
Understanding Motivation: Strategies for Employee Performance Appraisal


Added on  2019-09-25

15 Pages3653 Words74 Views
Recognizably EqualFinal Case Study: Recognizably EqualNameSubmitted toDate1
Understanding Motivation: Strategies for Employee Performance Appraisal_1

Recognizably EqualTable of ContentsIntroduction......................................................................................................................................3Discussion........................................................................................................................................4Issue.............................................................................................................................................4Rule..............................................................................................................................................6Application..................................................................................................................................7Justification................................................................................................................................10Recruitment strategy..................................................................................................................12References......................................................................................................................................142
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Recognizably EqualIntroductionThe success of an organization solely depends on the satisfaction among the employees. Usually the cases of lower turnover rate are dependent on the high employee contentedness rate. Therefore it is the responsibility of the management to keep their employees satisfied with their job and career. There are various reasons of the employees being discouraged with the organization and jobs which include lack of communication, high stress, limited opportunity for self-growth, lack of recognition etc. The management of the organization must actively seek in order to improve the related factors which lower down the turnover rate. The case of turnover presents an expense which has to be avoided even in the economic downturn (Ibrahim, M.E. and Perez, A.O., 2014)According to, Kuvaas, B., (2006),higher employee satisfaction is seen to correlate to the lower staff turnover and the higher levels of customer satisfaction as the customer’s results and outcomes are directly affected by the employees providing services (Chi and Gursoy, 2009). It is impossible for the organization to satisfy their customers if they are not getting appropriate support from the satisfied employees who run the operations of the company. Various HR studies have argued the importance of the improving employee satisfaction which requires combination of the employee opportunities for development and growth with factors like welfare, working environment, company policy, and employees’ sense of security. Studies like Van Scotter (2000) and McColl-Kennedy and Anderson (2005), have pointed out to the value of increasing the accountability and autonomy of the employees. This paper aims to reflect the various aspects of the employee dissatisfaction by elaborating the case of Fatima Memorial Hospital where the issue of employees’ dissatisfaction has been encountered recently. 3
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Recognizably EqualDiscussionIssueIdentify the problem relating to employee dissatisfaction. Justify your positionFatima Memorial Hospital is one of the major medical facility provider in the MENA region. The hospital has been known widely for its charitable activities and the employee oriented schemes for the last decade. With over 150 administrative staff, 800 workers and 80 managementlevel employees, the organization was seen to treat everyone at the same level and even providedthe same coloured scrubs for their doctors and nurses and was standing by the rule of Employee Equality. Therefore the management had a cordial relationship with the staff. The hospital was even seen to provide its employees with competitive benefits package. But in the recent days, thehospital has been seen to face issues related to quality, supply and increase in the sick calls by their employees. On probing further by the HR department of the company, it was seen that there were various loop holes in the system of the hospital. On investigating further, the issues creating dissatisfaction among the employees were identified to be:1.Hiring of new employees for the higher level post where the potential internal candidates were not even considered.2.These newly hired employees were given higher packages as compared to the ones who are already working in the same field.The dissatisfied employees complained of the fact that there performance level was better than the newly hired as they are well-known of the rules, regulations and functioning of the hospital. 4
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