
Reflective Writing on Business Research Work


Added on  2021-05-31

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Running head: REFLECTIVE WRITING ON BUSINESS RESEARCH WORKReflective Writing on Business Research ProposalNameInstitution
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REFLECTIVE WRITING ON BUSINESS RESEARCH WORK 2Introduction A significant amount of time in university is spent thinking; about what people say, what we read as student and what lecturers and instructors say. There are two aspects of thinking; reflective thinking and critical thinking (Moniz et al., 2015). The former is the focus of this assignment. A reflection entails an individual’s reaction to his/ her experience, circumstances, events or new knowledge; in this case learning experiences. It is a phase in life when one processes things that have happened; two things happen in this process-thinking and learning. Reflective writing is a time to revisit the topic and examine the knowledge gathered in the learning process (El-Helou & Kalman 2018). It is important for the student to understand that in every learning experience they bring with them a lot of knowledge. This knowledge is instrumental in getting clarifications regarding how what you already know converges with or departs from what you are learning. In reflective writing, one’s perspective of the content of the course should be discussed. The next matters to be tackled should be ideas and encounters as well as considerations (observations) that one has had in the learning process. Reflective writing should discuss happenings that were difficult, inspiring, captivating or challenging and explain why (Ottenberg et al., 2016). I will also explore how I solved problems, found solutions and arrived at points of understanding during handling the business research writing task. The paper will also identify any alternative perspectives depending on what other sources infer, challenges presented by new ideas and the possibilities I can explore in action or thoughts.
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REFLECTIVE WRITING ON BUSINESS RESEARCH WORK 3What happened in the Learning Process?The assignment task that we were expected to handle was the writing of a business research project. My chosen area of study was ‘The Management of Global Teams using Global Information Systems (GIS). My focus was to do a case study analysis on a multinational Australian company named Rip Curl Company operating in four different geographical locations. I chose these topics because it has always been of interest to me to find out how multinationals are able to manage their employees and how they do so against cultural boundaries in order to realize the goals of the organizations. My expectation was that at the end of my research work I should have obtained a richer perspective of how multinationals use the GIS in cross cultural employee management.After identifying the topic of study, another twelve stages followed. Firstly, I came up with the research questions. These are the central claims that ought to be validated or invalidated by the research (Badenhorst et al., 2015). My supervisor insisted on the fact that the research questions needed to be empirical and researchable. That is a quality of research questions that is very essentila to the success of a research. The step that followed after that was that of coming up with the research objectives. These are expectations that are supposed to be met by the study. Research objectives ought to be realistic rather than idealistic, not exaggerated and should possess the quality of being achievable (Economou & James 2017). After this I drafted the research questions. These were the queries that in my view, the study was expected to respond to. One of the fundamental questions was the need for global business systems in firms. I sought to know the best methods of implementing a global information system and queried which models of the GIS had been successful in the said multinational. Research questions should be formulated within the objectives of the research and should be answered by way of meeting the
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REFLECTIVE WRITING ON BUSINESS RESEARCH WORK 4research objectives. They researcher should also avoid the tendency of drafting complicated questions or questions that make the study to be expensive. The next phase is the research hypothesis. This is the point at which I stated the postulation that I wanted the study to verify (by approving or disapproving it). Research hypotheses are claims that are expected to be validated/ invalidated by the results of the study(McCartin et al., 2018). Subsequently, I defined the scope of the study. In this stage I had to outline the locality where I would conduct the study. Literature review then followed. In this part, I went on to investigate sources such as books, articles and peer reviewed journals. Before embarking on a study, it’s vital for the researcher to gather substantial information from already existing scholarly works in the same field of study (Townes 2017).The methodology section then followed. In this segment I unpicked different aspects for the study. I settled on a quantitative approach as the chosen method of research. Given that my case study would involve a multinational, it was necessary that I come up with a workable sample size as well as select a sampling technique. I settled on a large sample size of 150 employees to survey. With a bigger sample size, the outcomes of the study are likely to be more proximal to normality (Lee et al., 2011). Beyond this point I chose the instrumentation to be applied in the collection of data. Collected data was then analyzed. Based on the outcomes of thedata analysis, I then made conclusions and recommendations. How Business Research was useful to my research Learning ProcessThe business research project was a period of discovery for me. Without having the benefit of having been exposed to research writing before it was a time for me to learn. The very first instance was drafting a topic for my study. Although this was easy because I already had an
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