
Hospitality Industry Human Resource Challenges


Added on  2020-04-07

11 Pages2954 Words33 Views
Hospitality Industry Human Resource Challenges_1

RECRUITMENT IN FOOD SERVICE INDUSTRY 2Executive summaryThe report will discuss in detail about food service industry from small business to large restaurants. All the organizations in the industry share a common kind of challenge. Past records show that the industry experiences high rate of turnover and there are times when the entire industry can switch jobs twice a year. One of the most impactful ways to overcome the challenges of staffing in a food service industry is via revamping the process of recruitment and selection that are customized as per the requirement of the restaurant and the type of workforces which is expected to work there.
Hospitality Industry Human Resource Challenges_2

RECRUITMENT IN FOOD SERVICE INDUSTRY 3ContentsExecutive summary.........................................................................................................................2Introduction......................................................................................................................................4Discussion........................................................................................................................................4Challenges in recruitment in food service industry.....................................................................4Recruitment strategies..................................................................................................................5Conclusion and recommendations...................................................................................................7References........................................................................................................................................8
Hospitality Industry Human Resource Challenges_3

RECRUITMENT IN FOOD SERVICE INDUSTRY 4IntroductionThe rate of turnover in the food service industry is going high in comparison of other industries. The operations of attracting, retaining as well as performing workforces are internal and significant in today’s world of fierce competition. To attract good talent in the industry in the current time with tough competition, innovative culture and good reputation to create high quality food services becomes a challenge. However it is important to look for different opportunities to deal with challenges (Murray et al, 2017). The world of culinary has seen a dramatic move in last few years with high popularity in cooking also exhibit and also heightens the stardom of the chef by developing a culture for foodie with high level of expectations and high demand not just for good food but good services as well.In order to find as well as keep talented employees to rise in their career and also accept the challenges should be the main task in current scenario for the hotels and restaurants. Execution of different employment based work at hotels has to provide with an edge to attract more and more talent within the multitude of various food based service outlets (Rudolph et al, 2017).DiscussionChallenges in recruitment in food service industryFollowing is the detailed discussion of the challenges: -1.Labor supply/ demand: from international point of view, the current industry can performbetter to deal with various labor related issues that is a common trend in the sector. The good thing is that it’s a powerful industry and has a strong voice. However, it is importantto use it in effective manner (Antn et al, 2016). While working and competing in the industry without the right attitude of association can be very challenging and can be an issue to attract people to have a career in food service industry. The industry is however booming and there cannot be a better time to pursue a career in it and the future of industry relies on it (Alberti, 2016).2.Organizational images: there are multiple trends in the industry that are playing a crucial role in how much attention an employer can attract. The reputation plays an important
Hospitality Industry Human Resource Challenges_4

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