
Effective Teamwork and Communication


Added on  2020-11-12

17 Pages4520 Words443 Views
Effective Teamwork and Communication_1

EXECUTIVE SUMMARYPersonality development refers to improvising self identity, develop talents and to builtpotential within selves. Through developing individual personality it helps an individual toenhance the quality of life and this is helpful in contributing one's aspirations. This reportwill go to reflect my own personality traits. This report will go to measure my strengths andweakness and provide solutions to overcome my weakness. This will help me in selfactualization of my personal issues which present within me. This report also based on theoryand principle of Johari window. This report will prepare an action plan where it providesways to develop my weaknesses such as fear of Public speaking, Time management andSharing responsibility.
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Table of ContentsREFLECTIVE PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT REPORT AND PLAN..................................................................1EXECUTIVE SUMMARY...........................................................................................................................2SUMMARY AND ACTION PLAN.............................................................................................................12References...........................................................................................................................................15APPENDIX............................................................................................................................................16
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REFLECTIVE JOURNAL ENTRY PRO-FORMA (1) Teamwork skills.What is the core skill? I want to develop my teamwork skills in order to lead efficiently in a Care Home.Teamwork is a mutual and combined team efforts of a team consisting number ofindividuals working together to achieve a common goal or to complete a task in aneffective and efficient manner. Teamwork leads development of relations and combinationof different ideas by team member to achieve a specific target efficiently. Why is this core skill important? Why did I select this skill to reflect on? (use relevanttheories and concepts to support your answer)Team work is an essential skill especially for a leader to perform well in a unit and theorganization always prefers that all their members work as a team in order to achieve itscommon goal. Development of Teamwork skill will also benefit me for developing mycommunication skills and resulting in developing healthy relationships with my teammembers. The reason behind selection of this skill for development is that it will give me anadvantage of getting different innovative ideas from my team members in solving variousproblems. This will further increase my creativity and I would be more productive inperforming different tasks. The Belbin Theory of team development and management saysthat a leader has to play 9 different roles for developing an effective team that can meet thetargets efficiently. While working in a team it can increase the cooperation, knowledge,creativity and confidence of a person to perform different tasks and activities(Woodcock,2017). Reflect on your current competent regarding this skill. How did you assess yourcompetence? (use your self-assessment findings, feedback from peers and your tutor,plus your own reflections on your thoughts, feelings and behaviours to answer thisquestion) I have noted that healthy relationship is being developed between me and my team
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