
(PDF) Public opinion and criminal justice policy


Added on  2021-01-02

9 Pages3138 Words181 Views
Criminology - Penal TheoryPolicy and Practice
(PDF) Public opinion and criminal justice policy_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1MAIN BODY..................................................................................................................................1CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................6REFERENCES................................................................................................................................7
(PDF) Public opinion and criminal justice policy_2

INTRODUCTIONSocial disparity is the common issue that has been faced by the country even after havingvarious social equality laws and provisions. The report makes a comprehensive discussionregarding various social inequalities aspects in the country which have been affecting criminaljustice system as well. The report will then make a discussion regarding how discrimination withthe poor is actually conducted while analysing any criminal activities or during its process. In theends, the report will make discussion regarding various approaches that can be used in the formof media and education so as to ensure that disparity related activities can be mitigated. MAIN BODYParagraph 1: Social inequality / Politics From assessment, it has been identified that when two people are committing crime ofsimilar seriousness then they are equally accountable for punishment. On the basis of this aspect,in case of departing from equality, there must be suitable differences and justification. Throughevaluating articles, it has been found that England and Wales get failed to employ or undertakesimilar treatment in against to the individuals who committed same crime or undesirable acts.Under criminal justice system, biasness takes place on the basis of class, race and gender(Beckett and Western, 2001). Usually, biasness occurs at sentencing stage or even within thepenal system in against to a wider criminal justice system. Inequality or biasness occurs at eachand every stage of the criminal process. Hence, biasness starts with the stage where investigationand charges are taken by Police. In addition to this, inequality has also assessed in the prosecution decisions taken by thecrown service, decisions related to bail, court verdicts and sentencing aspects. Thus, it can bepresented that biasness arises usually after sentencing. In addition to this, penal system cannot beviewed or considered in isolation while considering issues pertaining to biasness. In context ofcriminal justice system, biasness or inequality arises due to the several reasons. Laws andlegislation lay emphasis on avoiding discrimination on the basis of age, gender, religion,disability and sexual orientation. Irrespective of existence of Equality Act 2010, discriminatorypractices are taking place in the penal system. Paragraph 2: Discrimination against the poor in the CJSResearchers have stated significant biasness in fundamental principle of justice. It isimportant that all the like cases must be treated alike only. If two individuals have been involved1
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