
Reflective Journal on Gender Inequality, Race and Ethnicity, Multiculturalism, and Aboriginal Issues


Added on  2023-06-15

12 Pages3276 Words191 Views
Higher EducationLanguages and Culture
Reflective Journal
Name of the Student
Name of the University
Author’s Note
Reflective Journal on Gender Inequality, Race and Ethnicity, Multiculturalism, and Aboriginal Issues_1

Task 1: Gender Inequality
First Entry
Today we discussed the topic gender inequality that identifies the unequal perception the
people hold in their mind about the sexes of human being in the society. These perceptions
determine the actions of individual conducted in the society. We were advised to read multiple
articles on the topic to enrich our knowledge and were demonstrated a video on the concerned
topic. I prior to this class believed the gender inequality was a cultural fact that is being followed
by the people for several generations. However, I never gave it a thought and was unaware of the
intensity of the topic. The tutor also demonstrated the process of reading and understanding the
academic journals, reports, or books. We also came to know about the process of distinguishing
original work from critical analysis. I utilized this particular knowledge in identifying the
Ridgeway’s (2011) work as original. Ridgeway related gender inequality with cultural beliefs
and its contribution in gendering of the social relation. This completely changed my view on
gender inequality and its association with cultural norms. As per my understanding after the
reading, gender inequality is a socio-cultural issue that arises due to the patriarchal society,
where male are considered as the dominating section. However, in early days, it only dictated the
role of the male and female in the society. This was to help them balancing the harmony of the
society, as the economic activity were associated with male due to the biological orientation.
Modern day gender inequality has took a different turn where the people are discriminated based
on their gender. I can now relate it with the societal fact that the women are less paid for
particular jobs than the male for performing similar activities. My further research on topic from
various sources informed me that the issue is not only present in Canada or USA, but almost in
every corner of the world, where male are considered as the dominating part.
Reflective Journal on Gender Inequality, Race and Ethnicity, Multiculturalism, and Aboriginal Issues_2

Second Entry
We continued our discussion of gender inequality, where we identified some of the
instance of gender inequality, where the women in different sectors are facing discrimination due
to their gender. I further researched on the fact and found in Brandt’s (2011) work among fifty-
seven communities that the sexism is a major reason of gender inequality. I am now concern
about the topic of gender biasness or gender inequality after both the session. The tutor has
mentioned about the protests the women are doing for getting equal rights in the society. I could
verify the fact from the news and social media that the women in different countries are actively
participating in the feminism movement for getting their equal share in the society. However, I
think feminism is something different and does not fully address the concerns of gender
inequality. What I think important is to spread the awareness of gender equality that is required
in the society on the grass root level. It is the only way of resolving the issue. I have already
started conversation in my social groups and gatherings. I encourage people to participate in
debates, take their perception, and try to present my newly modified perception on gender
inequality. It is necessary to eradicate gender inequality from the minds of the people to eradicate
the issue in societal level. These short conversations in the gathering will enact them to think
about the issue and spread the message among the larger mass as they are associated with other
social grouping. Moreover, it is important to initiate change form the family before changing the
society. I now strongly support equality between male and female and stand against any
discrimination that takes place both within and outside my family. The learning session also
enlightened me with other process of promoting gender equality to change the perception of the
individuals in the society that I am now considering to use in my daily life.
Task 2: Race and Ethnicity
Reflective Journal on Gender Inequality, Race and Ethnicity, Multiculturalism, and Aboriginal Issues_3

First Entry
Today’s topic of discussion in the class was race and ethnicity. The lecturer gave
definition of both race and ethnicity and taught us the difference among them. As described by
Song (2017) the race is a biological identity, whereas, ethnicity is a social phenomena. The
scholars of early age identified different biological characteristics among the people living in
different parts of the world. As explained by the early scholars, the formation of racial
characteristics are due to the process of environmental adaptation. It was a survival mechanism
that human body adopted for standing against the harsh environment they were living in.
Ethnicity on the other hand is the cultural characteristics that a group represents. These are the
shared cultural practices and participative characters, which distinguish people from other similar
Like every other person with shallow knowledge in this field, I also thought that the race
and ethnicity is more or less similar things. However, this class forced me to change my
viewpoint, as I now know the difference between them. There can be multiple ethnic groups
within a single race. Modern cultural mixture on the other hand enabled the single ethnic group
to be comprised of multiple racial people. For example, today’s America can be divided into six
major racial groups that are white Americans, African Americans, Native Americans, Aisan
Americans and Native Hawaiians and other islanders. This distinction is solely based on the
biological feature of the people. Ethnic groups of America on the other hand came from several
parts of the world. The most of the American population is actually foreign origin. It is a shared
culture of a group of people. I now understand that people belonging from Asian origin are
coming form various ethnic group, which I am unaware of. The early colonizers who put the
Reflective Journal on Gender Inequality, Race and Ethnicity, Multiculturalism, and Aboriginal Issues_4

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