Academic Skills and Research Exploration
Added on 2020-01-07
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AS2 Reflection and Academic Skills BOOKLET[Write your full name and LON number here and delete this text]1SRS Academic Reflections and Skills Booklet
1. Academic Skill: Mind-map about academic skillsIn order to deliver service within Health and Social Care setting it is essential for individualto engage in devising mind-map regarding the academic skills that support the individual to gaineffective knowledge regarding the activities. The skills mainly focuses on writing skills that supportme in writing down the lectures notes that support me in performing effective activities withinhealth and social care. Another academic skills that is required by individual also include researchskills through which I can easily accumulate the relevant information and knowledge regarding thetopic. 2. Academic Skill: Writing Style about immigration With the increasing immigrants within the UK results in increasing or raising theemployment opportunities within the region that results in enhancing the growth of the overalleconomy. In the present environment UK only gain 4% of the EU asylum application that supportsthe individual to sustain in the HSC unit. Along with this, it is also assessed that Syrian governmentis agonizing their own residential people those who are immigrating from their own country. Thepeople are not migrating to make the more money but they need to overcome the other issuesrelated with improper health and security. 3. Academic Skill: Paraphrase about CSRIn the year 2011 the area called Cape Three Points (CTP) Ghana mainly focuses onconducting the research so that they can easily meet the expectation of the people. The mainlyfocuses gaining primary information regarding the social responsibilities regarding the area so thatit may ensure the development of the area so that it may easily assists in rendering quality lifewithin the society. From the conducted research it was assessed that population was around 500 people that mainlyengage in the occupational activities of farm and fisheries. From the conducted research it was alsofound that within the region there was no electricity nor they were having the portable drinkingwater that results in impacting the health and well-being of the individual within the region.Governments after governments come with all kind of promises during campaign time. Fleets ofvehicles come here, all in the name of trying to know our needs so that once they are elected inpower they will help the community to get easily develop. 4. Reflection: Citations, Referencing and PlagiarismIn order to engage in marking authentic statement within the report references and citation ismust needed. Therefore citation focuses on stating that the content has been taken from that site. Along with this, it is also stated that there are different style of references that I can do within the report that mainly include APA, Harvard etc. along with this, it is also stated that references supportthe people are not migrating to make the more money but they need to overcome the other issues related with improper health and security. The guide to correct referencing style can be approached through different platforms like internet, video tutorials or certain examples from past reports and researches. It is quite important to inculcate references and citation while developing research works because it provides readers a path through which authentic source of information can be accessed (Gipp, Meuschke and Breitinger, 2014). Plagiarism is a proceeding where original ideas or works ofan individual are produced by other person as his own. It is important to conduct a plagiarism checkso that authenticity can be examined (Anderson, 2016).5. Academic Skill: Synthesis on IMF 2SRS Academic Reflections and Skills Booklet
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