
Quality and safety improvement in mediation errors while administration by Nurse


Added on  2022-10-01

10 Pages3101 Words40 Views
Quality and safety
improvement in mediation
errors while administration by
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Quality and safety improvement in mediation errors while administration by Nurse_1

Table of Contents
Project proposal/ Problem Statement...............................................................................................2
Relevance of the problem................................................................................................................2
Literature Review............................................................................................................................3
Project aim.......................................................................................................................................4
Current State/ Ideal State.................................................................................................................4
Establishing measures......................................................................................................................5
Project Details..................................................................................................................................5
Dissemination of findings................................................................................................................7
Project Summary.............................................................................................................................7
Quality and safety improvement in mediation errors while administration by Nurse_2

In healthcare setting medications are determined to be the significant measures that help in
minimizing injuries. However, medication errors made by nurses leads to the economic and
clinical problem to patients. The study will focus on a nursing issue related to a medication error
that negatively affects a patient's quality of life. As a result, it is the responsibility of the nurses
to take appropriate measures to provide quality care by reducing medication errors. This quality
improvement project will determine the evidence-based strategies that will help the nurses to
mitigate this significant issue related to medication errors in healthcare settings.
Project proposal/ Problem Statement
While entering into an acute care facility, the patients expect excellence in every aspect of their
care. However, substantial differences in medication errors are found across the healthcare
settings that create a negative impact on patient's quality of life. During medication
administration, most of the factors relate specifically to nurses like failure to adhere to five
medication rights and technological devices, nursing workload and patient acuity (Kelly,
Harrington, Matos, Turner & Johnson, 2016). The problem of medication error constantly
increases, thus it becomes necessary for the registered nurses (RN) to research, evaluate and
analyze the areas surrounded by medication errors to bring sustained and systematic change that
will eliminate or decrease preventable adverse drug incidents. RN must suggest the idea of
verifying five medication rights and utilizing the technological system as it will help in reducing
medication errors and promote quality care.
Relevance of the problem
Medication errors are determined to be a serious problem across the world and a common
medical issue that negatively affects patient safety and care and may result in death. Providing
drug is one of the most complex and significant processes of nursing care, and it requires the
right functions and knowledge of nurses. Nurses possess the responsibility to provide patient
safety in medication and general administration that enhances the quality of care. Standard 4
based on National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards needs health care professionals
and stakeholders with patients along with their families to minimize adverse events and enhance
Quality and safety improvement in mediation errors while administration by Nurse_3

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