
Recent Trends in Management: Impact on Human Resource Aspirations


Added on  2023-06-10

12 Pages3568 Words364 Views
BMA6106-20 New
Trends in
Management: S1
Assessment Criteria
Recent Trends in Management: Impact on Human Resource Aspirations_1

There are a various trends revolving around the world and impact wither in positive or in
negative manner. It is important for business to keep up to date with management trends so that it
can take advantage of them. These trends vary from market to market and it ca be used to
allocate business resources in such a manner that it yields higher profits. Profit maximization is
the core aim for every business organisation and they formulate effective strategies to
accomplish goals. The role of trends in market is inevitable and they needs to be considered
while making business plans. Business plans must be developed while keeping in view of
management trends. The core aim for any business organization is to provide better customer
experience service so that they can be satisfied and increases customer loyalty. It is important to
understand management trends which can help company in promoting growth and success along
with encouraging employees. It also facilitates in providing and creating foster working
environment to employees so that they can use their peak potential while working. The topic that
is chosen in this project report is recent trends of management in Human Resource. There are
numerous opportunities in this field and I can grab them on in order to pursue my aspirations.
This report will include how recent trends can affect my aspiration in positive or negative
manner. It is important for me to understand recent trends as in order to get up to date about
managerial practices of Human Resource manager. By understanding trends, I can effectively
perform my roles and responsibilities and takes all decision based on trends in order to make
company more effective.
Recent Trends in Management: Impact on Human Resource Aspirations_2

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY...........................................................................................................2
Recent trends of Management..................................................................................................5
PESTLE analysis.......................................................................................................................7
Recent Trends in Management: Impact on Human Resource Aspirations_3

Business management plays an important role in defining success of any business.it is the
process of coordinating and managing various activities in order to attain organisational goals.
The management of company ensures that all the activities are carried out in an origination are
according to predetermined goals. A business manager supervises its new as well as existing
employees so that that can work with peak potential and attain personal and professional
objectives (Kotarba, 2018). It is the responsibility of a manager to manage administrative tasks
of a business. Many companies want to identify excess cost and want to cut down overall cost
and for that they perform budget analysis. There are various trends of business management that
every Company have to face and for that sometimes it provides with positive and negative
impact. Management trends helps business in enhancing their productivity and to remain
competitive in market. By opting trends, companies can become more productive and can
formulate effective strategies which leads towards attainment of goals. Management trends are
the latest managerial practices that a manager used to effectively manage their employees. As per
the market evolves, these trends will also evolve. This project report is based on self-reflection
and recent management trends that how they can impact on my aspiration. In my future I want to
become Human Resource manager in my future and this report will help me in identifying key
trends that will help me in making better manager. This report will also cover PESTEL analysis
of each trends and how it can impact on my aspiration.
In today’s business world, there are various trends that are rapidly taking place in order to made
companies aware about latest managerial approach which company can apply to capture larger
market. The Human resource management is need to be prepared to deal with effects of changing
world. Following are some trends and their implication in my aspirations (Madsen and Grønseth,
Recent Trends in Management: Impact on Human Resource Aspirations_4

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