HRM Practices for Sainsbury's Success
Added on 2020-06-06
13 Pages4440 Words441 Views
Human resource management
Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1Task 1...............................................................................................................................................1P1 The purpose and function of HRM, relevant to workforce planning and resourcing a firm.1P2 Explain the strength and weaknesses of the different approaches to recruitment andselection ......................................................................................................................................2TASK 2............................................................................................................................................3P3 Explain the benefits of different HRM practises for employer and employee......................3P4 The effectiveness of the various HRM practices in terms of increasing firms profit andproductivity.................................................................................................................................5TASK 3............................................................................................................................................6P5 Importance of employee relation in terms of HRM decision making...................................6P6 Key elements of employment legislation and impact upon HRM decision making..............1TASK 4............................................................................................................................................2P7 Illustrate the application of HRM practises in a work context..............................................2CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................2REFERENCES................................................................................................................................4
INTRODUCTIONHuman resource management focus on the certain modification within firm by itseffective practices to manage the manpower. The report consists on Sainsbury which is thesecond largest supermarket chain business in the United Kingdom. Further, the purpose andfunction of HRM, applicable to workforce planning and resourcing organisations. It also coversthe strength and weakness of various approaches to recruitment and selection used in the citedfirm and the effectiveness of different human resource practices in terms of increasing firmsprofits and productivity. Learning, development and training to the employees are the mainHRM practices of the organisations. The report will also cover the importance of employeerelation in term of influencing and key element of employment legislation which impact theHRM upon decision making. Lastly, the Job Specification document and interview question for anurse position.Task 1P1 The purpose and function of HRM, relevant to workforce planning and resourcing a firm.Human resource management focus on improving the efficiency of employee andmaintain the relation for better outcomes. Workforce planning will assist in the organisationperformance (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). The overall procedure of linking manpower plan ofaction to desired enterprise outcomes. Resourcing a company is the key role of the humanresource management. .But the main purpose and function of the HRM in the company whichare relevant to the workforce planning and resourcing of the organisation describe such asfollows:Recruitment and Selection: Recruitment is the process of hiring candidate and Selectingthe candidate who have abilities and knowledge for specific jobs. The purpose of thisprocedure is to attracted the competent for various job in the company. But it is importantfor the firm to implement effective workforce planning before starting of recruitmentprocess in the organisations.Orientation: The various firm don't provide the proper orientation to the new employees.It is the important function that human resource management perform to give certainknowledge about the company in terms of objectives and goals which need to share withnew employees (Bratton and Gold, 2017). These kinds of session will assist the worker to1
know his allotted roles and responsibilities, polices of the firm as well connection to theposition with other division (Brewster and Hegewisch, eds., 2017).Maintaining Good working conditions:In the organisation the main role of the HRM isto give better working environment to the worker. From getting workplace effectiveemployees feel motivate and work for achieving organisation goals. Human resourcemanagement required to give the financial and non financial reward for those who arecontributing in the firm. Employee welfare is the another key element for the HR team tomanage in a firm because the employee welfare will help to promote the satisfaction ofjob.Managing Employee relations: It is the important aspect for HRM to build the effectiverelationship with employees. So managing employee relation help to foster a goodemployees relations (Brewster, Mayrhofer and Morley, 2016).P2 Explain the strength and weaknesses of the different approaches to recruitment and selection Recruitment is the important process through which company hires the talentedcandidates which helps to enhance the performance level of the company. Recruitment processhave two types of internal and external methods along with that, internal and external are used torecruit employees. There are different approaches of recruitment and selection such as JobDescription, skills inventory, Job Posting Strategy and multi step recruitment. Job Description: job description is the process through which candidate decide theirroles and responsibilities. It is the detailed information on all aspects of a job, job description isimportant for small and large scale organization. There are some weaknesses and strength of Jobdescription (Cascio, 2018). Advantages:Helps Hire the Right Person: Job description that are well written process for thoseindividuals which is qualified and prepared to fulfill the duties listed. They select theright person which is suitable for that job. Attractive job description makes the interviewsprocess easier and effect full. Lays out Employee Expectation: It is the another advantages of job description is thatbefore entering into the job. They learn duties and roles responsibilities, they makeemployees mentally prepared (Chelladurai and Kerwin, 2017). 2
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