
Effects of Regional Cultural Issues on Corporate Organisational Culture and Success Factors for Global Virtual Teams


Added on  2023-06-05

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Effects of Regional Cultural Issues on Corporate Organisational Culture and Success Factors for Global Virtual Teams_1

Table of Contents
MAIN BODY.............................................................................................................................3
TASK 2......................................................................................................................................3
Reflection (or conclusions) include key effects of regional cultural issues on the corporate
organisational culture.............................................................................................................3
TASK 3......................................................................................................................................5
Critically discusses the evidence about why such teams might fail and the factors that
maximise success for a global virtual team............................................................................5
Books and Journals:.............................................................................................................10
Effects of Regional Cultural Issues on Corporate Organisational Culture and Success Factors for Global Virtual Teams_2

In today's business environment, every organisation is focusing on expanding their
business in different nations so that they will be able to grow and get success in the market.
In order to expand the business, it becomes necessary for a company to achieve its goals and
objectives (Williams and Moser, 2019). For that purpose, they require d to handle all the
complexities in the market. Without handling complexities, it becomes very difficult for an
organisation to survive in the market. This report is on the global business consulting
company which has a head office in New York and operates in other countries as well such as
South Africa, France and China. International operations are good for the organisation but it
becomes very difficult to manage international operations. They require proper management
then only they will be able to achieve the organisational goal and objective. This report
includes a reflection in which it will show the effect of regional cultural issues on corporate
organisational culture. In addition to this, it will also discuss a resource of Harvard business
review which was the survey or research that was conducted in 2001 where it is found that
82% of global virtual teams fell short of their goals and 33% rated unsuccessful. Now, this
report discusses the article in the Harvard business review of 2014.
Reflection (or conclusions) include key effects of regional cultural issues on the corporate
organisational culture
In the presentation, I found about much of important information which I never know
before. This is the main reason that I found it was my best experience when I perform this
project. I already know the basic information regarding international management. I knew
that when organisations are working in the international market and it becomes very difficult
for them to manage their operations (Knein and et.al., 2020). When companies are working in
different nations they the required to understand each and every aspect of different nations'
requirements and needs. The reason behind this I knew is that when an organisation has come
from a different nation then it is very definite that they appoint employees from the nation in
which they operate their business. It is not possible for the organisation to shift their
employee from the region to another nation because it increases the cost. There are many
more reasons for appointing employees from the same nation where they operate their
Effects of Regional Cultural Issues on Corporate Organisational Culture and Success Factors for Global Virtual Teams_3

business. This is the reason that it becomes more difficult to work with regional employees as
their background and culture are very different from the organisational culture. I found that it
creates many regional cultural issues which are necessary to cope with the right strategies and
management functions. There are some important regional cultural issues which I found that
provides an effect on the corporate organisational culture are mentioned below:
Language barrier: it is found to be one of the most common cultural issues found in
global companies where they need to face a language challenge because it is very sure that
not all workers speak the same language. That means when the organisation of New York
comes to France then it becomes very difficult to communicate with the employees of that
nation. The reason behind this is the language barrier (Yung and Root, 2019). Generally,
written communication and meetings are conducted in the business language which is English
but it is not necessary that everyone is proficient in English and that's why it becomes a very
problematic situation for the organisation to understand the meaning and interpretation of
employees. sometimes it is found that cultural references and idiomatic phrases also cause
much confusion. In addition to this regional dialects and accents create complications in
communication. It becomes very important to prevent misunderstanding in order to contact
the business appropriately in other nations.
Different business practices: It is identified that the business practices of working in
one location are not necessary to work in another location. For example, the company of New
York is using a method of motivation for their employees that is not necessary to be
applicable to the France employees. It becomes very important to understand that it creates
many misunderstandings and that's why this is necessary for the company to make sure about
the identification and evaluation of the culture. It provides them with a clear understanding of
the people which results in increasing harmony and makes better business practices.
Labour demographics: In the case of international operations it is identified and
experienced by many organisations that there is a higher rate of worker retirement than
hiring. Due to this organisation was found to be shifting from a business model of having one
central headquarter (Adomako and et.al., 2019). They are focusing on smaller divisions
around the globe and implementing them in order to establish the division in each location
where they are operating their business. But it will result and creating a cultural division
which is not only based on ethnic variation but also related to generational differences.
Effects of Regional Cultural Issues on Corporate Organisational Culture and Success Factors for Global Virtual Teams_4

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