
Real Estate Finance


Added on  2023-04-21

21 Pages5359 Words140 Views
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Real Estate Finance_1

Table of Contents
Training Resources.............................................................................................................................................3
Workplace Policies & Procedures......................................................................................................................4
Government & Industrial Bodies.......................................................................................................................4
Industry Report...................................................................................................................................................5
Real Estate Agency Organizational Structure & Personnel.......................................................................5
Business Ownership options & services offered by Real Estate Agencies................................................6
Agency Staff Roles & Responsibilities......................................................................................................6
Legislative liabilities & responsibilities.....................................................................................................6
Legislative Requirements...............................................................................................................................6
Ethical and professional conduct standards....................................................................................................7
Client service standards..................................................................................................................................7
Risk management...........................................................................................................................................8
Project 2..............................................................................................................................................................8
Task 3...............................................................................................................................................................10
Task 4:................................................................................................................................................................0
Case Study 1...................................................................................................................................................0
Case Study 2...................................................................................................................................................0
Case Study 3...................................................................................................................................................0
Case Study 4...................................................................................................................................................1
Sale of Property..............................................................................................................................................2
Real Estate Finance_2

The land, building, property, underground right below the land you are right about the lens all
comprises of the real estate sector as a whole. It is an important matter of fact that the real estate focuses in
substantiating the physical presence of properties lens as well as buildings physical existence in real terms.
Any transaction that takes place regarding this are considered to be the accomplishment of economic activity
and hence business under the sector comes within real estate. Notably there are various form of real estate
like residential real estate, industrial real estate, land as well as commercial real estate. It can be incorporated
on this regard that construction of new buildings are encouraging in development of new infrastructural
framework that are consisting activities within the real estate sector together enhances the level of
employment accomplishing economic activity within countries as well as across borders. It significantly
affects the domestic production and raises national income of an economy (Blunden, 2016). There are
various aspect of concern on the this industrial sector that comprises of insular as well as buyers in the
market who interact to buyers agent as well as sellers agents for accomplishing any transaction related to real
estate. Moreover, the resources that are being utilized under the real estate sector or based upon the rules and
regulation that are being established to enrich the protocols set in order to monitor the real estate business
and hence all these aforementioned aspects are of notable importance to understand the performance of
business in the real estate sector. Industrial bodies as well as the government plays a crucial role pictures of
implementing policies ensuring that your business deals can occur in the real estate business and no one
weather from the buyer side of the silicide gets better off by worsening of the other. Sustenance of the real
estate sector different real estate agencies are locally present and their various operational and managerial
aspect can be reflected as follows:
Training Resources
In case of real estate properties the way of exchange of the physical goods and services are critical
driving force for the overall economic development as well as inclusive growth within a nation. Only
construction of town houses, condominiums dada real estate properties that serves residential commercial as
well as industrial purposes through the design buildings is not the only platform for real estate transactions.
The economic valuation of these real estate business actually lies in the process of the sales of these
resources from the primal seller to the end customers (Cashman, Harrison & Seiler, 2016). In the chain of
Real Estate Finance_3

this process there are various intermediate States through which the buyer’s agent as well as seller’s agents
interacts and they are termed as glucose who are being trained to accomplish this economic activities in a
fair organizational practices that are abided by Business Ethics.
Workplace Policies & Procedures
The policies that are being implemented in the workplace for maintaining ethical practice of Business
and affair organizational culture greatly focus upon the way of financial transactions that takes place within
the Real Estate brokers and they are being trained in making schedules listing properties hiring for
marketing, dealing with commissions and payroll as well as operating activities in a proper way. On this
respect licensing of the real estate agents comes first and foremost under consideration since it is of crucial
importance upon which the agreed compensation structure is being provided to them and the forms
guarantee that real estate agents will not cheat their clients for their own advantage or acquiring greater
benefits for being the middleman in the whole process. Protocols that are being implemented to reformulate
the policies based on regulatory act due to the reason that the process of buying and selling of property also
accompanied by settlement among both the parties, their respective actions, price planning, underquoting as
well as most importantly the compensation claims. Along with that the using of property, rental agreements,
repairs maintenance as well as overhaul and the shining or ending of leaves should be avoided by the
procedures and policies that do not hinder the workplace culture of the real estate industry (Cassells et al.,
2018). It can be highlighted that buyers and sellers should both be aware of the real estate that is being sold
and The White money that is being transacted in the process of sales. All the information should be
symmetric and uncertainty in information should not prevail. The pre-settlement signing should be
accompanied by contracts, inspections, stamp duty, etc. As all of this will help to avoid any kind of problem
regarding the sales of the building or property and the settlement should be transparent and clean. Any form
of improvisation that is unlawful should be highly penalized from both the parties involved in the process of
transaction of real estate.
Government & Industrial Bodies
It is a clear matter of fact that real estate properties cannot be lost or stolen as well as heat neither can
get carried away hence industrial bodies function at this fact protocol for established and government tenders
Real Estate Finance_4

the fact that the real estate properties are been purchased at reasonable fair and that are being made on this
real estate sector credible and safe. In order to avoid excessive demand and Rise of the prices of sales of this
real estate properties government as well as industrial bodies plays a crucial role in the process of Executive
transactional activities of real estate properties and implementing policies that support the key strategic
interviews that ensures that all the resources are effectively utilized and optimally allocated possible sales
Industry Report
Industrial reports reflects the existing market train that incorporates up to date understanding
regarding the factors that affect the real estate property prices and hills to focused upon the buying and
selling of the real estate properties based on fluctuation in the mortgage rates, ending rates of change in the
laws and regulations that may affect the buyer or seller as well as the real estate agents (Gurran & Phibbs,
2015). The Victorian Consumer Affairs provides significant information regarding the real estate resources
that are being bought or sold out and this information helps in the auction result to compare property prices
in respect of the suburbs towns and other places in accordance with the type of the property as well as the
size of the property that are being bought are sold. All the information incorporate a description of the
property as well as the comparable sales forecast changes by incorporating a trend analysis and giving a
snapshot of the market of the surrounding areas.
Real Estate Agency Organizational Structure & Personnel
The organization of structure of the real estate agencies is composed of the framework of the agents
as well as the agent’s representatives that works with licensed estate agents within a particular estate.
Notably to accomplish fair dealing of the real estate business the hierarchical structure of the commercial
real estate company is accompanied by the roles and responsibilities of the head license real estate broker
that serve as the overseer of the business. Understand the requirement of the licensing beyond the scope of
the agent as well as to support the agent in listing and helping the client to execute payment and purchase
related activities of real estate properties. Notably the organization structure revolves around the real estate
agents as well as the brokers that are being hired internally based on their ranking from junior to senior level
status. The junior level agents obtained the license based on the basic works vision of the senior real estate
agents both of the senior and junior level estate agents goes under rigorous training as well as educational
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activities that boost to their knowledge and prepare them for the applied field. After gaining sufficient
experience observed accomplishment of specific exams the agents are able to learning then the broker
license are given to them. Moreover, junior agents gets significant guidance from the senior once and all
other brokers that directly reports to the head license real estate broker. In the commercial real estate broking
the structural function are based on trust and cooperation of hiring staff members and recruiting them in
various departments with respect to their specialty and expect is different tiers of managerial layers.
Beautifully each of the departments have different assistance who work with the agents under the secretaries
who are not licensed agents. The directly reports to the senior managers through the middle management and
the senior managers report to the board of the committee which is inclusive of the executive level managers
as well as the head license Real Estate brokers.
Business Ownership options & services offered by Real Estate Agencies
Agency Staff Roles & Responsibilities
The agency staffs comprises of the agents, agents representative, administrators as well as
management authorities who have various roles as well as responsibilities.
Legislative liabilities & responsibilities
Legislatives robot the responsibility of respective functions in governing the agents as well as
tracking their daily management activities regarding estate agency office works and provides authorization
to them for their work. They should carry forward the duties if and only if they are being authorized format
by the agents. The representative cannot get employed by any other agent for accomplishing responsibility
the branch manager spot the 916A (1) of Corporation Act is followed. According to eat any form of falsified
presentation of information by the representatives will lose its acceptability and will lead in cancelling of the
license of both the agents as well as their representatives.
Legislative Requirements
The requirement of legislation in the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal detected that the
state should remain divided by the code of business ethics as well as fair organizational practice is based on
the professional conduct by the agents from both the buyer side as well as the seller side. This is due to the
fact that the legislation in the state or territory is avoided by certain rules and regulations that focuses on
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