
Reflective Practice and Group Facilitation in Australian Politics


Added on  2019-09-27

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Reflective Paper “Australian Constitution”This reflective paper will share the content that focuses on politics and power as tohow we worked in a team where we gathered and discussed our responsibilities. TheContent comprises an understanding about the Australian political system and thepractices that form policy, which influences people that social workers work with.The discussion looked at learning about the politics and power of groups by forming ateam of our choice. Guidance was provided by the lecturer and knowledge aboutteams assisted with functioning successfully.Essential for our group was to establish an understanding of the assembly andfunction of the Australian parliamentary, judicial and other law creation and decision-making processes. Theoretical ideas such as ideology, democracy, parliament andpressure groups created the understanding of politics and policy. The open communication process formed criteria to understand social policy, politicaland economic factors on the policy development process. Finally we looked at howthis impacts sustainability and as a team we concluded and shared our understandingof Australian politics.The learning process required enrolment into small teams to work on four knowledgeproblems. One each for the first four learning outcomes using the principles ofproblem- based learning. The assessment required knowledge to demonstrate whathas been learnt. Thereafter reflect and write the outcome on teamwork. The UnitOutline & Problem based learning provided with insight of assessment requirements.The lecturer assigned a team and policy topic. The learning materials were madeavailable on Blackboard and then I began a journal entry for the reflective paper.The initiative required our group’s collaborative talks about PBL#1, which wascarried out in part face-to-face and also via conversation on black board. I met with agroup member and we shared our awareness and own understanding of the Australianpolitical system. Initially on line Group work participation started with little or no discussion.Primarily we were a group of three participants, I asked for the team charter to besigned only three proceeded to achieve the initial requirement for group work.Fortunately we had an additional three members joining and group discussionscontinued. The three new students stated they had not received ECU emails hence thelack of correspondence. I enquired for the team charter to be signed by the newcomers on several occasions. I refer to the above where Boyd 1983 states awkwardness in the reflective experiencethat somehow it does not come together. The awareness of anxiety within itselfinvolves an experience. Boyd further refers to a sense of “stuckness”, of having acontinual and disappointing line of thought within oneself. This sense of discomfort isdiscussed as not willed by the state of mind. The learning is basically a process of preoccupation or dwelling upon things that oftenpuzzle or disturb us, so reflection is essentially a form of precursor to action. 1
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Finally the team charter was signed, simultaneously as this took place we proceededto continue with power point discussions and contributions. The confusion remainedin understanding assignment requirements. Liaison via blackboard worked to a slowstart as not all checked their emails regularly. It was decided we would exchangemobile numbers and then there was an issue of a suitable time to call. Students did notrespond promptly to text messages and calls due to work and other commitments. Progress was made in our discussions via email, messages and blackboard as well aspower point share .The group concluded this was almost ready for the residentialweek. We proceeded to complete with final group numbers and presentation wascompleted. At last we settled, or so I thought (Gibbs 1998 stage 2). As a group we metto discuss and query changes however distance and time did not permit as only two ofus met. But the question was really about what was I thinking about? As per stage 2 ofGibb’s reflective cycle, what should be the initial gut reaction and what it tells us, anddid it change our feelings as well as what was it that I was thinking. Then came further changes with a new member added in the last week beforeresidents added an unforeseeable twist to our group. With change, an attempt to bringthe group to focus seemed a challenge and caused concern on my part. The newestteam member recognised a problem in the content of our presentation. There camedifference with the new member. Our new group member recognised the inconsistencies in our work and providedcorrect assessment requirements as the previous work would have caused a fail inassessment outcomes.(Gibbs stage 4 ). People often maintain that they learn best from experience. However, if thesereflections are not reflected by them or if there is no conscious effort on their part todo things better, then it becomes extremely difficult for them to learn anything at all.Stage 5 in Gibbs reflective cycle looks at conclusion. This stage talks about thenecessary steps as to what else could I have done. I need to reflect what else I havelearnt for the future. At this stage I felt best outcomes would be to let process takeplace and discuss more at residents. The concern I had was whether or not we hadadequate time to prepare and create new work as we were down one and an additionalnew member.I could have looked at the assessment requirements and gained better understandinginstead of relying on the primary member to advance to creating a power point. Onmy part not enough consultation and drawing out in understanding the assessmenttook place. I had met with the student for coffee with intention to discuss PBLrequirements. This failed to take place as we were the only two members whoconducted the meeting. Consequently, an agenda had not been created. This wouldhave been helpful due to pressure of test requirements. Here we collaborated anunderstanding for the test instead of gaining insight to course content. This left notime for an essential part of the meeting based on the Stage 5: Conclusion, Gibbsreflective cycle. 2
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Stage six of Gibbs reflective cycle queries if this occurred again what would I do? Itessentially lays down an action plan as to what will I do next time if a similarsituation arises again. I would need to clarify any misunderstanding concerning courserequirements. Take initiative and ensure ownership and responsibility forcontributions to course work. Clarify with the lecturer whether or not content andideas are in line with assessment requirements. Finally ensure an agenda is createdand feedback to students the meeting outcomes.The residentals took place on the South West Campus where we met groupparticipants. Initial introductions helped to place name to a face moreoverapprehension that comes with the general confusion with on line study and groupwork. In order to remove barriers during our initial contact I suggested an analysis ofchanges to our work due to a group member’s last minute absence. There wasapprehension within the group. I had to approach the amendment with care asdecisions had already been made by our absent group member who initiated the initialpower point. Personally I felt there was no consultative exchange for new work inaccordance with the group charter.During the first group meeting I proposed a need for reflection on our problem basedlearning plan and to clarify the problem we faced. The problem being an absent groupmember and would the member return within the residential week. Moreover whatapproach to use as assessment had been changed by our newest member. I suggested agroup facilitator be put to vote however this was not considered and disregarded. Likethe team charter the facilitator and no outcomes within their role as part of courserequirement. I therefore felt the two essential requirements being mentioned weredisregarded and not taken in, due to this simple reason. I also felt this should havebeen communicated to the lecturer to query if our absent team member would return.None affirmed the request or engaged to propose an alternative, therefore I took onthe seemingly simple task to gain clarity. In summary the team agreed and it wasconcluded our team member would join at a later stage. I discussed valuablecontributions to be made by the absent team member and contact via phone, sms oremail to ensure fair contributions were made. One from the team should take the onus.So, it was agreed that the practice of problem based learning should be used as far asthe students would work together to solve problems. In this method, each and everylearner is engaged, even if somebody else is typically struggling.Argyris and Schon discusses problem setting cannot be undertaken by the methodsderived from knowledge. It is completed through the non-technical practice ofoutlining the challenging setting so that it may be organized as an end and meansclarified. This is because practical theory deals in wide-ranging concepts and alwaysentails request to the parameters of an individual case Reflective practice: a critique ofthe work Argyris ans Schon pg 1186. REF 4Basically, in simple terms, reflective learning enables learners to activate priorknowledge, and to construct, deconstruct and reconstruct their knowledge.The PowerPoint became a focal point and allocated tasks were discussed. I againsuggested incorporating the PBL plan and rubric to be used as I found this to be anexcellent and necessary part of the learning. I also questioned the continuingfacilitator role for the experience to be felt by all. (Gibbs stage 4). 3
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I initiated the team charter and liaised via black board. The charter was also shared onECU email and progressed with all members finally signed on. The group now had aself-appointed leader who looked upon the charter as incorrect. The time required tocontribute to teamwork as stated on the by the self-designated leader was felt to beunreasonable. I felt recognition should have been given for this query. None from thegroup addressed the issue. At this late stage, I requested moving on to save time as thecharter was suggested in several on line discussions and this being a mere adjustableworking document. I felt due to lack of collaboration most of the group felt disregardfor the charter as there were more pressing issues.(GIBBS STAGE 4). There was nodiscussion to reflect on the problem based learning plan to help with the process.The stage 4 of Gibb’s cycle tells us as to what needs to be done more as in this stagethe event is broken down into its component parts so that they could be exploredseparately. Some more questions that are pertinent in this section are- what wentwrong or did not turn out how it should have done; in what way did you or otherscontribute to this. Reflective practice is a resource by which professionals improve a better level ofmindfulness about the act and effect of their performance (Osterman & Kottkamp,1993,p.19) and as a tactic in which their acts are carefully calculated in relation to theconcept known to the skilled worker and knowingly examined, so that effects of theact will be useful to the patient (Jarvis, 1992, p.177) Elizabeth Anne Kinsella. Irecognised lack on my part to voice the feeling of self-appointed facilitator role, andfelt this was an issue only I had and therefore made no mention. Furthermore ourleader was making progress somewhat. In undertaking inconsistencies the emphasis for reflective practice is always thedisagreements amongst the practitioner’s aim to understand practice and essentiallyhow to practice FITZGERALD PG 25.Therefore, the reflective practice that is used is a very adaptable process. It is a set ofideas that could be used alongside many other concepts for training, learning, personaldevelopment, as well as self-improvement.The group meets were uneventful due to the two younger team participant's lack ofverbal contribution. This assumption of age being the reason for lack of contributioncame about as a group debrief. I felt this was hard work and no effort was made as ateam to help engage two of our youngest members who contributed, though felt it awaste of time to stay on any further due to their power point contributions completedadditionally mention was made other units required their attention. I felt powerlessand a great inability to engage two students from the group no matter what approach Itook (The critical incident, My feelings at the time Dr Marilyn Palmer, 2005). REF 5Schon (1991) forward-thinking of reflective practice encompasses the ideasentrenched in the act of knowledge that it includes empathy of the professionalpractice. This includes use of theory to practice as well as a process involving4
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