
Logistics and Supply Chain Management


Added on  2020-05-28

13 Pages2896 Words137 Views
Running head: LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT Logistics ManagementName of the Student:Name of the University:Author Note:
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1LOGISTICS MANAGEMENTExecutive Summary:The report gives an overview of the logistics management of Qube, Australia. There is adiscussion on the challenges faced by the current logistics operation in Australia. The report alsodiscusses about the various strategies adopted for resolving the issues related to logisticsmanagement. The role of the government in resolving the issue is discussed in the report. Therole of the government described with special focus on the impact of logistics on sustainability.
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2LOGISTICS MANAGEMENTTable of ContentsIntroduction......................................................................................................................................3The Main Problems with the Current Logistics Network in Australia............................................4Urban Challenges:........................................................................................................................4Regional Challenges....................................................................................................................5Demographical Challenges..........................................................................................................5Environmental Challenges...........................................................................................................5Legislative Challenges.................................................................................................................6Technological Challenges............................................................................................................6Other Challenges..........................................................................................................................6Logistics Management Strategies for Resolving Issues..................................................................7Role of Australian Government in Resolving the Problems...........................................................9Conclusion.....................................................................................................................................10References......................................................................................................................................11
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3LOGISTICS MANAGEMENTIntroductionThe report gives an overview of logistics management of Qube, Australia. Qube Logisticsis the most progressive and largest integrated provider of port logistics of Australia(Qube.com.au 2018). The company ensures operation of service that covers rail and roadtransport, distribution and warehousing, container parks and intermodal hubs that includedinternational forwarding of freight and rail terminals. Qube Logistics ensured combining theintegrated solution for meeting the individual needs of the client. Thus, the report here describesthe challenges faced by the logistics environment in Australia. There is also discussion onvarious strategies applied for resolving the issues of logistics management. The report alsofocuses on the role of the government in resolving the problem. The report discusses about thechallenges of the domestic as well as the international logistics of Australia. The isolation andremoteness of Australia from the rest of the countries ensures additional challenges. TheAustralian logistic network is filled with challenges and this remains the primary focus of thediscussion. The Main Problems with the Current Logistics Network in AustraliaLogistics refers to the function that is responsible for the material flow from suppliers tothe organization through the operations within organization and then to the customers. A logisticchallenge refers to an obstacle or difficulty faced by functions and processes of logistics(Guarnieri et al. 2014). The increasing pressure of limiting the negative impacts on environmentcan act as a global challenge for logistics while the impact of the Weatherly changes on theairport considered as a local challenge to logistics. Companies across Australia face challenges inlogistic network on a day to day to basis and Qube being one of them is no different. Challenges
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