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Recruitment Strategy for Business Travel Consultant at Crystal Travel


Added on  2023/06/07

AI Summary
This report provides a job description, person specification, job advert, and recruitment strategy for hiring a Business Travel Consultant at Crystal Travel. It also includes a three-month staff development plan for the new starter. The report concludes with a rationale for the choices made in the design of the materials.

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People and Performance

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Table of Contents
A job description and person specification for the Business Travel Consultant.........................3
A job advert to help you in recruiting the Business Travel Consultant......................................5
A plan outlining our recruitment strategy for obtaining the best candidate................................5
A three-month staff development for the new starter.................................................................6
Rationale for all the choices that have been made in the design of above materials..................6
CONCLUSION ...............................................................................................................................9
Appendix .......................................................................................................................................11
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The people are basically defined as the employees who are doing job in the organization.
Here these peoples play the crucial role for sustaining the vision, mission and objectives of
organization in long term. But in aspect of performance, it is defined as the productivity which is
maintained by all categories of employees within organization. That means performance are
highly essential for sustaining the profit margin of organization at higher rate in long term. Here
the chosen company is Crystal Travel which is situated in UK (Abdullah, Badr and Manee,
2018). The report will cover a person specification and job description for the business travel
consultant, a job advert which is beneficial for recruiting the business travel consultant.
A job description and person specification for the Business Travel Consultant
A job description is one of the beneficial and written narrative technique which is not
only explained the responsivities regarding to job position. It also describes the various task and
functions which is required to perform by employees. This provides whole details to individual
who performed the work like how to perform, how the particular task is accomplished, objective
behind carrying the work etc. It is mainly designed for particular type of job responsibility which
refer to place of job and job requirements. But in another side, personal specification is referred
to written document which mainly explains the personal attributed that higher authority of firm is
looks in single person. The document of personal specification is based on the description of JD
which ensures that the selected candidate is suits for particular job or not.
Job Description -
Crystal Travels
Business Travel Consultant
Job Profile -
Our organization is searching for an best candidate in the form of business travel consultant and
who have the potentiality to travel in various locations regularly. The selected candidate is fully
responsible for promotes their services and also for booking the travel agreement according to
the requirements of consumer's
Responsibilities -
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Responsible for explore various popular places.
Made research regarding various places price, weather conditions, reviews and others.
Develop and design attractive travelling packages for consumers.
Suggesting suitable and best packages to users according to their requirements.
Experience -
At least two years’ experience is required as a Business Travel Consultant (Dutt-Mazumder and
Huggins, 2020).
Qualification -
Post-graduation in Travel and Tourism and management.
Professional certificate in information technology from recognized board or university.
Skills -
Must have basic knowledge of computer and its software.
Have passion for tourism and travelling.
Have fluency in English and other languages and also have communication and
interpersonal skills.
Person specification -
Essential Desirable
Skills Must have effective fluency in
English and also have effective
negotiable and intrapersonal
Have ability to enhance the sale and
profit of organization with effective
decision-making skills.
Knowledge Have deep knowledge about
various types of computers
software’s and applications such
as MS office.
Having goods knowledge regarding
various places and passionate about
Experience Personal travelling At least one year is mandatory for
this post.
Attitude Positive, politeness Approach based on customer

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A job advert to help you in recruiting the Business Travel Consultant
The job advert is one of the essential tools for hiring individuals within company.
The various requirement agencies basically prepared the job advertising. The job advert
required to prepare in attractive way and it involves all kinds of communication and in this
way attracts the to the workplace.
Job Advertisement
The Crystal travel which is a one type of travel agency is going to hire talented and potential
candidates for the post Business Travel Consultant (English and Lenters-Westra, 2018). The
location for this Job profile is London United Kingdom. According to our policy the company
will pay attractive salary and extra benefits to their employee's
Company name – Crystal Travel
Place London, United Kingdom
Industry – Travel and tourism
Job position Business travel consultant
Qualification – Post graduation certificate in travel and tourism.
Experience – At 2 years is required to become business travel consultant.
Skills – Fluency in English and have effective communication skills
Pay scale – 30, 000 per month in hand
Leaves – 30 in year
Interested and suitable candidates can send their CV at
A plan outlining our recruitment strategy for obtaining the best candidate
The recruitment technique is one type of procedure which assist the firm for identify the
talented and qualified candidate for the vacant post. In respect of Crystal travel for fulfilling the
vacancy of Business travel consultant authority of this firm is going to utilize the tool of social
media effectively. With help of this needs of job vacancies are shared to whole network and
encouraged the communication in two ways. In today’s time almost every individual is on the
platform of social media. The platform of social media facilitates great opportunity to company
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which is beneficial for recruiting the candidates. A three-month staff development for the new
Employee Name: XYZ
Date: 26/07/22
Current Title: Business Travel Consultant
Current Strength: Must have effective communication skills,
intrapersonal skills and have genuine
degree in field of travel and tourism.
Development Needs: Improves knowledge regarding numerous
places, its price and others.
Professional Goals: Professional consultant
Step 1: Made research regarding various famous
locations and knows the price for stay there
and comes back according to weather
Step 2: Take reviews from employee's regarding
their experiences.
Step 3: Overlooking performance of employees
and fixed the goals for them.
Track the employee performance on
monthly basis.
Step 4: Measuring the accurate performance of
workers with defined targets.
Rationale for all the choices that have been made in the design of above materials
In aspect of recruiting business travel consultant in the Crystal travel choosing the JD is
highly important (Lipkin and Haddad, 2018). This facilitates specific description which
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makes able the individual for looking at their requirements and roles which is required for
vacant job post. Document will support to look the particular person which matched to
vacant post, that assist the manager of HR for easily matched the CV with Job description
and recruits the eligible applicants which is suitable for this job role with job description.
This highlights the training knowledge, skills and abilities which is essential for workers
and also for showing the duties and responsibilities which are being performed. This is act
just like an base for an evaluation, orientation and interview the actual performance of their
workers. The job description allows the organization manager for evaluating the employee
performance and review them accurately. In aspect of personal specification and job
description both plays the major role not only department of human resource within
company but also for those individuals who are searching for job in specific post.
Individual looked over the JD of organization and matched their CV with job requirements
and identified that weather they are suitable for post or not. In many firms JD is developed
by human resource of organization according to needs of job position in in organization
and support them to recruit the persons regarding to the information’s.
The person specification is referred to a small part of JD and it is one of the essential part
essential parts of this. It makes them allow to keep communication with essential and desired
skills which have to be possessed by the candidates (Olaisen and Revang, 2018). This
communicates with work experience, education and others which is needs by employees for
attaining the success at higher rate. The person specification is referred to capabilities, skills,
knowledge and others which is required within organization in order to perform the job role in
the workplace effectively. It mainly covered the qualification needed, managerial and working
experience which is important to candidate that support them for attaining various objectives
which is connected with job position. In aspect of HR personal specification played the
significant role and also for various applicants whether they are suitable for job or not.
In the procedure of recruitment, the advertising of job played highly significant role. In
this way organization easily spread the data of available vacant position within organization. Due
to the effective use of job advertisement potential candidates are attracted in large scale, those
who are searching for job. With help of utilizing Job advert each individual get the data easily
about the vacant post of particular organization which facilitates support to them in regarding
choosing best candidate from tool. The major aim behind the advertisement of job is to attract

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the potential clients in large number by convincing them. In this way they are able to apply for
vacant positions quickly and also received the qualified employees in huge number. Regarding
job advert it is highly an effective tool for gaining the attention of the talented candidate in large
The procedure of recruitment played the crucial role for the department of HR within
company. This type of procedure assists them for hiring talented candidates in aspect of filling
the vacant positions. In this way best employees are hired and develops a goodwill for manager,
enhancing the job posting along with the job description, providing assistance for prioritizing the
policies of firm assist in aspect of conducting the process of interview and also helps in
appointing the skilled workers. In relation to Crystal travel, the authority of this firm is utilized
the social media approach ineffective manner. In today’s time the platform of social media are
utilized by large number of people and makes this strategy to them very convenient for
identifying the right and desired job (Purba and Sudibjo, 2020).
After the identification of new candidates within company the top-level management of
this firm is developed effective employee development plan. This played the crucial role within
company for supporting in development of skills or knowledge in each individual which is
essential. It results in workforce performance and also assist in improving satisfaction level of
workers effectively. The employment development plan is defined as the plan of growth which
facilitates support for enhancing the skills and learning within organization. This provides
advanced training to employees who are hired for new job responsibility. Along with this the
plan of employee development also support in measuring the real productivity of employees
according to regular basis. The tracking of employees on regular basis and training procedure
assists the company to made changes in the working of staff according to their goals and
Due to the effective utilization of training the issues of employees are easily solved in
quick manner. The effective development of employee within firm assist in will assist in
attaining the short term and long-term goals of company effectively. Therefore, the plan of
employee development played the major role for firm along with the development of new skills
within the employees. Due to the effective utilization of new skills of workers company is able to
deliver best quality service to all consumers for long duration.
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From the above analysis it concludes that the department of HR and employees both
played the major role for run the activities of organization smoothly. Due to the effective
procedure of HR department, company easily hired talented and skilled employees within low
time. With help of utilizing talented employee organization easily delivered quality goods and
services to users for long time. Here the chosen company is Crystal Travel which is situated in
UK. The report will cover a job description and person specification for the business travel
consultant, a job advert which is beneficial for recruiting the business travel consultant.
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Books and Journals
Abdullah, E.J., Badr, H.E. and Manee, F., 2018. MS People’s Performance and satisfaction with
daily occupations: Implications for occupational therapy. OTJR: occupation,
participation and health, 38(1), pp.28-37.
Dutt-Mazumder, A. and Huggins, J.E., 2020. Performance comparison of a non-invasive P300-
based BCI mouse to a head-mouse for people with SCI. Brain-Computer
Interfaces, 7(1-2), pp.1-10.
English, E. and Lenters-Westra, E., 2018. HbA1c method performance: the great success story of
global standardization. Critical reviews in clinical laboratory sciences, 55(6), pp.408-
Lipkin, J. and Haddad, R., 2018. " Be Fierce, Believe in Yourself, and Find Your People": A
Roundtable Discussion about Disability and Performance. Journal of Literary &
Cultural Disability Studies, 12(2), pp.221-238.
Olaisen, J. and Revang, O., 2018. Exploring the performance of tacit knowledge: How to make
ordinary people deliver extraordinary results in teams. International Journal of
Information Management, 43, pp.295-304.
Purba, K. and Sudibjo, K., 2020. The effects analysis of transformational leadership, work
motivation and compensation on employee performance in PT. Sago Nauli. Budapest
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Rawashdeh, A., 2018. The impact of green human resource management on organizational
environmental performance in Jordanian health service organizations. Management
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Underwood, M., 2019. The unintended consequences of emphasising blood-borne virus in
research on, and services for, people who inject image and performance enhancing
drugs: A commentary based on enhanced bodybuilder perspectives. International
Journal of Drug Policy, 67, pp.19-23.

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A PESTEL Analysis for Crystal Travel
Political – In context to Crystal Travel, there are different regulations and rules that the
organization needs to apply. Due to following various rules and regulations of
government firm easily maintained their political stability for long time.
Economic – This factor involves the rate of inflation where the organization is facing.
Due to facing high inflation rate Crystal travel is not able to run their services in smooth
Social – There are peoples around the world whose culture and background are totally
different. Out of these some peoples are with others or from other countries and judge
according to the basis of culture and race.
Technological – The organization must update their technology for delivering their
services and goods to users quickly. It reduced the possibility of errors in data effectively.
Environment - The company should take care of the pollution policy and climate
change, which will help the tourists and travel agents to provide better customer service.
Legal – In context to crystal travel it is necessary for organization that they must run their
activities with fairness or transparency. Due to this management is able to sustain their
goodwill in market legally for long time.
Legal - The company should comply with all government rules and regulations. In the
pandemic, the company has to stop operations and the company suffers losses
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