
Relationship between Mega Events and Politics


Added on  2020-05-28

15 Pages3877 Words82 Views
Languages and CulturePolitical Science
Relationship between Mega Events and Politics_1

1RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MEGA EVENTS AND POLITICSPolitics by nature tends to interfere in every aspect of humanity. Politics was meant togovern the citizens of a particular area for their maximum well-being1. However, things havechanged lately. In modern times, politics is all about acquiring power and holding unto it atany cost. Every country has its own political scenarios and dominant ideologies. Asexamples, we can talk about the Communist dominant ideology that governs China2, or theLiberal ideology that is predominant in United States of America or the United Kingdom.Any international event organised and conducted in a particular country is impacted by thedominant political ideology of the host nation. This has been proved and reiterated by variousevents throughout the world. The most evident proof of this is found in the Olympics, which is probably theworld’s largest event to be organised and conducted3. This event is considered as the planetslargest sports even where most of the countries around the world participates. The presentnumber of countries participating is more than 200. The Olympics were hosted in Beijing inthe year 2008, and this decision was protested by many human rights group in variouscountries around the world, which highlighted the various cases of human rights violation bythe Chinese state4. China kept a strong vigil in the Olympic game venues and often it wasreported that the country barred pro-Tibet athletes from participating. The 2014 Olympics atSochi had seen large-scale corruption in the funds allocated towards the event. The 1938Berlin Olympics became a medium for Hitler to highlight his racial cause of superiority.1 Stern, David S. "3 State Sovereignty, the Politics of Identity and the."Perspectives on Third-WorldSovereignty: The Postmodern Paradox(2016): 28. 2 Wu, Jason, and Tianguang Meng. "The Nature of Ideology in China." InAnnual Meeting of the MidwestPolitical Science Association, Chicago. 2016. 3 Horne, John, and Garry Whannel.Understanding the olympics. Routledge, 2016. 4 Bremmer, Ian. 2018. "These 5 Facts Explain The Politics Of The Olympic Games".Time.http://time.com/4456943/2016-olympics-rio-games-politics/.
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2RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MEGA EVENTS AND POLITICSHowever, the attempt failed as the hero of the game was an African American Jesse Owenswho won 4 gold medals throughout the event5. Therefore, it is very evident that the mega events are dominated and impacted bypolitics and ideologies. This statement can be further proved by two very controversial andfamous Olympic events, the 1980 Olympics at Moscow and the 1972 Olympics at MunichGermany. A further study and analysis of these two events will prove that politics greatlyaffect mega events. The thesis statement of this paper is that politics often dominate andimpact mega events, which will be proved by taking examples of two Olympic events, the1980 Moscow Olympics and the 1972 Munich Olympics.Russia had been a communist nation when the 1980 Olympics were organised inMoscow. The Olympics are held in a particular host nation. Every country has its own friendnations and enemy nation depending on the political ideology and contemporary diplomaticposition6. The period was when the cold war was going on in full swing and the Westernliberal nations and the Eastern Communists were at loggerhead in order to gain supremacyand dominance in the globe. The United States of America was the leader of the westernliberal nations and former Soviet Union or present day Russia was heading the communists ofthe east7. In 1979, Soviet Union to exert its direct influence on the politics of Afghanistaninvaded the later in collision with the Soviet army, which was an ally of the soviets8. On theother side was the “Mujahedeen” and many independent groups of Afghanistan which wantedindependence from Soviet influence, and they were backed by the United States. The United5 The Guardian. 2018. "Politics And The Olympics | Special Reports | Guardian.Co.UkPolitics".Theguardian.Com.6 Dunn, David H., ed.Diplomacy at the Highest Level: The evolution of international summitry. Springer, 2016.7 Davis, Lynn Etheridge.The Cold War Begins: Soviet-American Conflict Over East Europe. PrincetonUniversity Press, 2015.8 Urban, Mark.War in Afghanistan. Springer, 2016.
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3RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MEGA EVENTS AND POLITICSStates of America was naturally against Soviet influence on the countries of Asia9. There wasa huge casualty in the mentioned invasion and casualties included about 15 lakhs civilians ofAfghanistan, which is a massive number in itself10. People from all over the world weredevastated and shocked by these brutal killings in the country. Thus we can imagine thepolitical consequence that can happen after this large scale conflict.The background political scenario of this invasion was the rise of the communist partyin Soviet Union, which became much unpopular because of the radical modernisation drivethat was taken up by the communist party. The rural areas of Afghanistan were mostly drivenby the traditional Islamic worldview and among them such sudden imposed modernisationwas unacceptable. This whole situation gave rise to the armed groups who were up for arevolution against the communist government and almost saw themselves as Messiah fromthe God to protect religion that prevailed in the country and associated customs, which werenow being dissolved due to regular modernisation by the communist party. The armedrevolution caused the killing of the communist president of the country and begun the processof power takeover by the rival group11. Russia however wanted the communist government tostay and hence deployed army in Kabul and re-instated the communist group, which wereloyalist to the Soviet Union. United States of America was against the Soviet influence onAfghanistan and the deployment of the troops, hence it provide assistance to the militantgroups and the CIA or the Central Intelligence Agency had an active role in training themilitants in various parts of Pakistan and China12. The entry of the USSR, which is another9 Urban, Mark.War in Afghanistan. Springer, 2016.10 Hilali, A. Z.US-Pakistan relationship: Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Taylor & Francis, 2017.11 Hyman, Anthony.Afghanistan under Soviet domination, 1964–91. Springer, 2016.12 Plokhy, Serhii.The Last Empire: The Final Days of the Soviet Union. Hachette UK, 2015.
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