SWOT Analysis of NHS and Reflexivity in Sociology
Added on 2019-09-20
13 Pages3108 Words445 Views
Running Head: Reflective PracticeAssessment 2: ReflectiveReport
2Reflective PracticeTable of ContentsIntroduction:...............................................................................................................................3Critical understanding of Leadership Theories:.........................................................................3Critical understanding of the sociological concept of Reflexivity:............................................6Critical application of SWOT analysis to organization focusing on leadership:.......................8Conclusion:..............................................................................................................................12References:...............................................................................................................................13
3Reflective PracticeIntroduction:The report talks about the critical understanding of leadership theories. The leadership is the main aspect which makes the proper execution of the work and the achievement of the objectives in the best possible ways. The leadership theories have been analysed and discussed on that understanding. In the field of sociology the concept of reflexivity has gained much of the popularities in the modern time. It is very important that the term of reflexivity is understood. The report also includes critical understanding of the sociological concept of reflexivity skills. Furthermore, the critical application of SWOT analysis to organization focusing on leadership has been done in this report.Critical understanding of Leadership Theories:The leadership is one of the main aspects in any discipline. The leadership is that quality which not only inspires the commitments but also mobilise the resources and creates opportunities after recognizing them. The strategies are devised by the leaders who frame the demands and influence the final outcomes. In the history of human being the role played by the leaders could never be overlooked. The history of human beings continues never fails to portray the glorified heroes and their outstanding contributions to the human beings and for the future generations. In the sociology domain the role of the politicians, emperors and the statesmen has made the history to remember them even by the future generations yet to come.It is very important everyone understands the quality and importance of leadership quality. To inspire others and to get the outcomes as expected is the core essence of the leadership aspects. But it has been seen that different leaders have taken different ways in achieving the commitment from the others and to accomplish the main desired work in a right ways. The differences in the approaches being taken by the leaders is because of the difference in their
4Reflective Practicestyles of handling the situations. Mainly three types of leadership are found like traditional, charismatic and bureaucratic leadership as recognised by the field of sociology. Through researches some more types of leadership have also been identified where direct, indirect, social, executive and mental leadership are important. In the process the autocratic, paternal and democratic leadership have also gained importance. In the modern context major types ofleaders found are administrator, agitator and expert. The role of agitator has been considered to be highly important in the modern complex situations in the economy, political aspects andsocial elements. The agitator could better handle the insecurity in the economic factors and ingrave political situations where widespread anxiety is found. Great Man Theory:The originator of the Great Man Theory is Thomas Carlyle who has developed this theory in the year 1840. As per the Great Man Theory of leadership the leaders are born with the leadership qualities and they are not made and they possess certain inherited traits. Great leaders can turn up in the time of great needs. The special attributes which the born leaders are gifted with make them different and remarkable as compared to the others. They exert power, influence and authority. It mainly focuses on the fact that there are some individuals who are born leaders and they could only be influenced by the factors like experiences, up-bringing and education [ CITATION Ken173 \l 1033 ].Trait Theory:This theory has been developed by Ralph M. Stogdill in the year 1974. The theory describes the leadership as an innate quality which are possessed by the great leaders [ CITATION Che17 \l 1033 ]. According to this theory there are certain characteristics which make the leaders differentiated and effective. The characteristics are adaptability, persistence,
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