Leadership Skills of the team According to Burke and Barron, selection of the leadership strategy, bond, and relationship among the employees and leaders, I assume that I can identify my leadership style easily. Each leadership style in a project assignment requires managing the behaviour in the participative manner, following to the effective leadership training and development phases helps one to attain the project success. I found in my behaviour development single theory was not sufficient I found many theories of leadership style are available for me. The theories are discussed in section 1.2, Behavioural Theory, Transformational leadership Theory and Participative theory that allow me to raise questions related to the projects, making decisions and taking action to solve the issues. Covy’s seven habits are essential to involve in the members that require employees to be proactive, begin with the estimated outcomes, and sharp the view to see the things in clear manner(Burke & Barron, 2014). Leadership models Behavioural Leadership-The behavioural leadership models and theories affect the overall success of the project, I found that effective control over the communication, and decision making behavioural skills a leader can decide a manner how he will proceed for his next step. Managing the behaviour with task oriented leadership style is effective to manage successful outcomes from the employees. Transformational leadership– This is Suitable to manage and change employees behaviour according to the requirements. I can manage effective coordination with the employees by changing the command and communication, soft spoken skills and focus on the development of affection and bond will help to attain successful outcome.
Participativeleadership-Thisissuitabletoleademployee’sbehaviourwithactive involvement in the task. I can focus on active involvement of the team members and providing guidance to them whenever needed. I and manage according to behaviour of employees and train them to manage their activities; to attain personal as well as professional goals(Burke & Barron, 2014)
References Burke, R., & Barron, S. (2014).Project management leadership : Building creative teams(2 ed.). New Jersey: Wiley.: Hoboken. .