
Public Relations and Communications


Added on  2023-06-05

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Professional Development
Public relations and communications
Public Relations and Communications_1

Part one
English is my second language. My first language was Arabic. However, I also use
French for daily communication.
Part 2
The learning process has not been a walk in the park. There are various challenges that
one would go through on daily basis. As a learner, one of the experiences that posted a challenge
in the learning process is the difficulty in mastering the new language. As stated earlier, English
was not the first language. Consequently, what has helped in mastering the language is
determination1. Developing tenacity and being focused on the getting knowledge is what has
helped in learning and mastering the language. Apart from that, what has helped in this case is
creating a friendship with committed teachers and students. At times one can feel low or unable
to do any task in the course of learning, however, the bunch of focused fellows and teachers have
proved to be supportive. They offer support through motivational talks, providing reading
materials and monitoring every move in the learning duration. Their support has assisted in
getting to know what learning demands from a student and how a student should respond. The
result has been positive and it has helped to retain and develop the required skills in the learning
process. Another important issue is creativity. Good result in learning cannot be earned by a
closed mindset. In some issues in class, taking time to think and imagining the best response to
give have assisted in retaining the knowledge.
Part 3
Impacting knowledge to another person depends on the characters and the mood of the
person. In many occasions, you as a teacher can have self-motivation and morale to teach but the
feedback from the student is negative. The negative response makes you slow down and not give
all the resources you would intend to give. By negative response, it means that the group is so
dull and do not want to participate in teaching activities. As everyone knows, teaching is a two-
way traffic and the student and the teacher needs to participate concurrently to fulfill the
objective of learning2. On the other hand, there is a situation where the learners are participating
fully. They ask questions concerning the topic, they respond to the question when posed to them.
In this situation, the learning process is interactive and nobody feels like tired in the process. The
motivation is too high to make you give all the resources and others that you did not intend to
give. Besides that, another important experience is that time management is important during
group discussion or teaching an individual. You should arrive at the correct time and leave and
the agreed time. Time management would assist you to get full participation of the audience.
Part four.
The aim of this exercise is to bring out the necessary skills the student needs during the
learning process. The skills are aimed at assisting the student to relate with his or her peers and
1 Theaker, (2017). What is public relations?. In The Public Relations Strategic
Toolkit (pp. 20). Routledge.
2 Pearson, (2017). Business ethics as communication ethics: Public relations practice and
the idea of dialogue. In Public relations theory (pp. 131). Routledge
Public Relations and Communications_2

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