The Nine Founding Principles of Policing
Added on 2019-09-16
2 Pages980 Words295 Views
Question 1: The nine founding principles of policing lay down the foundation towards reinforcing theattributes of an efficient police. Sir Robert Peel, emphasized the need to have a perfect command oftemper,[ CITATION Ahi15 \l 1033 ] as a quiet determined demeanour can help make wise decisionsand take decisive actions. Having control over one’s temper reflects one’s own self-control, selfdiscipline and involves a great amount of emotional maturity these are the desirable traits of highemotional intelligence that is required of an police officer. Timothy W. Turner, states “lawenforcement officer in today’s environment requires intelligence about and control of emotions in orderto meet the demands faced” [ CITATION Tim09 \l 1033 ]Effective policing involves taking concerted, calculated decisions maintaining composure andcontrolling temper; which in turn can aid effective decision making ability as to what specific actionhas to be taken in any circumstance. As Peel observes, absence of these traits may make theseofficers ill-suited for their jobs and handle people in the wide variety of circumstances law enforcementpersonnel confront. Hasty, indecisive steps and careless decisions are often related with officers whorespond by losing their own temper leading to less desirable results and incendiary circumstances forcitizens as well as the law enforcement mechanism.In order to achieve this end, securing and training of proper persons is the root of efficiency. Whilerecruiting the right type of personnel helps tapping the right resource, improving and educating theappropriate police officer, is of primary importance too. After the recruitment process is done, thephysical requirements have to be in balance with the psychological make-up of the officer. Therecruitment procedure has to involve a threefold manifesto-Ratio of employees should reflect the diversity in colour and national originRecruitment from wide variety of college disciplinesEnsure the psychological capability to handle the job.[ CITATION Pri03 \l 1033 ]The selection process involves a series of steps designed to aid selection procedure that includeseducational requirements, psychological screening as analyzing whether the candidate has thepotential to meet the requirements of a police officer. The rigorous training process involves decisionmaking programs, emphasis on reduction in unnecessary shootings and in-service training of “officersurvival” etc. Question 2: In my opinion the demeanour training has been adopted as an essential part of lawenforcement training in law enforcement officers successfully. The training session is designed todevelop a “thinking police officer” [ CITATION Sof13 \l 1033 ]such that the focus is on analyzing thesituation and responding in appropriate manner. There is a lot of emphasis given to develop thepsychological behaviour and improving the educational attainment of police recruits so that it results inwhat James Fyfe terms it as “culturally competent officer on the street”[ CITATION Nic00 \l 1033 ]Question 3:In order to develop demeanor of law enforcement officers, guidelines should be adopted so as toattain balance between the established policing principles and the contemporary issues in order tomake positive contributionsBetter stress management methods to handle job related stress and mental strain- engage incompulsory methods such as meditation, swimming, outdoor games Police community programs, games and programs held through public fundingPeriodical training and sessions on bettering communication, interpersonal relations and softskill developmentImproving motivation levels and productivity by constant appraisals and acknowledgement bypublic
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