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Rising Area of Remote Intelligence


Added on  2023/06/11

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This report by Desklib explores the rising area of remote intelligence, discussing its advantages, disadvantages, rationale, ethics, and development. It also covers the rising remote intelligence as a threat to the sustainability of work forces in developed western countries.

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Rising Area of Remote Intelligence

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Table of Contents
Overview of Remote Intelligence....................................................................................................3
The rise of Tele-Commuting and Remote Intelligence...................................................................4
Advantages of Using Remote Intelligence......................................................................................5
Disadvantages of Using Remote Intelligence..................................................................................6
The rationale of Using Remote Intelligence in an Organization.....................................................7
Ethics of Using Remote Intelligence...............................................................................................8
Rising Remote Intelligence as a Threat to the Sustainability of Work Forces in Developed
Western Countries...........................................................................................................................9
Leadership Style and Skills Required to Sustainable Management of Remote Intelligence.........10
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In the contemporary world, despite globalization and modernization, the majority of the
countries have a difference in wages and salaries. Services/products available in one part of the
world are either cheaper or costlier from the same services/products available in another part of
the world. Such difference occurs due to a diverse range of salaries and wages around the world,
which is difficult to arbitrage. Along with this, prevalent political restrictions to move across the
borders for employment-related work make the low-wage and efficient labors wedged at home
(Frehywot, Mullan, Payne and Ross, 2010). The following difference in the pay scale and wages
further leads to a huge disparity in the prices of same products/services in different parts of the
world. Considering this aspect, the idea of remote intelligence was evolved, which proposed a
scheme, where workers belonging from poor nations could sell their potential and skills to rich
countries without even leaving from their native places (Gorgone, Gomez and Uddenberg, 2008).
Due to rise in computing powers and communication technologies, it is economical for various
people to provide their specialized services all around the world without actually traveling.
In this context, the following study is undertaken to discuss the attributes of remote
intelligence of the contemporary world. The following research is formulated to discuss
advantages, disadvantages, rationale, ethics, and development of remote intelligence.
Furthermore, comprehensive information about the practices and skills required for the effective
management of remote intelligence is also considered in this report. Overall, the orientation of
this report is potentially aligned to justify the associated relations of remote intelligence.
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Overview of Remote Intelligence
The term remote intelligence can be defined as a practice of availing the services of a
worker to different parts of the world without making the personal travel. This potentially
facilitates the workers of poor countries to sell their talent and skills to other countries, where
market conditions are much flourished. In the simple context, it can be inferred that conditions of
the present business-oriented world are critical in terms of wages and salaries of the employees
(Hart, 2009). Due to variation in economic relations of different countries, the payment policies
of employees also vary. Thus, it further influences the pricing of different products or services in
different countries. Furthermore, it also impacts the overall operational policy of the following
business sector.
In many countries, availability of employees and workers is costlier from other countries,
which potentially contributes to the overall rise of the price of products. Even if the organizations
try to import manpower from poor countries, the obligatory government regulations of migration
make it as a challenge. Therefore, the implications of remote intelligence were considered by
aligning the advancement of technology and communication with virtual assistance as
manpower. In the effortless framework, remote intelligence is an innovative prologue to facilitate
the rising organizations as well as employees and labors. It potentially acts as middlemen to
make a deal between the operational practices of the organizations and skills and talent of the
worker. The virtual assistance of the employee/worker assists the organization in attaining the
proposed objectives within the stipulated time period (Hislop, Axtell and Daniels, 2008).

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The rise of Tele-Commuting and Remote Intelligence
Considerations of telecommuting and remote intelligence are derived imprints from the
sector of employment since past times. The advancement in internet facilities and
communication practices further sustained the sustainable development of remote intelligence in
the business markets. Such implications assisted various companies in accessing the abundant
opportunities of connecting with solopreneurs, who can work on projects proposed by the
company in exchange for monetary or other equivalent benefits. Incorporation of remote
intelligence to the company is an act of personal choice; therefore, some companies manage
remote intelligence manpower by providing a general marketplace whereas some emphasize over
specific disciplines of business operations. This practice is centrally oriented with the modern
work culture, where obligatory timings of 9 to 5 or 40 hours a week are expelled. Even the team
of professionals or colleagues is also not necessary to be located around each other (So, Wong,
Wacks and Katz, 2014).
In addition to this, the foremost influence of remote intelligence is that it presents a
profession of an employee not of a freelancer. Also, it facilitates the flexible work opportunity
for the employee as well as the employer by allowing regular contact through internet and
telecommunication even if the workplace is remotely located. In the simpler terms, integration of
remote intelligence and telecommuting practices is a potential benefit in every aspect (Huang,
Zohar, Robertson, Garabet, Murphy and Lee, 2013). Employees, in the contemporary scenario,
demand more flexible and customized environment. This claim is utterly justified by the
proposed practices and hence, it becomes a true win-win condition for the company.
Furthermore, it assists the organization in saving facility costs and also helps the employee is
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working on their own terms and compatibility without bearing the expense of commuting (de
Almeida, 2010).
Advantages of Using Remote Intelligence
The comprehensive evaluation of all the contemplations associated to remote intelligence
present a descriptive image of advantages of using remote intelligence within an organization,
which are discussed below:
Limit Downtime: In every industry, downtime is considered as a major loss in terms of
profitability and revenue. Practices of remote intelligence help in regulating the
operational practices of the organization. Furthermore, continuous scrutiny through
remote intelligence will address the upcoming issues that could cause downtime (Mellit,
Kalogirou, Hontoria and Shaari, 2009).
Enhance Security: Implications of remote intelligence acts as a security checker for the
undergoing practices. It obstructs the flow of threats towards and from the system
(Niranjanamurthy, Kavyashree, Jagannath and Chahar, 2013).
Lower TCO: Due to flexible work culture and less physical association with employees,
the company is benefitted from providing facilities to the employees. This further leads to
low cost of ownership (Mellit, Kalogirou, Hontoria and Shaari, 2009).
Streamline Maintenance: The maintenance of the business system becomes organized
on implementing remote intelligence. The concerned employee or authority becomes
responsible for the maintenance and update of the structure (De Menezes and Kelliher,
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Improve Productivity: The management of remote intelligence facilitates the proper
functioning of the technology of the organization, which further helps the company in
providing products and services to the growing number of customers. Overall, it
potentially contributes to the improvement of productivity of the business organization
(Mellit, Kalogirou, Hontoria and Shaari, 2009).
Disadvantages of Using Remote Intelligence
In contrary to the aforementioned advantages, remote intelligence also possesses some
disadvantages along with, which are presented below:
Lack of Routine: Strict regulations of remote intelligence greatly impact the routine life
of employees. Due to no regulations and influence of the employer, freelancers feel
independent and sloppy. Even more, due to lack of work culture, motivation to work
efficiently also lacks (Brasche and Harrington, 2012).
No Workplace Social Life: Though remote intelligence facilitates the virtual contact
between the employee, employer, and client, still, the sense of occupancy and relativity
with the workplace and colleagues is mislaid. This makes the remote worker feel isolated
and deprived of workplace social life (Grant, Wallace and Spurgeon, 2013).
Work/Life Balance Challenge: Remote working feels fascinating because the person
feels prepared to give more quality time to family and personal life. However, without a
clear separation between the workplace and living space, it becomes difficult for a worker
to diversely allocate time for personal and professional activities (Brasche and
Harrington, 2012).

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Distractions: Continuously surrounded by personal and family members makes it
difficult for the remote worker to efficiently perform his job. Without engagement in
motivational official activities, the remote worker has numerous ways of unproductive
and time-consuming practices. For instance, watching television, kids at home, useless
websites, social media and personal emails (Grant, Wallace and Spurgeon, 2013).
Dependency on Technology: The virtual contact between an employee, employer, and
client due to remote intelligence is a profound result of technology only. As different
people work in different remote locations at different times in remote intelligence, the
implication of technology plays a crucial role in the overall execution of the operational
practices (Brasche and Harrington, 2012).
The rationale of Using Remote Intelligence in an Organization
In addition to this, incorporation of remote intelligence practices is highly significant for
the overall and sustainable development of an organization. Rationales of using remote
intelligence in an organization are conversed beneath:
Availability of Information at the Tips of the Executive: Regular scrutiny due to
remote intelligence keeps a record of all the data and operational practices. This
empowers the executive with the information at the fingertips. Furthermore, it also
facilitates the decision-making process of the executives as the availability of correct
information helps in taking right decisions in the timely manner (Koehne, Shih, and
Olson, 2012).
The Break-Fix Mentality no Longer Works: Apart from regular services, the
customers expect some additional facilities from the company. Therefore, remote
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intelligence functions to facilitate the customer with better service experiences, which
will further assist the company in gaining competitive edge (Bonnardot and Rainis,
Association with the Service Calls Increases: Due to rising in remote intelligence
association, the company enhances its engagement with more service calls. A number of
people working in flexible culture increase the volume of service requests for the
company (Koehne, Shih, and Olson, 2012).
Rise in Revenue Opportunities: The varying contribution of different remote worker
facilitates the company with customer data, which is invaluable in all aspects. It helps the
company in gaining potential insight into the customer behavior, market conditions and
profitable business opportunities. Thus, the revenue opportunities for the company also
rise (Bonnardot and Rainis, 2009).
Ethics of Using Remote Intelligence
As evident from the aforementioned discussions that trajectories of remote intelligence
plays an imperative role in the overall and sustainable development of the organization.
Therefore, it becomes indispensable to promote the ethical relativity of remote intelligence.
Some crucial ethical practices related to remote intelligence are discussed below:
Constant Communication: In order to sustain the successful implementation of remote
intelligence, the organization should maintain customary communication with its remote
workers. If possible, then visual communication techniques such as video conferencing
should be used (Mulki, Bardhi, Lassk and Nanavaty-Dahl, 2009).
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Encourage Collaboration: Collaboration practices with Dropbox, Google drive, etc.
should be encouraged in the working process. Relying upon traditional methods of mail
sharing could create a problem in tracking the latest update made in the task (Swisher,
Establish Aim and Objectives: In order to bring transparency to the work culture, the
organization should clearly discuss the proposed aims and objectives of the company.
Furthermore, expectations from the employee should be clearly presented to make the
employee feel responsible for his job in organizational development (Mulki, Bardhi,
Lassk and Nanavaty-Dahl, 2009).
Monitor Employee’s Work: The ethical consideration of remote intelligence also
presents that a regular supervision of the employee’s work should be done. It potentially
helps the organization in evaluating the worth outcome of the ongoing processes
(Swisher, 2013).
Enhance Involvement of Employees as a Team: Considerable involvement of
employees as a family flourishes the sense of belongingness and relativity among the
employees towards the employees. Hence, it heightens the overall efficiency and
productivity of the employee (Mulki, Bardhi, Lassk and Nanavaty-Dahl, 2009).
Rising Remote Intelligence as a Threat to the Sustainability of Work Forces in Developed
Western Countries
Between the era of 1990 to 2014, the market of US experienced a drastic decline in the
participation of male labor force. This was mainly accounted due to the outsourcing of
production and manufacturing jobs and incorporation of technological advancements to the
operational practices of the organization. Such implications rendered the job-opportunities and

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cost-effectiveness of the employment. With the passage of time, technological development has
made a massive movement, which further strained the white-collar jobs as well. There is no
denying the fact that progressive advancements in science and technology of industries at similar
rate will present a scenario soon where robots will occupy lucrative jobs of the society. The rise
of machinery and mechanism is gradually boosting the power of mankind, but also, degrading
the potential aspects of employment and work-culture from the society (Dolea, Stormont, and
Braichet, 2010).
In the earlier times, technological advancements were never considered as a threat to
presumed jobs of the society. However, the rise of artificial intelligence and remote intelligence
risked the regular jobs of workers. For instance, in the year 2000, 5500-floor traders were
employed by the New York Stock Exchange, which is now reduced to less than 400 only due to
the implications of remote intelligence and artificial intelligence. Even, the high-skilled
employees also endured their jobs to machines of professional services. Overall, the rise of
remote intelligence is a precarious threat to the western workers as it will eventually replace the
droning and traditional work practices (Buykx, Humphreys, Wakerman and Pashen, 2010).
Leadership Style and Skills Required to Sustainable Management of Remote Intelligence
In order to justify the associations of remote intelligence within an organization, it
becomes necessary for the leader to adopt some practical tactics. Therefore, leadership style and
skills required for the sustainable management of the remote intelligence are discussed below:
The leader or the management is recommended to avail time for all the employees and
workers. Making small time for the people helps in boosting morale support, which
furthers facilitates the sense of relativity and efficiency of the worker (Turing, 2009).
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In order to manage the sustainable development of remote intelligence, the leader is also
suggested to use sources of visual contact such as video conferencing (Munga, Songstad,
Blystad and Mæstad, 2009).
The management is also advised to encourage the involvement in longer one on ones with
the employee. Also, the scheduled one on one should never be canceled. It helps in
maintaining employment relationship and operation engagement within the organization
(Turing, 2009).
A majority of communication between remote worker and administration is through
technology, it is recommended that creative, innovative and animated emoticons and gifs
should be used to express emotions. Moreover, in non-verbal communication, words
alone cannot justify the conveyance of feeling about something (Munga, Songstad,
Blystad and Mæstad, 2009).
In order to manage the sustainable development of remote intelligence, the leaders and
managers are commanded to emphasize the future of remote workers as well. The
company should not only target the exploitation of employees but also, validate actions
for their goals and aspirations (Turing, 2009).
Considering the facts, arguments, and discussions presented above, it can be concluded
that the practice of remote intelligence is a collaborative result of various factors such as poor
country’s labor, rich country’s flourished market, technological advancements and rise in
machinery and mechanisms. In the simple context, it can be inferred that the practice of remote
intelligence facilitates the migration of poor country’s labor to rich country’s market in search of
better job opportunities. Therefore, this report study is undertaken to discuss all the relevant
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attributes of remote intelligence. The formulation of this study has also presented a crucial
discussion over the rise of remote intelligence and telecommuting along with the advantages of
remote intelligence such as limit downtime, enhance security, lower TCO, streamline
maintenance and improve productivity.
In contradiction to this, the following study has also analyzed the disadvantages of
implementing remote intelligence such as lack of routine, no workplace social life, work/life
balance challenges, distractions and dependency on technology. Furthermore, the presented
arguments of the report also surrounded the rationale of implementing remote intelligence and its
ethical implementation. Overall, it can be concluded that the following research is an
enlightening piece of research information on remote intelligence as it has also proposed some
potential recommendations for the management skills and leadership style required for the
sustainable management of the remote workers within an organization. Thus, the objectives and
aim of this projected report are vitally justified by the arguments and facts presented above.

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