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Quality Management: Deming's Principles


Added on  2020/06/06

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This assignment delves into the crucial concepts of quality management as outlined by W. Edwards Deming. It examines his renowned 14 principles, elucidating each principle and its practical implications within organizations. The document highlights how these principles contribute to continuous improvement, employee empowerment, and overall organizational excellence.

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Quality Control Of Risk

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Table of Contents
TASKS ............................................................................................................................ 1
1. Fourteen principles as suggested by Deming..........................................................1
2.1 Eight principles defined by ISO 9000.....................................................................2
2.2 Principles of customer relationship management...................................................2
2.3 Processes for the handling of external complaints received by Dormont
Manufacturing Co.........................................................................................................3
CONCLUSION................................................................................................................. 3
APPENDIX....................................................................................................................... 5
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Quality Control can be simply defined as a process via which a business desire to
assure that quality of products should be maintained by reducing the errors of manufacturing
(Mitra, 2016). This process needs the business for creating an environment whereby both
management and employees attempt for the perfection. This can be done by giving training to
workers, formulating benchmarks for quality of products and checking products to test for
statistically significant variations. The present report is based on the Quality Control of risk
measures whereby 14 principles suggested by Deming are explained. Additionally, the concept
of quality management that is based on eight principles defined by ISO 9000 are also described.
1. Fourteen principles as suggested by Deming
Dr. William Edwards Deming is known as the father of the Japanese Post- war industrial
revival and was regarded by many as the leading quality guru in the United States. He had
given 14 principles of quality management that are described below:
Create Constancy of Purpose Towards Improvement : This principle states that the short
term reactions should be replaced or interchanged by long term planning. A new clinical trail
project should be created. It should be noted that it can be better performed by using a low
budget plan in comparison to previous ones (Fisher,Elrod and Mehta, 2011). So, different
difficulties, hindrance, issues, etc. have to be identified and fixing of all of them should be done.
Adopt new philosophy : According to this principle, organisation have to follow the new
philosophy of quality instead of just expecting the workforce to do so. Here the new clinical trail
project should be exhaustively formed and the quality matters are cautiously integrated into it by
the study management (Neyestani, 2017). There would be a great change when corporations
should think about the consumers not only about their competitors.
Cease Dependence on Inspection : It states that quality would not come by doing inspection
only. Quality integrated projects would allow management to minimise the level of investigation
over clinical sites without abolishing quality of deliverables that is clinical information. The data
that are gathered by inspection can be utilised in better controlling of processes.
Move Towards a Single Supplier for any One Item : This principle tells that work should be
done towards a single source and a long term relationship should be maintained. It states that if
there is a pharmaceutical company, then it should invest its time in searching only one CRO
(Contract research organisation). It will not necessarily be a single one, but if the venture will
formulate a solid group of CROs and supply standards to them and raise relationship with them
by creating a mutual trust between purchaser and vendor , then this will provide benefits to
Improve Constantly and Forever : This principle states that quality starts with the attentive
management. Management is duty-bound to look continuously for different ways that can be
utilised for improving quality. The team work, problems related to project, their causes, etc.
should be analysed and the solution, policies and practices should be created for those issues
(Schillin and Neubauer, 2017). The systematic issues would be continued as long as
systematic causes exists. These issues can be resolved by doing quality audit that is followed
by restorative options that consist of investigation. Clinical trail audits and the system audits can
highlights the the lack and faults of the processes. This should be handled appropriately.
Institute training : It states that training programme is very important in any organisation. If
there exists various employees who are not properly trained then this impacts the over all
quality management of the products and services. So, it is better to plan a training and
development programme even there exist experienced personnels.
Institute Leadership : Deming had made a distinction between leadership and mere
supervision. All leaders should know the proper way of supervision. This will help them in
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knowing them the differences between a mere mistake and a weakness of a process (Alsulami,
2014). If they identified these weaknesses, then they can properly resolve it. But if they don't
understand then it is impossible to remove the issues. So, a corporation should hire best
managers or leaders.
Drive out fears: This principle says that it is better to remove the felling of fear from workers so
that they can give their best in improving the quality of products.
Break down barriers between departments : There should no competition among different
departments of a company as it lowers the quality and performance of workers by raising
conflicts among them. So, it is better to work as a team and having the common goal to improve
the quality of products.
Eliminate Slogans : This states that management should not harass their workforce as it
reduces the productivity. Eliminate management by objectives : Deming says that setting
the objectives of products causes the supply of poor quality products (McVey, 2014). So, firms
should eliminate this.
Remove barriers to pride of workmanship : There are various obstacles of good performance
such as misguided supervision, faulty instruments and imperfect materials. These all should
eliminate from the company in order to do better performance.
Institute Education and Self improvement : It tells that venture should focus on investing in
educating the workforces by introducing training programmes and also encourage self
The Transmission is Everyone's job : There should a top management team having a plan of
action for carrying out the mission of quality. The critical mass of people should in included in
the change as employees and managers cannot bring it alone.
2.1 Eight principles defined by ISO 9000
The eight principles defined by ISO 9000 are listed below:
Customer focus : Corporation should focus on the demands of consumers and try to fulfil their
Leadership : A good leadership should be provided to the workers so that the objectives of
venture can be achieved effectively (Singh, Power and Chuong, 2011).
Involvement of people : People at each and every level are the heart of an enterprise and their
complete engagement enables their abilities to be used for the benefits of the company.
Process approach : When the resources and activities are managed as a process, then the
wished outcomes can be acquired more effectively.
System approach to management : Determining, understanding and managing
interconnected processes as a system would assist in attaining the objectives of the
organisation (Domínguez-Mayo and, 2012).
Continual improvement : The permanent goal of the venture should be making continuous
improvement in its overall performance.
Factual approach to decision making : Effectual decisions are done on the basis of analysing
the information and data.
Mutually beneficial supplier relationships : The suppliers and the company are dependent
on each other (Kim,Kumar and Kumar, 2011). So, a mutually beneficial relationship should be
maintained between them so that capability of both to create value can be increased.
The two key benefits for Dormont Manufacturing Co are following:
ï‚· It will reduce the problem of bad quality of hoses and assist in making the best one.
ï‚· It also helps in increasing the demands of the products as quality of goods have been
2.2 Principles of customer relationship management
The core principles of customer relationship management are described below :

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Continuously learn about customer : This principle states that an organisation can take good
business decisions when they well know about their consumers like their needs, demands, etc.
(Kumar and Reinartz, 2012)
Interact personally with consumers : Relationship can be build from interaction. Knowing
them is just the first step.
Handle different users differently : The powerfulness of this principle lies in the potentiality of
optimising the value of each consumer relationship by treating them differently.
Retain the right consumers : The knowledge and ability of treating different consumers
significantly enhances the capability of retaining them (Goddard and et. al., 2012).
Anticipate customer needs and offer to fulfill them : When organisation know about their
customers then this will provide them new opportunities of manufacturing and supplying the
right products and services to the right person at right time.
Dormont Manufacturing Co can use the above mentioned principles in making relationship
management from their customers. They can understand the needs of their users and make
their goods accordingly. By interacting with them, they come to know about the faults present in
their products and as a result they improve the quality of that so that they do not losses their
targeted users.
2.3 Processes for the handling of external complaints received by Dormont
Manufacturing Co
The steps that can be used to handle the external complaints received by Dormont
Manufacturing Co are discussed below:
Listen : In order to resolve the complaints against services, company have to first listen their
consumers that is what are their complaints (Rababah, Mohd and Ibrahim, 2011).
Understand: Then they should understand their point of view that is what they are trying to say
or which type of products they desires.
Elevate : After hearing the complaints and understanding them, the next step is to elevate the
user to a manager or supervisor. Then it is their duty to resolve the issues of them by giving
them proper service which they expect.
No fighting : Defending can be done. But fighting with the customers must not be done. As this
will never resolve the issue instead of that corporation may loose the trust of users and it
impacts a lot.
Resolve : At last the complaints of consumers should be resolved at any cost. If there is
problem in the quality of goods then the quality of products should be improved.
Present all time : Company should available every time when their users need them. They
should provide them their email address, official phone number or other information from which
consumers can contact them in the case of requirement.
From the above based report, it can be conclude that Quality control of risk measures is
very important for a corporation as it causes serious threat to them. For instant, it reduces the
performance, demands and turnover of the venture. As in this case, the bad quality of hoses
supplied by Dormont Manufacturing Co causes the loss of contract and their products are
demanded to replace with French approved equipments. The 14 principles suggested or given
by Deming are explained here. This report also explains the eight principles of quality
management that is defined by ISO 9000. it provides certain benefits to the organisation like
increasing their turn over and improving in their product quality.
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Books & journals
Alsulami, A. B., 2014. Faculty Attitudes toward Deming's Fourteen Principles of Total Quality
Management in Higher Education at the King Abdulaziz University College of
Education (Doctoral dissertation, Ohio University).
Das, A., Kumar, V. and Kumar, U., 2011. The role of leadership competencies for implementing
TQM: An empirical study in Thai manufacturing industry. International Journal of
Quality & Reliability Management. 28(2). pp.195-219.
Domínguez-Mayo, F. J. And, 2012. A quality management based on the Quality Model life
cycle. Computer Standards & Interfaces. 34(4). pp.396-412.
Fisher, C. M., Elrod, C. C. and Mehta, R., 2011. A replication to validate and improve a
measurement instrument for Deming's 14 Points. International Journal of Quality &
Reliability Management. 28(3). pp.328-358.
Goddard, M. G. J. and et. al., 2012. Customer relationship management: A global perspective.
Gower Publishing, Ltd..
Kim, D. Y., Kumar, V. and Kumar, U., 2011. A performance realization framework for
implementing ISO 9000. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management.
Kumar, V. and Reinartz, W., 2012. Customer relationship management: Concept, strategy, and
tools. Springer Science & Business Media.
McVey, A. W., 2014. Thomistic Scientific Leadership and Common Sense Triad of
Organizational Harmony. Studia Gilsoniana. 3. pp.579-593.
Mitra, A., 2016. Fundamentals of quality control and improvement. John Wiley & Sons.
Neyestani, B., 2017. Principles and Contributions of Total Quality Mangement (TQM) Gurus on
Business Quality Improvement.
Rababah, K., Mohd, H. and Ibrahim, H., 2011. Customer relationship management (CRM)
processesfrom theory to practice: The pre-implementation plan ofCRM system.
International Journal of e-Education, e-Business, e-Management and e-Learning. 1(1).
Schilling, E. G. and Neubauer, D. V., 2017. Acceptance sampling in quality control. CRC Press.
Singh, P. J., Power, D. and Chuong, S. C., 2011. A resource dependence theory perspective of
ISO 9000 in managing organizational environment. Journal of Operations
Management. 29(1). pp.49-64.
8 Steps to Squash a Customer's Complaint. 2017. [Onlie]. Available through :
Accessed on 25th September 2017.
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14 principles suggested by Deming Explanation
Create Constancy of Purpose Towards
It is replacing short term reaction with long
term planning.
Adopt New philosophy Management have to really adopt quality
philosophy rather than merely expect the
workers to do so.
Cease Dependence on Inspection Quality will not come by doing investigation
only, it only increases the cost or budget if
Move Towards a Single Supplier for any One
Works should be done towards a single source
and long term relationship.
Improve Constantly and Forever It should be the goal of firm to make
continuous improvement in term of quality.
Institute training Training and development programmes should
be implemented in the company for increasing
the performance of employees.
Institute Leadership Best leadership should be provided to the
workers in order to work in a right direction.
Drive out fears Feeling of fears in the employees decreases
the working efficiency. So it should be drive
Break down barriers between departments Each departments should not treated as
management, differences among every
departments should be removed.
Eliminate Slogans Harassing should be eliminated from work
Eliminate management by objectives Don't make target or provide deadline as it
results in bad quality goods.
Remove barriers to pride of workmanship Barriers like faulty equipments, defected raw
materials, misguided supervision, etc. should
be removed.
The Transmission is Everyone's job The jobs of each and every workers should be
Institute Education and Self improvement Training and self improvement should be
introduced in company.
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