
Academic Integrity and Plagiarism Misconduct


Added on  2022-12-26

2 Pages1058 Words24 ViewsType: 24
Rules of Quiz
13 students excluding the leader
will have one card each, under
these cards there are number of
answers shown up in a line
form and it consist 5
columns( horizontally) and 3
rows( vertically) I.e. the total
number of answers will be 15.
the leader will have several
cards each with different
questions and call for each card
rises by choosing a number ( 1
to 100).
Significance of Academic integrity at university
Academic integrity is essential for the students and all the members working for or under university. As
academic is bound by several rules and code of conduct that needs to be maintain to regulate fairness, equality
and rights of other individuals. It is important to acknowledge all the factors while conducting academic
activities in terms of teaching and learning the act of plagiarism, referencing, sabotage, cheating and others. It
is required by each student to ascertains relevance so that they would not come into contact of academic
violation that could impact on their studies in the form of suspension or termination. By following ethical code
of academic conduct, it drives the students with new and innovative skills, knowledge and adaptability for
career development. Students must bother about the rules in which they are performing or making their own
skills develop.
Plagiarism or cheating is the most focused factor under academic discipline, as it the matter of cheating and
coping others information for own use. This act of academic insiders as an illegal act of working that could
fines or lifelong disagreement from education department. There should be proper conduct of gaining
knowledge and skills into fair ways that will help the students to undertake relevant and exact information. As
students who genuinely desires for achieving growth in order to make money in future , they must follow all
the guidelines regrading integrity and discipline on academic level. As it is the basic stage through which a
student will prepare themselves for career growth by taking as much knowledge as it can. Improper conduct of
academic activities will lead to disruption and failure as it would not provide any assistance to achieve
personal goals.
Participants of Quiz
The game will be played
between 14 students including a
leader and others are its
Aims of playing the game
the game will be conducted to
drive knowledge about why any
academic miss conduct reflect
into serious causes through the
help of questions and
appropriate answers. Also, the
significance of eliminating
plagiarism from the course of
projects and assessment at
Purpose of the game
The game is designed to
acknowledge facts about
academic integrity and
plagiarism misconduct.
It is designed for the students
who wants to know about what
it cause to exercise misconduct
on university level in terms of
plagiarism or cheating.
Skills undertaken
Research has been carried out
Focused on creativity
Writing skills
Thinking ability
Academic Integrity and Plagiarism Misconduct_1

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