
Reflective Portfolio - Assignment


Added on  2021-04-16

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Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentLanguages and Culture
Running heads: REFLECTIVE PORTFOLIOPortfolioName of the Student:Name of the University:Author Note:
Reflective Portfolio - Assignment_1

1REFLECTIVE PORTFOLIOIntroductionA reflective portfolio is a style of writing in which a student reflects the set of knowledgethat a person has gained from the practical assessments. the major goal of a reflective portfoliowriting is to get engaged with the fieldwork, it also showcases the ability of a student to comparethe knowledge gained with that of the theoretical knowledge (Thompson and Pascal 2012). Thecomparison of the practical knowledge with the theoretical knowledge must finally present anopportunity for knowledge application. There are different forms of portfolio writing and itcontains the online archive, documentary evidence and short writings, a notebook writing anextended piece of writing. One of the key elements of a portfolio is the revisions of the importantconsideration of the practice and increasing the self-awareness. A reflective portfolio generallycontains different types of details like samples of the work, journal entries, critical incidentreports, personal statement, evidence of the achievement. Reflective portfolios are helpful for thestudents to a great extent for the development of the critical understanding of the traditionalassignments and academic development. Through the reflective portfolio, there is a greaterchance of developing awareness critically through one's own skill development. Through thereflective portfolio, a student can apply the theoretical knowledge on the different practicalscenarios. The portfolio helps in reflecting back on the insights, feelings, and thoughts which astudent tries to develop a degree programme or a course programme. In order to write a portfolioeffectively, there is a definite need to focus on writing an assignment comprehensively, critically,revealing the weakness, devising a developmental plan (Corley and Zubizarreta 2012). Thepurpose of the report is to reflect on the personal portfolio through a series of accounts withreference to the certain incidents as well as providing the opportunities that will translate thetheory into practice. The assignment carries seven incidents which are to be reflected upon thesite visits, group work, carrying out a specific assignment, feedback on the specific assignmentand extracurricular activities. While the main purpose of the report is to develop a professionalidentity that will help in the career development. The report demands a reflection on theevaluation of the practice through witnessing and experiencing.Incidents and reporting from site visitsFirst incident I visited a construction site with my professor Enad which is located in Oxford. During my visitto the construction site, I almost fell down and felt the importance of the health and the safetyprocedure which is necessary to be followed for each and every individual who is working andvisiting a construction site. In order to take the precautionary measures, there is a definite needfor a person to wear safety helmets and safety shoes. When I was previously working, I did notpay much attention to the health and safety equipment, however later I felt the need to follow thenecessary procedure in order to keep myself safe from any mishap. The interesting part of the incident is that previously I used to be careless of the healthand safety related issues in the workplace. Whereas, the feeling of the importance of the healthand safety procedure struck my mind only after I stumbled upon an object at the constructionsite. One thing that surprised me was that the careless attitude of mine suddenly shifted to a morecautious attitude. The sense of a probable harm and danger suddenly changed my attitudetowards the workplace hazards. I previously used to give less emphasis to the various hazardsthat were prevalent in the workplace, however, after visiting a construction site my perspectiveand mentality have completely changed.
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2REFLECTIVE PORTFOLIOIncidents and reporting from group workSecond incidentIn our life, we spend a significant amount of time in groups of one kind oranother, from the beginning of our life our family is a particular kind of group, our friends, andour workplaces. All of these may offer the opportunity to improve our skills, ways of learningand the social interaction. Also, it helps to improve our knowledge by learning from each other.According to (McCorkle et al. 1999; McKinney and Graham-Buxton 1993), team assignmentand group work can be beneficial in gaining team skills, problem-solving and the communicationskills. For the people how will work in the construction industry working as a group is one of thebasic things in our field and every now project we will have new group members may be it thefirst time to know and work with him. I did not pay any attention for that in my previousexperience in the university or the work but after the second group work in my master, I changedmy mind to know how to deal with this situation especially when you have group members fromdifferent backgrounds and different languages.As a master degree student in the department of construction management, we have anassignment for every module. Some of these assignments individual and some group works, inour department, we have a lot of international students which make the communication very hardfor these students. In CEM202 construction project management, I had group work with fivestudents from different backgrounds and most of them didn't speak English as a mother tongue.This assignment was marked 35% of the overall mark. This group was not effective and we got70% in this group because some of the group mates did not do their work effectively maybebecause they didn't understand what should they do. However, I am one of these people whodidn’t speak English as a first language but I try as much as I can to ask and understand what Ishould do before I start work in my part. It was the first group work for me with these groupmates so I had no any information about their attitudes, skills and the ability of works.I feeldisappointed because it was the first assignment and I want to get a good mark from thebeginning. Also, I felt so angry because that was the first assignments and the first impressionabout us and it should be good. In addition, this assignment was not a hard assignment to achievethe high mark.Nowadays, the demand for teamwork has increased to a great extent in thebusiness and at the same time, the stakeholders and the employers are asked integrate theexercises related to the team building into the curriculum. This is done to help a student learnabout the leadership, communication, and teamwork. The experiences that I have received fromthe group work has helped me to deal with a different kind of the situation and also when I dealtwith the different people in different scenarios. I have learned to become more flexible and now Imake sure that each and every person in a group knows what they are doing. According to Lovittand Goswami (1999), one very common belief that exists in a group is that misunderstandingswithin a cross-cultural group occur due to people's inability to understand the native syntacticaland phonological constructions. It has been mentioned by the authors that non-native speakersthat are able to write English are undermining the cultural complexity of a language. I alsolearned a lesson that I should increase my communication skills so that I can communicate withthe international people which will help me understand the other members during work. Workingin a group will provide an important chance of knowing my mistake and hence will further helpme in correcting and bettering myself.
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3REFLECTIVE PORTFOLIOAn incident from carrying out a specific assignment Third incidentAssignments are the most important part of both the learning and the teachingprocess, assignments are a kind of a measuring tool through a student's level of learning can bemeasured. Quizzes and the exams are certainly the useful and favorite ways of assessing astudent, however, the out of the class assignments that are either written or in another form alsooffers a similar kind of approach to the learning of a student. Like creating the means test isnecessary, the creation of the excellent assignment also help in learning from a student's end.When I came across an assignment which is assigned to me by my professor. Iwas at first very confused and puzzled about the way that I must proceed with. I was given aconstruction project management assignment when I was doing the assignment I came acrossseveral findings and which can be designated as incidents. When I was going through theassignment, it presented me some challenges like the what must be the ideal objectives of projectmanagement, the modern management innovations, risks associated with a project,organizational structure, professional construction management and the management rulesregarding the project management. Whereas, when I further went with the different literaturesearch, I accumulated different sets of information which I have mentioned below. The incidents are nothing but the certain aspects of the learning which I found ashighlighting things in my assignment. The main component of the assignment was to find andinvestigate the better alternatives that will reduce the conflicts arising due to the resourceconstraint. The main objectives according to me which I summarized as stated below:Stating the plans and the objectives- this includes the different factors likeparticipants, targets, scheduling, and budgeting.Increasing the efficiency- this highlights the proper and effective usage of thedifferent types of the equipment, material, labor, and resources.Coordination: coordination and maintaining proper lines of communication has toa large extent maintains a sync between the construction, estimation, design, andplanning.The differences arising due to the conflicts must be properly addressed in order tofind a common objective and goals (Munns and Bjeirmi 1996). The next major understanding of mine is the modern management. Modem managementdescribes the usage of the old technologies and the tools and implements the same into a newarea of management. A further detailed study of the modern management process yielded thefollowing.An approach related to the management process- it is to study the managementfunction in detail. Decision support and management science approach- this approach helps themanagers to take the complex decisions in a proper scientific and mathematicalmanner like the operations approach. An approach based on behavioral science- it emphasizes on interacting withpeople.
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