
Addressing Bullying in Nursing Education


Added on  2020-04-01

11 Pages2828 Words122 Views
Leadership ManagementHealthcare and Research
Running head: TRANSITION TO PRACTICETransition to practiceName of the student:Name of the University:Author’s note
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1TRANSITION TO PRACTICEIntroduction: The report highlights the public health issues of workplace bullying in clinical practiceand lack of understanding regarding the mentorship role in health care organization. This issue ishighlighted through the case scenario of Shannon, a nursing student on a clinical placement whoexperience bullying and disrespectful behavior from his mentor, Morgan. The review of the casestudy suggests that such incidents have become common in workplace and this is the main causeof nursing staff shortage in clinical setting. The report set the scene for discussing the procedureregarding dealing with such incidents by means of incident report about Shannon. Secondly, theessay also critically analyzes the personal and organizational level actions that is needed toimprove mentoring experience in nursing practice and prevent victimization of nursing students. Incident Report:Nature or type of incident: Bullying, inappropriate behavior and poor clinical debriefing with other workers at workplaceDescription of the incident: Shannon Doe,a third year undergraduate nurse came to the Charles Darwin University Hospital on clinical placement. On the first day, Shannon’s preceptor Morgan Lane gives detail to Shannon regarding her work for the day and instructs her to review the self-directed learning modules on WHS, infection control, mandatory reporting and aggression management. Shannon did not contacted her on that day. On the second day, Morgan makes fun at her which made Shannon embarrassed. Shannon gave answer to Morgan’s questions, however the comment made by him was in the form of criticism. On the third day too,when Shannon performed a CPR on a non-responsive patient with pneumonia, Morgan ask her
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2TRANSITION TO PRACTICEjust to complete the cycle. He does not contact her even during the clinical debriefing process. The final day Shannon calls the Nursing Unit Manager to say that she is not coming as she feels she been bullied. Brief description of injury/illness: Shannon experienced negative experience at her clinical placement due to bullying and criticism by nurse Shannon. Morgan did not invited her in the clinical debriefing session after completing the CPR for the non-responsive patient. Treatment following injury: Shannon was subjected to criticism and derogatory remarks by Morgan on all four days of clinical placement. Following this incident, no actions were taken to correct the actions. When the patient was non-responsive, Shannon commenced CPR on the patient.Person who saw the incident or came first to the scene: After feeling bullied, Shannon informed about the incident only to the Nursing Unit Manager. While the nurse was conducting resuscitation, Morgan first came to the scene.Action taken to prevent recurrence of the incident: No action were taken to prevent recurrence ofthe event.Contributing factors:Were the issues related to the patient ID or patient factors (Manager)? NoWere issues related to staffing levels, training or competency? (Manager) YesWas equipment (or use/lack of use) a factor? (Manager) NoWas the environment a factor? (Manager) NoWere appropriate policies or procedures or lack thereof a factor? (Manager) Yes
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3TRANSITION TO PRACTICEWas the failure of a safety mechanism or barrier designed to protect the patient/staff a factor? (Manager) NOWas communication a factor? (Manager) YesSigned( Worker): Date:Signed (Manager):Date: Procedures dealing with the incidents:Both informal and formal procedures exist to deal with bullying incidents inhealth care organization. The informal procedure is a problem-solving approach where the mainaim is to assess the allegation and address the issues within a specific time frame. The time framemay differ according to different organizational bullying prevention policy. The first step wouldto get detailed incidents report and analyzes the specific issues reported. Secondly, it would benecessary to evaluate whether the complaint comes under the definition of bullying or not. Aninformative session between two parties can clarify regarding the acceptable interaction neededbetween mentor and mentee (Birks et al., 2014). Hence, informal resolution occurs by clarifyingabout bullying to the offender, getting the offender to accept that their behavior wasinappropriate, and they would not repeat the same procedure again. Counseling support andawareness regarding the responsibility of a mentor for nursing students can also help in closing
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