERENCES ..............................................................................................................................................11
Public Health Ethics_2

Ethics are termed to be rules and regulation of an organization. There can be multiple
numbers of Ethics that are meant to be followed by health care professionals to work in a
systematic order. In order to provide, quality of care and better assistance to each individual in a
hospice. As per studies, the word ethics termed to be philosophical study of moral and values of
human contact as well as rules and principle that are ought to govern it. In this following, there
has been ethics which are determined in public health and the report will cover all within aspects
and by implementing an ethical approach, there has been critically evaluation of a current public
health policy. Detrmined policies which can careorized are honesty in versus retained
information and Independence vs Beneficence are most frequent policies whch are folow in
public healh care sectors.
Critical evaluation1
To maximize the welfare within society, rules and regulation are meant to determine.
Although the clinician practice is disguised by inter personal physician patient relationship. It
may also termed as characterization through global attention to total population and therefore by
an emphasis on collective situations and conditions of health, control and prevention, social,
economic as well as demographic determinants of health and its associated disease which have
been infected to an individuals. A well-known report which have been passed through IOM
( institute of medicine) , the collective perspective effectively demonstrate in recognized report
which is “ The Future of Public Health” in which term public health is been define as a society,
collectively to ensure the situation and health conditions for people to be fit and disease free.
As per studies of NHS, the following policies, The members of family may react
emotionally when they get to know about their medical situations of their loved ones and they
response negatively not to share the information with patients, however it is a right of every
patients to know their medical conditions. It can conduct a emotional and touchy situations for
family members if withholding reports being shared with individual. Well it can become chaos
for nurses for deciding the medium to share information, particularly if it turns at odd with
Public Health Ethics_3

family beliefs. The key factor in the relationship of nurse-patient should be honesty. In this
situations, nurses should be calm and polite as according to the situations and should represent
services in a supportive gestures. There are many rights of individual that can carry out as he or
she has right to reveal his or her medical history.
Independence vs Beneficence
Nurse are allowed to give prescribed medication to individual but in some cases patients
deny to consume due their emotions and pessimistic behaviour. This behaviour of independency
may directly turn odd to medical directives. However, it is a right of patients to deny treatments
at any point. In this situations, it is necessary for nurses and management to acknowledge main
core of problem. By implementing the ethical principal to determine the solution as well as
conclusion will be beneficial. Through, maintaining atmosphere of care, concern, transparency
and respect may exhibit better result.
Natural Rights Of Man
An individual have a particular right on his life as he is able choose his life decisions and
treatment which he or she wanted to adopt,none health practitioners have any right to force any
kind treatment on him or her. liberty as well as his belonging or may termed property as well.
The role of state is essential as it is duty of them to make these rules to be followed mandatory.
Utilitarian cam be determined as it aims on motive to attain good amount of benefits as to make
the chances of sacrifice rates minimize. In addition to this, it is collective will of umber o
Democratic people (Coggon, Syrett and Viens, 2016)
Ethical frameworks
as the structure can be followed by examining issues pertinent to any particular in regards
with practice either in the current time or in the past. The rational mainly enables rather than a
reason of emotional. It may also helpful to attain common language or the discussion diverse
belief system. The beneficial facts it may also provide theoretical basis of values which may
termed to be behind rules as well as guidelines of practice (Coggon, Syrett and Viens, 2016)
Public Health Ethics_4

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