
Recognising and Serving the Individual


Added on  2023-01-18

10 Pages2972 Words47 Views
Professional DevelopmentDesign and CreativityLanguages and Culture
Recognising and Serving the Individual_1

Table of Contents
Table of Contents.............................................................................................................................2
Activity 1.........................................................................................................................................3
Importance and value of understanding wants, need and preferences of target consumers........3
Different factors that influence and drive customers engagement..............................................3
Review different consumer engagement factors and its effect on clients on boarding strategies
Evaluation of wider range of different target consumers groups needs......................................5
Consumer experience map for Leon restaurant...........................................................................5
Consumer touch-points create opportunities for Leon restaurant................................................6
Creation of detailed customer experience map which helps in examining the actions
undertaken by customers.............................................................................................................6
Analysing how can company optimize touch points of customers in order to enhance the
experience of customers..............................................................................................................7
Focusing on digital technology and analysing how it is useful in customer experience.............7
Digital technologies are employed in respect of improving or managing the client experience.7
CRM system disadvantage and advantage..................................................................................8
Activity 2.........................................................................................................................................8
Covered in PPT............................................................................................................................8
Recognising and Serving the Individual_2

Managing consumers experience is the main function or activity of hospitality industry,
they apply different activities and designed practices to interact with consumers for determining
their needs that helps to manage the experience of people (Homburg, Ehm and Artz, 2015). The
present report is based on Leon restaurant based in United Kingdom, serve its fast food supply
chain effectively. It explains the importance and value of understanding preferences, needs and
wants of target consumers groups for service sector industry, various factors that drive and
affects consumers engagement of different target audience groups and also define the consumer
experience map. This study justifies consumers touch-points throughout people experience create
business opportunities and ways digital technology is employed in managing customer
experience within sector with the example of CRM systems. Furthermore, it clarifies consumer
service strategy in food sector and ways to develop and create these strategies in way that meets
needs of clients.
Activity 1
Importance and value of understanding wants, need and preferences of target consumers
In market customer’s needs, preferences and wants will change time to time according to
trends. Leon restaurant is based on UK, they target customers group by considering their age,
lifestyle, income, culture and education which is beneficial business while serving fast food
service to people (Zhang and Vásquez, 2014). Food sector is chosen for this purpose in which
Leon restaurant operate since for so long. In order to retain clients for longer, it is very essential
for this sector to understand the needs and wants of consumer better, because it helps this sector
to develop their effective marketing strategies accordingly. With the help of understanding target
audience needs and other things company will grow more and more, they are able to provide
services or products according to them. Food service sector within hospitality industry will face
many issues due to not providing service and offer food accordant to client’s needs, so to reduce
this problem understanding of target clients group is vital.
Different factors that influence and drive customers engagement
Consumer engagement is the term defined as business communication or interaction
connection between hospitality firms and external stakeholder through varied channels of
correspondence. This kind of connection will influence or impact on overall experience of clients
which take place offline and online.
Recognising and Serving the Individual_3

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