
Advancement of Renewable Sources of Energy: A Research Study


Added on  2023-06-03

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Prof. Curran/Dr. Saunders, 2013, project template v2
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Executive Summary
The paper mainly reflects on the advancement of renewable sources of energy. It is found that in
order to remove the problem of energy deficiency, it is quite necessary to opt some other
alternative sources of energy so that the demands of energy can be fulfilled. The main aim of the
paper is to showcase the advancement of renewable sources of energy and how they are helpful
in fulfilling the energy demands. It is identified that in order to conduct the research, a number of
journal articles are reviewed and from there proper examples of advancement in the renewable
energy field are collected. In addition to this, it is found that both qualitative, as well as
quantitative data collection method, is utilized in order to analyze the importee of advancement in
the renewable energy field. Moreover, the paper provides a proper schedule that reflects the time
that is required for finishing the research.
1. Introduction
. The energy need of the world is anticipated to grow in the coming 30 years. As per the
international energy agency, the need of the world’s energy will be 60% higher as of now. It is
found that two-thirds of the rise in the energy mainly occurs within the developing countries.
Even at present, there are deficiency in the supply of energy in many countries. However, it is
found that sharp increment in the energy of the world will generally necessities significant
investments for enhancing the growing need and for generating capacities as well as for building
new types of grid infrastructure (Kammen and Sunter 2016). However, the deficiency of the
energy will not come to end, if people will not opt for some other alternative sources of energy.
In order to resolve the issues related to security of supply, environmental concerns as well as
stable energy prices, it is very much essential to enhance the deployment of renewable sources of
energy. The main of the paper is to reflect on the advances of renewable sources of energy for
researching how the renewable source of energy is helpful in meeting the energy demands of the
people by not causing any environmental issues.
In this report, a number of journal articles will be reviewed in order to reflect on the
advances of the renewable sources of energy. It is found that in order to collect data and
information both primary as well as secondary data analysis are done so that proper information
related to the advancement of renewable sources of energy can be achieved. In addition to this,
the paper provides a proper experimental set up as well as the results and outcomes of the
research that is undertaken on the advancement of renewable sources of energy.
2. State-of-the-art/Literature Review
Presently, the demand of the non-renewable energy is enhancing continuously and for
meeting the needs and requirements of energy fossil fuels are being utilized. However, the
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Prof. Curran/Dr. Saunders, 2013, project template v2
instability of their cost as well as the fact that they cannot be renewed easily, people are searching
for alternatives sources of energy (Ellabban, Abu-Rub and Blaabjerg 2014). In such sense, the
renewable sources of energy are considered the best. In order to utilize renewable sources of
energy for meeting energy needs as well as demands, various types of advancement are done.
According to Chen et al. (2014), solar cells based on the semiconductors compound were
mainly investigated during the year 1960s. However, at the same time, it is found that thin film of
solar cells as well as polycrystalline are generally developed in order to give proper production
capacity at minimized consumption of material as well as input of energy in the procedure of
fabrication as well as structure of modules with the help of the deposition procedure (Lund 2014).
The solar cell that was developed will be helpful in generating electricity by using the sunlight
and thus will be helpful in meeting the needs as well as the energy requirements of the people.
On the other hand, it is found that one firm pioneering advances within to renewable sources of
energy generally occurs in Kenya (Ghaffour et al. 2015). This is generally possible due to the
support as well as internalization and now Iberdrola is one of the largest European companies
within the stock market capitalism for supplying energy to 120 m people. Its core business is
quite helpful in resolving the need for electrical power as well a gas with a properly combined
capacity of around 45000MW. It is found that the, as well as pioneering involvement to the
renewable sources of energy development, helps in providing clean sources of energy by meeting
the energy requirements of the people.
It is stated by Mwasilu et al. (2014) that in the recent years, the scope of the renewable
sources of energy generally as gone beyond the solar power in order to encompass a myriad of
subtopics. It is found that for reflecting the diversity, 23 innovative projects in 16EU member
states are generally awarded. The projects that were awarded mainly includes areas including
advanced fuels, concentrated power of solar energy, geothermal energy as well as ocean energy
as well as distributed renewable energy management (Woo et al. 2015). It is found that with 50%
of the funds that are generally coming for the largest funding programs of the world in context to
CCS demonstration are considered to be innovative renewable energy-related technologies.
According to Walwyn and Brent (2015), NER300 program generally acts as one of the
vehicles in order to demonstrate environmental related safe capture off carbon for storing
renewable sources of energies at a various pre-commercial scale. It is found that by devising a
proper as well as appropriate way of creating the renewable sources of energy, the European
Union generally hopes to cut the emission of the greenhouse gases and for becoming very much
less dependent on the imported sources of energy (Urmee and Md 2016). Moreover, it generally
helps in boosting the technological innovation, renewable industry, as well as the employment of
Europe, will generally be helpful in spurring further growth in his sectors or industries.
It is stated by Petinrin and Shaaban (2015) that northern Finland, a project that is helpful
in converting the biofuel into liquid was undertaken. It is found that biodiesel, as well as
bionaphta, will generally be produced by using the Baltic salt area in order to sell to a market of
diesel plan which is usually expected to use 950,000 tons per year. It is found this innovative
project will generally need pretreatment of biomass as well as gas to liquid conversion. On the
other hand, it is opined by Liu et al. (2015) that another project which is known as the Sedan
bioenergy Pyrogrot will generally be using residues of the forest as feedstock which generally is
helpful in producing160,000 tons of pyrolysis oil.
It is stated by Halder et al. (2015) that technical development of the wind generation has
generally been driven by the government. The support of the government has been increasing in
order to do some advancement within the windmills so that some energy need can be fulfilled
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Prof. Curran/Dr. Saunders, 2013, project template v2
with the help of the wind energy. In the year 2014, GS E &C together signed a contract with
Alstom for the installation of the wind turbine. It is found that they place 312 turbines that
generally have the capacity of 534 MW. According to Bisoyi and Das (2015), 11% of the entire
energy is generally provided by renewable sources of energy including wind power. Moreover,
the utilization of wind power will be expected to grow by accumulating various types of
advanced experiences as well as technologies with the help of proper technology acquisition as
well as penetration within the overseas market.
According to Ferdous et al. (2016), the western sea is mainly considered as one of the
best places for the tidal power. The total resources that are endowed are generally estimated to be
around 6.55 MW with 0.5GW. The total power that is generated with the help of western sea is
used as a renewable source of energy in order to meet the energy requirements of the people and
for keeping the environment safe and secure. Moreover, with the annual generation of about 552
GWh of tidal power, is helpful in providing power to the city with a population of around
500,000 (Al-Hamamre et al. 2017). As per one of the reports that is unreally released in the year
2013, the technology level of the tidal power will generally play one of the significant roles in the
early market of an ocean.
On the other hand, it is opined by (Ramli and Twaha 2015) that presently hydropower
generally helps in producing 20% of the total power needs of the world and is considered as one
of the significant sources of the renewable sources of energy. It is found that hydropower
generally constitutes around 50% of the supply of electricity within 63 countries all over the
world (Petinrin and Shaaban 2015). Thus, the world is moving towards alternative sources of
energy like hydropower in order to meet their energy demands. For example, the world’s largest
hydro plant which is in Brazil have a capacity of around 12,600 MW for generating electricity
and for lighting the houses through an alternative source of energy. It is found that advancement
within the hydroelectricity power is mainly seen in different countries including Africa. It is
found that Africa is looking in the direction of developing hydroelectric power projects in order
to meet the energy requirements.
3. Research Question, Aim/Objectives and Sub-goals
The research questions are listed below:
1. How the advancement of renewable sources of energy is helpful?
2. Does the utilization of renewable sources of energy is decreasing the utilization of a non-
renewable source of energy?
3. What are the problems that are resolved with the advancement in a renewable source of
The aim of the research is to focus on the advancement of the renewable sources of energy in
order to determine how the renewable source of energy are helpful in meeting the energy
demands by not creating any environmental problems.
The objectives of the project are listed below:
1. To reflect on the advancement of renewable sources of energy
2. To examine whether the use of renewable sources of energy helps in minimizing the
utilization of non-renewable sources of energy
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