1PUBLIC POLICY The legalizing of the marijuana has been a path breaking incident in the history of Canada. The Canadian Government held its stand of not allowing marijuana to be sold legally to the individuals. The recreational legalization of marijuana will have lots impacts on the economy and culture of Canada in various ways (Hajizadeh, 2016). The implementation of this policy would really be a very important challenge for all the people within the country. The permission for selling of marijuana should be given to the individuals who have the Health Canada license and the individuals must show the reason of why they are applying for the CRA Cannabis license (Canada.ca, 2019). The individuals can also apply for the CRACannabislicenseonthegroundsofmedicalandnon-medicalneeds.The descriptions of being eligible for growing marijuana can be a very good initiative for the new entrepreneurs (Hajizadeh, 2016). The AGCO has been doing their business in the alcohol, horse racing and gaming in the country. Besides that they will look to expand their operations in the selling of cannabis as well. They want to progress in this field since the demand of marijuana is very high and they will look for a safe, lawful and responsible sale of the cannabis (Hajizadeh, 2016). AGCO will look to work with the Government to support the opening of the private stores for selling of marijuana so the demands of the customers can be met. This will be much motivating for the retail stores in Canada and they will make high profits from this.
3PUBLIC POLICY References Canada.ca.(2019).Applyforacannabislicence-Canada.ca.Retrievedfrom https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/businesses/topics/excise-duties- levies/apply-cannabis-licence.html Hajizadeh, M. (2016). Legalizing and regulating marijuana in Canada: review of potential economic,social,andhealthimpacts.Internationaljournalofhealthpolicyand management,5(8), 453.