Regulating Cannabis Use in Canada Based on Public Health Criteria
Added on  2023/06/14
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This commentary argues that the economic, social and health consequences of legalizing cannabis in Canada will depend on the exact stipulations and on the implementation, regulation and practice of the legalization act. A strict regulatory framework is necessary to minimize the health burden attributable to cannabis use.
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Rehm et al International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 2017, 6(3), 173–176174 particulardrivingacar)24,25 •Using cannabis with high tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)26 •Smoking cannabis, especially mixed with tobacco22 •Using cannabis in early and mid-adolescence26,27 How could regulation play a role in reducing these behaviours? Education and guidelines may play a role in reducing heavy andfrequentuse(forguidelinessee22 ).Onewaytofinance sucheffortswouldbeviaadedicatedtax,whichwouldbe usedforprevention,research,education,andtreatment. Examples of such taxes exist in the alcohol and tobacco field,28 andjustificationcouldbederivedfromclassicaleconomic theory.29,30Anotherwaytoimpactonfrequencyofuse, especially in adolescents (above legal age) and young adults, is via price (and indirectly via taxation). Alcohol and tobacco policies have shown that price is a powerful tool to influence level of use,31,32and specific taxation schemes may even impact ononsetofsubstanceuse.33,34Finally,againdrawingfrom alcohol and tobacco, a ban on marketing and advertisement contributes to establish cannabis as no ordinary commodity where certain caution in use patterns are required.15 Mixingcannabisuseanddriving(oroperatingmachinery) should be avoided independently of the policy environment. Even though there had been studies showing no significant results of cannabis use on driving,35systematic reviews of all relevantstudiesandsubsequentpoolingofresultsshowan impact,24,25and the biological pathways on reaction time and psychomotorcoordinationaresimilarbetweenoperatinga car and other machinery.19,36Thus,per selaws similar to the ones governing blood alcohol level to prevent such behaviour (ie,nodrivingoroperatingmachinerywithactivelevelsof Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinolwhichcouldimpairreactiontime andpsychomotorcoordination)shouldbeestablished.37,38 Usingcannabisinearlyandmid-adolescenceposesspecific health risks,26,27including risk on the developing brain. Thus, a minimum purchasing age needs to be implemented similar toalcohol39(whichhassimilarorevenmoredetrimental effects40 ).Moreover, this laws needs to be well-enforced, and experience with alcohol has shown that best enforcement can beachievedcanbeachievedthroughastatemonopolyon sales.39 Usingcannabiswithhightetrahydrocannabinolcontentis becomingmorecommoninsomecountries,41andthe effectsonhealth(comparedtolowerTHC)canbemore detrimental.19,26Obviously,THCcontentcanandshouldbe regulatedinlegalizedenvironments,similartoregulated ingredientsinfood,alcoholicbeveragesorotherlegal substances. This could take the form of pricing policies that make higher-potency products are more expensive than those withlowerpotency. Smokingcannabis,especiallywithtobacco,addsadditional risk,especiallywithrespecttorespiratorydisease.19Again, there should be more education on these specific risks, and there should be encouragement of smoke-free and tobacco- free modes of cannabis use in a legalized environment. Furthermore,theremaybesomeshort-termpublichealth consequencesoflegalizationrelatedtocannabis-related emergency department visits,42,43which may be avoided with specificimplementations(seerecentproposedchangesin Coloradoaslistedin43 ). …and Further Details The above examples show that regulation can contribute areductioninbehaviourswhichhavebeenassociate health harm. However, things are not that simple. Much w depend on controlling the way the legal substance is prod and sold (and we will restrict the following discussion to t latter point). Forcannabisanothercomplicationcomesintoplay,w doesnotexistforotherlegalpsychoactivesubstances likealcoholortobacco:medicaluse.44Medicalmarijuana programs have proliferated in the United States and Cana45 in part because they allowed higher availability of an illeg substancewithoutchangingnarcoticlaws.Depending thejurisdiction,someoftheusualregulatoryprincipl pharmaceuticalproductapprovalarenotrequired,with theconsequencethatcannabisisfrequentlyprescribed for conditions where its effect is not clear46or may even be detrimental, such as depression or anxiety disorders.47-49In a regulated legal environment, medical use of cannabis sho be restricted to disorders where clear evidence of effectiv hasbeenestablishedthroughthesamerigorousproc approvalasotherpharmaceuticals,usuallyviaaserie phases ending with randomized controlled trials in human toestablishefficacyintreatingcertainconditions.50This would ensure avoidance of problems such as mis-indicatio as mentioned above. It should be stated that medical rese withcannabishashistoricallyfacedbarriersintheU States,51but this is not an issue in Canada. Eveniftheseprinciplesareadheredto,thereisaq ofwhatshouldhappentocurrentlyestablishedcanna dispensaries in the interim, or in the long run. The controv in Toronto after the recent police raids of illegal dispensar providessomeillustration.52Inthesecontroversies,some arguedthatnopoliceactionshouldbehavebeenta becausecannabiswillbelegalizedwithinlessthana while others maintained that they were justified because dispensaries violate the current law for medical marijuana addition, the type of dispensaries setting up shop in Toron may not have a place in the new legal framework, but the presence(andincreasingnumbers)iscreatingfactso ground.Thelongerthispersists,themorechallengin will be for the federal government’s preferred legal canna frameworktosucceed. Again, the situation is not entirely historically new as illeg producers and sellers of alcohol had to be integrated into newsystemaftertheprohibitionofalcoholwaslifted North America. This worked quite well, and moonshine an otherillicitlyproducedalcoholcurrentlyplaylittlerol either Canada or the United States.53The creation of a state monopolythatoffersmarketpricestoproducersmay solution here, which had worked for unrecorded alcohol in Germanyatthetime.54 Thus, while the debate on legalization of cannabis has oft been categorical between its proponents and adversaries truechallengewillbetheexactimplementation.IfC does not get these regulations correct, public health prob maybecreated,withsubsequentcoststosociety,which mayexceedthenewtaxrevenues.16Ontheotherhand,if regulationsarecarefullyintroducedbasedonbestav evidence(andadmittedlysomeofthisevidencewill