
Reflective Analytical Report on Decision Making Process


Added on  2023-06-13

19 Pages4560 Words499 Views
Reflective Analytical Report
Name of student
Name of University
Author’s Note
Reflective Analytical Report on Decision Making Process_1

Executive Summary
The report contains the intended use of reflective writing on decision making. It focusses on the
individual and the processes specified to that individual. This report will reflect those processes
in context of my own experience and the wider reading that has been done in the individual
report. As a decision-maker, I will be able to identify and critique the frameworks and specific
Reflective Analytical Report on Decision Making Process_2

Table of Contents
Some Effective Steps of Decision Making Process.....................................................................................6
Various Models of Decision Making...........................................................................................................7
Rational or Classical Model.....................................................................................................................8
Bounded Rationality or Administrative Model.......................................................................................8
Retrospective Model................................................................................................................................9
Consumer Decision Making Model.......................................................................................................10
Five Stage Model of Consumer Decision Making Model.........................................................................11
Strength and Weaknesses of Consumer Decision-Making Process..........................................................13
Weaknesses of Rational or Classical Model..........................................................................................14
Weakness of Bounded rational..............................................................................................................14
Critiques of Consumer Decision Making Model.......................................................................................15
Reflective Analytical Report on Decision Making Process_3

Decision-making process is the logical and difficult task, no matter whether the decision
is big or small. But in our everyday life we usually focus on decisions for self rather that thinking
of what way to make them. In this paper, I started to reflect my own process of making a
decision and talk about my personal decision style and identify the weaknesses in that style.
The purpose of this report is to provide a reflective analytical report that support the
analysis of making a decision through solid research on models, methods, framework and
taxonomy. It will identify the characteristics of decision making process and analyse the
reflection. It will contain some supported resource located in the process of decision making. For
everyone who are involved in the educational background reflect some practice of decision
making. Reflection is best describe in the novel of Harry Potter, ‘The Goblet of Fire’. In the
novel there was paragraph where the chief wizard Dumbledore and the head teacher was talking
about excess thoughts to Harry. The spot patterns and links become easier. This indicates that
experience is not sufficient in order to learn. If there is no reflection in the experience, then it is
quickly forgotten and it may happen that the potential of learning might lost. Through reflection,
thoughts and feelings emerges that generate the concept of decision making. Every new situation
can be effectively tackled through generalizations. Decision making has provide an opportunity
to gain an insight from the work experience. This report will further consider the perspective of
the people and certain model and methods. Finally, it will conclude by making related
recommendation that change the decision-making model.
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