
Advantages and Disadvantages of Different Sources of Information for Performance Management


Added on  2023-01-19

5 Pages1560 Words73 Views
Question: Advantages and disadvantages associated
with the variety/different sources of information for
effective performance management.
Include in your answer theoretical framework, build
linkage with examples, link articles, elaborate in your
own words, examples to show theory and practice, be
able to link to other topics, then external academic
articles where you make a debate on 2 articles one
with and one against and what do you think in your
opinion you agree with have evidence to support
your answers.
HR performance management:
The employees should be involved in selecting which sources their evaluation comes from
and there has to be evaluation on all the performance dimensions as in time, quality,
quantity of the performance. When employees are involved they will have a higher
acceptance of their evaluation results and they will feel that the system is fair.
There are different people who you should consider to provide performance information for
the employee.
1. Being evaluated by a Supervisors:
Advantages are:
- They can evaluate performance vs. strategic goals
- Make decisions about rewards
- They are able to differentiate among performance dimensions
- Supervisors are viewed as exclusive source in some cultural contexts
- Supervisors may not be able to directly observe performance
- Evaluations may be biased, if a supervisor likes an employee, he can give him a
high rate and if not the other way around, in other words it could be unfair.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Different Sources of Information for Performance Management_1

Although there are certain disadvantages, but the employees must essentially be evaluated
by the supervisors, as it would help to review the employee performance and creativity,
personal skills and adaptability, which in turn creates an atmosphere of healthy competition
among the employees and better the work output (Fuchsd and Prouska. 2014). Moreover, as
according to the case study, the performance appraisal of the employees is enclosed in the
hands of the supervisors to have an objective analysis.
2. Being evaluated by a Peer:
Advantages are:
- Is to assess team work
- Peers are well equipped to rate other team member’s performance since they
would work closely with them on daily basis.
- Possible friendship bias, basically if you’re in a conflict with the person
you’d rate them low.
- Discriminating
- Context effects/ environmental factors can affect their decision on
rating. Example if he’s stressed.
Peer reviews according to the researchers contribute positively in managing the employees.
Since, the evaluations are made anonymously, there is lesser chances for biasness and uphold
the honesty among the workers. Further, it also motivates the employees. Positive notions
from the fellow workers increase the teamwork attitude and output of the employees. They
are fond to be focused more on the output of the team rather than their individual output.
They also get the energy to compete and perform well. It also gives an essence of acceptance
among the workplace. Further an unbiased opinion of the fellow workers contributes
positively in the employee appraisal, however, maintaining anonymity in the evaluation form
is very important as it will reduce the subjectivity among the employees (Mache et al. 2015).
The organization that the case study talks about, do not practice such kind of evaluation
system which is negatively impacting up on the work output of the organization as a whole.
3. Being evaluated by subordinates:
- Accurate when used for developmental purposes, so to see if the employee has
developed in performance.
- Good position to assess some competencies.
- Inflated when used for administrative purposes
- Many face retaliations, so maybe the evaluator is having payback, therefore
confidentiality is a key here so they don’t even talk about the employees rating
because its private information for them.
In most of the cases it is seen that the subordinates have a negative attitude towards their
fellow seniors. There are varied opinions among the researchers regarding this kind of
evaluation. While some believe it contributes positively, others believe that the subordinated
have a generalized and biased attitude towards their seniors (Gonos and Gallo, 2013).
However, in most cases it contributes positively if only the organization has a systematic
Advantages and Disadvantages of Different Sources of Information for Performance Management_2

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