
Reflection on Emergency Case: Developing Active Listening and Self-Regulation Skills


Added on  2023-04-24

7 Pages1293 Words331 Views
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Reflection on Emergency Case: Developing Active Listening and Self-Regulation Skills_1

In the morning shift, I formed a team of four nurses including me as we had to attend a
patient in the emergency department. When we arrived at the department, we saw that the patient
had difficulty in breathing and we had to attend to this emergency at that moment only. I was in
the leadership role and immediately appointed the other three members to administer IV
antibiotics, salbutamol, oxygen and medication. I had taken the role of documenting the vital
signs and accordingly, I had to take actions. I saw abnormal signs of the patient but could not
understand what to do at that moment. I got nervous and tensed and could not communicate with
my team effectively. I did not listen to their observations about the patients and without listening
to them, I cut them in between. Immediately the doctor arrived and seeing the adverse situation,
scolded me stating why I did not call the MET immediately. The other members immediately
stated that they wanted to tell me about calling the Met and that I did not listen to them.
I was feeling very disappointed with myself as I could not provide safe and quality care
to the patient for which the patient was exposed to life threatening situation. I was feeling very
upset thinking that I could neither lead my team effectively nor I could handle the strenuous
situation with poise and steadiness. I felt guilty for the deteriorating situation of the patient. I had
lost my confidence over my skills and knowledge and thought that I could never be able to
handle such strenuous conditions effectively. However, I decided to turn around and instead of
taking it as a failure, I took it as a chance of making me understand my weakness and work on
them to become an expert nursing professional.
Reflection on Emergency Case: Developing Active Listening and Self-Regulation Skills_2

One of the most important attribute that I lacked was my effective communication skill
attributes. Active listening skill can be defined as the highest and most effective level of listening
which remains based on providing complete attention to what the person is saying, listening to
him or her carefully and attentively without interrupting them (Weber et al., 2016). Active
listening in healthcare is extremely important for nursing professionals not only to develop
therapeutic relationship with patients bit also for effective teamwork among the healthcare
professionals (Maenpaa et al., 2018). Often interrupting patients and other members of the team
might disrupt the flow of information which can prove to be beneficial for better safe and quality
care service delivery to patient (Trifkovic et al., 2017). I had poor communication skills and
hence the entire communication got interrupted. If I had not interrupted in between I could have
known their suggestions for calling the /met and that would have helped me in taking the correct
decisions. Another weakness that I evaluated is my self-regulation skills as well as decision
making skills. I need to develop such skills so that I can become an expert nursing professional
for the future.
Active listening skills are important for effective team-working and every nursing leader
need to have such skills. They need to have the ability to listen to the feedbacks and suggestions
of their team members and then take decisions accordingly (Wosinski et al., 2018). Not listening
to team members or cutting them in between not only affects the morale of subordinates making
them feel disrespected but also many important information might get disrupted (Abdrbo, 2017).
Active listening skills can help in providing important information about the patient by the
Reflection on Emergency Case: Developing Active Listening and Self-Regulation Skills_3

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