
Share-A-Meal Business Plan


Added on  2020-03-16

5 Pages822 Words41 Views
1.0 IntroductionOur team comprised of five members who were responsible for gathering and analyzingdifferent segments of the Knowledge Management report. The team faced several ups and downsbut it was a good attempt to understand the business context in real life challenges. We wouldlike to work for Share-A-Meal by 2025 due to socioeconomic reasons. This report helps inlooking into the external environment of Singapore through PESTEL analysis that can becontrolled by contextualizing the venture Share-A-Meal. It is analyzed that Singapore is asuccessful business hub with higher cost of living. There is competitiveness in the country thatgives a boost to all kinds of businesses. By 2025, Singapore shall be reliable on high endtechnology and highly skilled employees shall be able to serve the jobs. It is analyzed that ourcompany, SAM shall reduce food wastage in Singapore which is a necessary step for social andeconomic development of the nation. This project helped me in understanding the value of foodand money which would otherwise be only treated as a low-level discussion. This paper helpedme in understanding the impact of food wastage and designing the idea of reduced food wastagewith the help of advanced information technology. This report helped me determine thechallenges that could arise in the uncontrollable or external environment, so that I can transformthe threats into opportunities. By analyzing our personal strengths and weaknesses, the suitableroles in the organization such as CEO, CFO and others could also be identified.5.0 ConclusionThis report helped in understanding that Singapore is a safe country with a stableeconomy. The study found that Singapore has high job opportunities that make the economiccondition better. It is found that Singapore invites foreign investor and businesses due to the
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strong stability and environment. There are declining birth rates and education is consideredhighly important. Singapore shall have a higher cost of living by 2025 that would increasecompetitiveness in education and workforce. With the advancement in technology, the jobs shallrequire greater skills and prepare people for an even rapid growth. The company, Share-A-Mealshall strive to meet the needs for consumer in the future by helping organizations and individualto reduce food wastages in Singapore. It shall be based on e-commerce and link the organizationby playing the role of a middleman. The report suggests that the target market includes privatecompanies, non-profit organizations and individuals that are willing to contribute to the societyand also helping to reduce food wastage in Singapore. Certain recommendations such as 3Dprinted meal, double-loop learning and others are provided. Lastly, the report suggests thatRenuka could be the Chief Executive Officer, Bella as Chief Finance Officer, Hazima as ChiefOperation Officer, Yuen Teng as Chief Marketing Officer, and Azli as Chief Research andDesign Officer. These positions are suggested based on the personal strengths and weaknesses ofthe team members.
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