
Evolution of Film Industry


Added on  2020-06-04

7 Pages1908 Words64 Views
Evolution of Film Industry_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................1How has the notion of ideology been used in critical discussions of films?...............................1How has it changed over the years?............................................................................................3CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................4REFERENCE...................................................................................................................................5
Evolution of Film Industry_2

INTRODUCTIONFilm and theatres are a kind of storyline or any event which is recorded by cinemaincluding the set of moving image which is either shown in cinema, TV or any online sources aswell. In all the times from the beginning of this it was noted that there is set of ideology statingideas and thinking of particular group or individual that is been portrayed into visual sense. So inthis current report we would be including about how has this notion of ideology which is beenused in critically discussing films. This would also be including that what are the changes whichare made over the past years. This essay would be covering the ideology and how films exploredifferent sets of message with the reference of All That Heaven Allows by Douglas Sirk (1955).MAIN BODYIdeology could be included as the ideas of individual or group of society which would bebased on their thoughts and views stating the relationship of on self with the others into society.As films would be made so that they could showcase the correct and both side of society whichis positive and negative underlining in true sense of entertainment (Vighi, 2012). This would bedefining the world view of society or that of country over certain period so that others who arehaving no knowledge about topic could know basic of that. Films are from the starting of theirera is been portraying their linkage with that of society or one particular group within it like thatof issues related to women, or lower and middle class society. Both the sides which include thepositive and negative must be included within any film only then the audience could be able toget clear insight of this problem. The pre and post World War era has given the films of allcountry and that of every language its own touch and new purpose which is including various setand notion of ideology with films.How has the notion of ideology been used in critical discussions of films?Films are always presenting certain type of behaviour to the audience who are thenadopting that behaviour either positive or negative depending upon the characters of that filmsand the way they are portraying it (Vaughan, 2014). So it is always argued by audience who arecritically watching that particular film in order that they need to show or depict the realitywhether it is cruel or good. But this is the responsibility of that film-maker that he or she isshowing not what the viewers would be wanting from them but they should be showing theactual reality of particular class of society. As there are chances that person who is watching that1
Evolution of Film Industry_3

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