TMA 02 TMA 02 contributes 25 per cent to the total marks available for continuous assessment on BB831. The overall word limit is 2500 words. No specific word limits will be applied to the individual questions in this TMA. However, when you are allocating your word count, you should take account of the marks available for each question. Answer all questions. Question 1 (20 marks) Discuss in detail the following aspects of investment appraisal: a. Investment appraisal projects use cash flows rather than profit. Explain the above highlighting the difference between cash flows and profit. (5 marks) b. While performing investment appraisal, managers need to consider only relevant cash flows. Explain this statement highlighting which cash flows are ‘relevant’ and which are ‘irrelevant’. (5 marks) c. Investment appraisal forecasts need to keep in mind ‘inflation’ in the economy.